Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 259: 259

Qi Zhenbai already had a guess in his mind. I'm afraid it's because he drinks LingMi cooked by his daughter-in-law every day recently. These days, Qi Zhenbai obviously feels that the LingMi is good for people's health. It's no wonder that grandma Zhou ate for a month and came back to life.

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Qi Zhenbai pretended to be surprised and said, "what aura?"

Zhang Zhenren breathed a sigh of relief. Even though Qi Shao was surrounded by purple Qi and his fate was pressing, he was still a mortal. How could he know anything about aura?

I'm afraid this Qi Shao has no intention of getting any chance. He is really a favorite of heaven. Zhenzhen Zhang doesn't think much about it. Although he envies him, he doesn't insist on it.

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Qi family saw the world in a wide range, and guessed the spirit aura. At that time, Zhang also did not hang his appetite. He explained: "this spirit is the gift of heaven, the essence of heaven and earth, the essence of all things. In ancient times, flowers, grass and wood reached thousands of years ago, and there was Reiki, or the talents of training. It is very good for people's health. If you are nurtured by this aura for a long time, you will live longer if you are light, but if you are heavy, you will come back from the dead! But the world is so pure that there is very little aura without magazines. I think Qi Shao himself is a lucky man, and he will certainly survive the disaster when he is 30 years old! "

After hearing this, Mr. Qi was very excited. He didn't wonder what kind of aura Zhenbai was. After all, it was too ethereal for him as a mortal. As long as the child's body was ok, it would be.

You should know that this grandson's body has always been a heart disease of his life. When he was a child, the child was born with a purple aura. He knew that the child was extraordinary. However, later, the child suffered from serious illness and minor illness. Later, he asked someone to tell the fortune for Zhenbai, but he was told by the master that the child's life in troubled times was the emperor's destiny. Unfortunately, he was born in modern times, and his life style was too heavy, even in Qi's family A hundred years of aristocratic family could not hold down his fate. I'm afraid he died early.

Later, when the child had a cold attack, he had to admit that what the Heavenly Master said was true and had been worried about the child's early death.

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So he was very happy to hear that Zhenbai was getting better.

Zhang Zhenren also gave a new prescription, and asked the old man of Qi family to gather up the prescription, and then he would take the bath for Zhenbai.

Mr. Qi was relieved and personally sent Zhang Zhenren out.

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Qi Zhenbai accompanied Zhang Zhenbai when he sent him out. Li Sangyu's eyes had not been moved from Qi Zhenbai.

Qi Zhenbai has no expression.

The master of Qi's family is not surprised by his grandson's peach blossom. To tell the truth, if he didn't know that his grandson had already had a target, he wanted Zhenbai to consider Zhenbai's Apprentice. Of course, he didn't look at the apprentice of Zhenzhen Zhang or worry about other interests. He felt that if Zhenbai had such a relationship with Zhenbai's disciple, the other party would certainly try his best to deal with Zhenbai's illness 。

However, since Sun Tzu has a partner, the Qi family's father doesn't want to force the child. In his opinion, after all, it's the two people who have lived together for a lifetime, and Sun Tzu likes it the most.

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After the delivery, the old man of Qi family didn't forget to speak for Qi Hao: "Zhenbai, Haozi, don't worry about that child any more. Today, the child specially carried back half a bag of rice. But the rice is delicious

Qi Zhenbai naturally agreed with the old man of Qi's family. He had already started. After all, the boy was his cousin. What else could he do: "I know, grandfather! But, grandfather, that rice is a good thing. You can eat more on your own every day. Don't give it away! "

Mr. Qi didn't care at that time. When he returned to his study, he accidentally saw the test report of rice. Somehow, he thought of what Zhang Zhenzhen had said for Zhenbai and what he had said before Zhenbai left. Mr. Qi had a vague guess in his heart. His face suddenly changed and he yelled at the outside: "where is the boy of Zhenbai? And Qi Hao, let him roll in for me first , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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