On this day, Zhang Fangyuan drove his carriage to the city to sell meat again, and Xu He also went to the city to buy some corn seeds. The corn seeds left over from last year were a bit damaged, so he had to go to the city to buy some. Zhang Fangyuan could be regarded as waiting for the opportunity for Xu He went to the city, and happily called people to go with him.

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    There was pork at the back of the cart, and Zhang Fangyuan and Xu He sat side by side in the front. When they met villagers who wanted a ride, Zhang Fangyuan wouldn’t take it even if they gave him money. Normally, he would take them along. Today, Xu He went to the city. Here, he was the only one sitting in his own cart.

    "Did the family give you the money to buy the seeds?"


    "That's good." Zhang Fangyuan drove the horse and said, "Then we will go to the city later, and I will take you to see my stall, from now on you will know the way, and you can go there to find me directly in the city."

    Xu He didn’t refuse.

    "I don't have much meat left, and it can be sold out today. You stay in the city for a while, and I'll take you to a restaurant in the city for lunch."

    Xu He hurriedly said, "What are you doing with this money! The restaurants are so expensive."

    Zhang Fangyuan smiled and showed his eight big white teeth: "You're going to take care of me before you get married?"

    Xu He's ears warmed up: "Who's going to take care of you?"

    "You have to take care of me, you have to take care of me. Zhang Fangyuan touched the back of Xu He's hand with his hand, flattering him and said, "I'll take care of you."

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    Xu He didn't answer his words.

    Zhang Fangyuan took a deep breath, opened his hands and exhaled, he said: "It's a bit cold in spring, the wind blowing in the morning is strangely cold, and my hands are a little stiff."

    Xu He raised his eyes and glanced at the person, and drooped slightly again, not to mention that the weather in March was no longer cold, and today was sunny again, so it was not so cold: "I will wear two more when I go to the city."

    Zhang Fangyuan's jaw dropped a little, and he frowned, apparently dissatisfied with Xu He's answer.

    He twisted and turned, feeling that gentle tactics were not suitable for dealing with Xu He, so he simply said shamelessly, "You hold elder brother’s hand."

    Xu He rolled his eyes, but he still spoke the truth and didn't respond to his request, the man couldn't be pampered: "Drive the car well."


    "I can drive the car with one hand, and Xiao Hei is very stable. Isn’t the other hand free?"

   "When we get to the city, I'll take you around, okay?"

   "There is a jewelry shop opposite the meat market. Shall I take you to buy hair tie again?"

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    No matter how much Zhang Fangyuan coaxed around Xu He, he didn't move like a mountain, his eyes were just like a mountain. Looking ahead, he didn't listen to his coaxing, and said after a while: "You used to coax other girls like this?"

    Zhang Fangyuan's pupils dilated, and the movement of pulling the rein obviously became much more clumsy "I've never coaxed anyone before!"

    Xu He gave him a sideways glance with a half-smile, making Zhang Fangyuan felt hairy all over.

    "I'm serious!"

    "It's almost there."

    Xu He looked ahead again, and he could already see the city gate.

    Zhang Fangyuan wanted to argue for a while, but Xu He said directly, "I'm too lazy to listen to your nonsense."

    Zhang Fangyuan had no choice but to shut up, and drove the carriage all the way to the meat market.

    Today, a little later than usual, there were more horses and bullocks in the city, and the entry into the city was much slower, and you had to stop for a while after walking for a while.

    When they arrived at the meat market, it was already bustling inside. It was the first time for Xu He to come to the meat market. Their family seldom bought fresh meat to eat. Most of the meat they ate could only be eaten by slaughtering pigs at the end of the year. The meat that they ate on weekdays were all bacon, and even if they ate fresh meat once, it was not his turn to eat it.

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    He looked around and followed Zhang Fangyuan, like a child who hadn't seen much of the world.

    Seeing that Zhang Fangyuan was about to move the meat to the stall, he was about to help, but Zhang Fangyuan threw most of the pork directly onto his shoulder, and carried it away by himself.

    Xu He pursed his lips, this butcher!

    "Hey! Butcher Zhang bring his younger brother here today?"

    Zhang Fangyuan had worked in the meat market for almost two months, and he was a familiar face. Zhang Fangyuan, who usually came to the stall alone, led a little ge’er, so they greeted him.

    "No." Zhang Fangyuan put the pork on the chopping board, and looked back at Xu He: "This is my husband."

    "Oh~ It's the first time I see you bring your husband out."


    Xu He was captured by Zhang Fangyuan and his blushing ears turned red, but his heart warmed because of his undisguised recognition. He knew that his appearance wouldn’t be able to get on the stage, but Zhang Fangyuan seemed to have never thought about it, on the contrary, he felt that he was honoring him by following him.

    He didn't listen to the conversation between the two of them anymore, and went to Zhang Fangyuan's stall to help to sort out the tools and cutting boards, and wiped the stall with a handkerchief.

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    "I'm going to buy seeds first."

    Zhang Fangyuan wiped his knife and said, "Go."


At the end, he was afraid that people would run away, so he put down the knife and grabbed Xu He's wrist: "Come back here after buying, let's go back together. "

    Xu He nodded.

    The people at the stalls around looked at the two people's cooperation very tacitly, and thought that the two had been married for a long time. The woman's eyes showed some envy. Zhang Fangyuan was not very good at outsiders, but he seemed to be quite good with his wife. .

    "The relationship between you two is really good." The butcher at the side saw Xu He leave, and said to Zhang Fangyuan with a smile.

    Zhang Fangyuan was very happy with others praised him like this, so he said cheekily, "That's true."

    During the spring plowing period, every grain store in the city opened a lot of shops, one was to facilitate the farmer to go to the owner's house to get the seeds, and the other was to sell the seeds. The city was very lively, and there were villagers from nearby villages who came to sell wild vegetables, such as spring buds, prickly buds, tender wormwood, bracken, and spring bamboo shoots.


There were all kinds of stalls on both sides of the street. There were a lot of spring vegetables, and there were many people who came to buy and inquire, and the morning market was really lively.

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