RFSB Ch6 - Chasing After My Husband 2 - Chrysanthemum Garden

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 lazyreader [Translator]6-7 minutes

Note: This is the 6th chapter, the author has named both the 5th and 6th chapters the same.

  Q4qn E


Chu Yuan politely brushed away the hand on his shoulder and said, “My family has been strict on me lately. I have to study hard as my brother said that he will cut off my pocket money if I don’t get into the top 500 on the midterm exam.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“How can your brother do that?” Zhou Li frowned, “He is too much.”

“That’s right, he’s just trying to screw you on purpose.” 7u 2ko

“You have to go and tell your father! Tell him that your brother’s bullying you!”

His former friends were trying to goad him in unison.

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In his last life, Chu Yuan was urged by them to provoke Chu Han many times in school. Chu Han always put up with him because of his love for him, but gradually he became very disappointed, and their relationship became frozen and distant. It wasn’t until Chu Han died, and Chu Yuan found his diary while sorting out his belongings that he realized that his brother actually loved him very much.

“What are you all talking about?” Chu Yuan said indifferently, “My brother does all of it for my sake. You guys go ahead, I’ll leave first.”


Amidst the astonished gazes of the others, he ran out of the classroom with his school bag on his back.

He wanted to follow Tang Ze Chi.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Kjcu If Jtl jmmfifgjafv tlr qjmf ktfc tf cbalmfv tlw, jcv kjixfv delmxis atgbeut atf mgbkv bo qfbqif, mtjculcu vlgfmalbcr jr tf kfca.

Jte Tejc tjvc’a fnfc obiibkfv tlw obg j rtbga ktlif yfobgf tf ibra tlw, yea la vlvc’a wjaafg, yfmjerf tf xcfk ktfgf Kjcu If Jtl ilnfv. wTS5tV

Tang Ze Chi lived five kilometers away from school in an urban village, where the security was poor, but the rent was very cheap. After school, Tang Ze Chi usually goes home to take a shower and change his clothes, grab something to eat, and then he’ll go to the bar.

Chu Yuan took a taxi and went straight to Tang Ze Chi’s place.

Tang Ze Chi walked in the noisy urban alley, crossing a mahjong room, barbecue stalls and beauty salons, which were focusing on pulling in customers one after another. As always, the place was chaotic and dangerous.

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Suddenly, a person who looked out of place appeared. It was no one but Chu Yuan. Xym3up

Chu Yuan was sitting on a broken bench in front of his house, and when he saw him coming, he stood up immediately and nervously greeted him.

“Tang Ze Chi, good evening.” Just a moment ago, Chu Yuan talked to his uncle about finding Tang Ze Chi a good part-time job at a bookstore. He came to talk to him about this.

“What are you doing here?”

Tang Ze Chi grabbed Chu Yuan and pulled him towards the entrance of the alley, “It’s chaotic here at night and it’s too dangerous for you to be here. I’ll take you back. No matter what, we can talk about it at school tomorrow.” 8pBKGL

“No, I have to say it now.” Chu Yuan stopped in his tracks. This matter cannot be delayed any longer. Tang Ze Chi can’t go to those dangerous part-time jobs anymore!

“Speak then”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Tang Ze Chi turned around and stared at him coldly in the dark.

His opponent was a head taller than him, with a terrifying and oppressive aura. 98Q4i5

Chu Yuan said under great pressure, “I found you a part-time job in a bookstore… the wage is quite a lot… and it’s enough for you to go to school… so stop working in those messy places and work at the bookstore… okay?”

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“Finished talking?”


“Go back home when you’re done.” fLO4co

Tang Zechi completely ignored his words.

“You haven’t answered me yet…” Chu Yuan felt sad and hastily said, “If you’re not satisfied, I’ll find another job for you…”

“There’s no need. Chu Yuan, you really don’t have to go to such lengths for Zou Kai. First learn to love yourself. If you don’t love yourself, how will others love you?”

“It has nothing to do with Zou Kai,” Chu Yuan grabbed his hand while shaking his head desperately, “I’m telling the truth, please believe me this once, okay…” HoiY1k

But Tang Ze Chi, who was worried more about Chu Yuan being in this dangerous place at that time, said, “Stop talking. Go home. It’s too late, your parents will worry about you.”

It seems that no matter what he says or does, Tang Ze Chi will not believe a word of it.

Chu Yuan’s heart gradually sank.

He wanted to cry, but he didn’t. He knew that now was not the time to be weak. vIuhiP

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If he was weak right now, it might turn into a sharp knife in the future, stabbing the man he loves the most.

He yelled with a sob, “I’m not going home!”

He couldn’t hold back after all.



Tang Ze Chi: You should love yourself baby

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Me: Really? Coz I could say the same thing to you ah~~

It’s just me ranting?? Please feel free to skip  JHv9pl

I feel bad about not replying to all your comments, I really enjoy reading them (I read them time after time to gain some much needed energy lol) but replying to all the comments would completely drain me out  Trying to reply to a single comment will take me ages as I would be thinking, writing, deleting, then writing something to read it again and again AND again, only to delete it, and the whole process starts yet again  And after commenting I won’t be able to sleep at night, wondering whether I was rude or if I could have worded things better and will be worrying about it  So please know that even when I don’t reply to your comments, I read through them and they make me really happy~ Sorry for the long rant, and hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a good day everyone ^^

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