"Brother, add two copper coins for one bottle, I'm not from this place, so I'm not as good as elder brother's powers here, add two more copper coins so I can save enough money to go back and marry a wife sooner.”

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    Zhang Fangyuan pondered for a moment, as if he was in a dilemma: “Okay, I’m not the one who can bargain with others.”

         The man's hanging heart fell, he rejoiced and left all the things to Zhang Fangyuan: "Brother, seven hundred and twenty copper coins."


    Zhang Fangyuan took each of them next to each other and smelled them one by one. After checking that there were no messy things in it, he counted the money and gave it to the man.

    "Thank you big brother, thank you big brother. I wish big brother's business is booming and making a lot of money." After saying that, the man took a piece of watermelon and took his burden: "Brother, we are destined to meet again."


    Zhang Fangyuan didn't care about a piece of watermelon, thinking who would want to meet with you again.

    Zhang Fangyuan was in a good mood, he put all the fragrance bottles into a box, turned around and said to Zhang Shiyue who was busy in the kitchen: "Second aunt, I'll go back first, if my fulang doesn't bump into me when he comes back, you can tell him "

    Zhang Shiyue only knew that someone came and bought watermelon, and didn't know what the two of them were talking about outside, so she replied: "Okay."

    Zhang Fangyuan took the things back and stored them carefully. He was going to tell Xu He after he make a big profit. After all, this business was not like what he did before. If he told him now, when the time comes, it won’t bring more joy.

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    But he ran into a problem again, what should he say about the more than 600 copper coins that he spent? More than 600 copper coins, his scalp felt numb.

    Someone borrowed it, it was obviously impossible, no one in the village thought that their family was rich now. If he borrowed some money from relative, more likely they would think that He ge’er abused him.

    Forget it, let's sell face.


    [卖 脸 Sell ​​face: Looking for people, regardless of ridicule. ]

    " He ge’er, come, let me tell you something."


     Not long after Xu He returned to the tea shed from home, Zhang Fangyuan came back. He had just talked to Zhang Shiyue when he was pulled aside.

    "What did you do at home?"

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    "I just took a bath, it's hot."

    "Then why didn't you take a bath here, so you could save a trip."

    Zhang Fangyuan said: "There are guests here, isn’t it inappropriate for me to occupy the hut? "

    Xu He thought about it, and then remembered: "

"By the way, what are you going to tell me? The house is fine, but my mother let us go back and have a meal together."


    Zhang Fangyuan nodded: "That's good. "If Liu Xianglan wanted to make trouble again, he was not afraid to make another trip.

    After talking about the Xu family's affairs in detail, Zhang Fangyuan felt happy for a while, his mother in law was really interesting, if she wasn’t Xu He's mother, life wouldn’t be so annoying.

    After talking for a while, thinking of his own affairs, he looked around, and when he saw there was no one, he whispered: "Then...can you give me some money."

    "Ah?" Xu He hesitated for a moment: "What do you want to buy?"

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    "I don't want to buy anything, I just want to have more money on me, as a man, so I can save face."


    Zhang Fangyuan rubbed his hands, and gave a reason that he thought was pretty good: "It's your cousin, he just laughed at me for having no money. I used to be extravagant, but now I'm frugal, so he laughed at me."

    "What's so funny about this? Isn’t all of my cousin's money be handed over to Hua ge’er?" Xu He looked at the person in front of him, not knowing what he was up to, thinking that he hadn't been to the city much, and it may be inconvenient for him to spend in the city alone.

    "Then do you think it takes a lot of money to save face?"


    "You have to be able to spend as much money as you want."

    After all, he used to be the big brother who shouted and was held by many people, Zhang Fangyuan said: "One tael of silver is the best."


    "Are you sure you won't lose your head with so much money?" The gap between a hundred copper coins and one tael of silver, that was a thousand copper coins was too big.

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    He didn't particularly want to agree, but he looked at Zhang Fangyuan like a pitiful dog wagging his tail, he couldn't help but sigh slightly: "Okay, okay."

    "Didn't you say that all the meat is sold today? Save 2,000 copper coins to buy pig, and keep the rest for yourself."

        Zhang Fangyuan frowned, this time he sold pork and he got more than 3,000 copper coins, and there was still some money left after 2,000 copper coins to buy pig, which was much better than he expected.

    His fulang was so generous!

    Zhang Fangyuan tilted his head and kissed the corner of Xu He's mouth: "That's great, I will listen to you in everything from now on!"

    "You really..."

    Xu He blushed, the two never had such an intimate action outside, and he couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. 


    But it was really still the saying that money could make ghosts turn the millstone, see it could make people happy.

    Two days later, Zhang Fangyuan hurriedly went to Yunliang Pavilion again.

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