Zhang Fangyuan greeted the customers who bought meat unhurriedly, and then looked at the young man who came.

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    "Who told you to come here?"

    The boy looked at Zhang Fangyuan's sharp gaze, didn’t dare to lie: "It's Jiu Niang , I want to find Brother Zhang and buy a bottle of fragrance dew."

    Hearing this was the result, Zhang Fangyuan couldn't help frowning. He thought it would be someone else looking for a purchase, so that he would be able to bid. After all, he underestimated the fighting spirit of these women, and when they got something good, they wouldn’t tell others where it came from so easily. This made his business not so easy to do.

    He said: "That's something she can afford."


    The young man quickly said: "Jiu Niang said the price is easy to negotiate, she just hope Brother Zhang doesn't make it difficult."

    "Five thousand." Zhang Fangyuan said confidently: "She wants me to give her a favor too."


     The young man didn't say much, but immediately took out five taels of silver, very straightforward.

    The young man was straightforward, after all, he wasn't the one who really gave the money, he just took care of the errands.

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    Zhang Fangyuan took the money and immediately took a bottle of fragrance dew and gave it to the young man. With a smile on his lips, he made a small profit of 4,980 copper coins.

    He had seen the level of spending of these women in the flower houses. Some people spent a lot of money on them, and they naturally could spend a lot of money. The common people spend a lot of money, and they spend hundreds of dollars and thousands of dollars.

    The flower houses was originally a rotten golden nest. These flower houses people didn't spend much when they went out for a leisurely stroll on weekdays, the money in hand was mostly used for silk, gold and silver jewelry, spices and cosmetics.

    However, not everyone had such a big hand. There were rich and poor in the village, high and low, and the flower houses were also divided into levels. It seemed that only the top girls who could  make some men gave generous shots, while those who were at the bottom or old and depraved, it was also necessary for them to live a tight life.

    But for someone like Jiu Niang , Zhang Fangyuan narrowed his eyes slightly when he looked at the young man who ran back to work, and he should slaughter him casually.

    Don't blame him for being a lion, the young man went back and handed the fragrance dew to Jiu Niang , and reported the account.


    Jiu Niang was obsessed and looking at the rose water happily. Before she could be happy in the future, she couldn't help scolding someone when she heard the price: " How could this Fangyuan steal the money like this!"

   The young man scratched his head: "The young one didn't dare to bargain with Brother Zhang, he had to give as much as he said, for fear of messing things up for the girl.”

    "Forget it, someone must return the old lady's money." Jiu  Niang  waved the young man back, looking at the crude fragrance dew bottle that was very ordinary or even poor-quality ceramic, she could 't help but felt disgusted, and it made people thouht that the fragrance dew was also a cheap product. She turned around and poured the fragrance dew into a small glass bottle, and immediately the fragrance dew was shining brightly in the glass bottle, which looked quite valuable.

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      She raised the corners of her lips, and turned to go to Miss Wan Xia's room at the other end of Yunliang Pavilion.

    "Good sister, this is really a good thing."

    "My things are not bad, and it’s only for my sister, otherwise I really don't want to take them out, my sister should save some effort, this fragrance dew is really hard to come by."

    "Good sister, I will listen to your arrangement." Wan Xia said rather kindly: "I don't know how much this fragrance dew is worth, and I can't take my sister’s kindness for nothing."

    Jiu Niang  sneered in her heart, you just want to take my thing for nothing, she said: "The price is not that high, it's just my sister's daily cash for a piece of satin, so I'll give it for you for ten taels of silver. The friendship between our two sisters doesn't need to be seen by outsiders."

    Wanxia twitched the corners of her mouth indistinctly, Why don't you grab it!

    But she really liked this fragrance dew, even though it was a bit more expensive, it was still not to the point where she couldn't afford it, so she gave the money generously.


    Jiu Niang was full of smiles, earning 5,000 copper coins with tearful blood.

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    With the huakui top card used this fragrant dew, the market soon opened up, and within a few days, Jiu Niang's people approached Zhang Fangyuan again.


    "My pork is not sold as quickly as your girl's fragrance dew. Is it because you like to burn so much money that you poured it all out to take a bath?"

     The young man said: "Who dares to talk about the girl's matter, maybe this fragrance dew is too good, so she used it more frequently."

      Zhang Fangyuan stared straight at the young man, making his heart shudder, but before the young man could ask for forgiveness, he told the price first: "The things are good, and the prices have increased. This time it costs 8,000 copper coins."

    "Ah!" The young man exclaimed: "This, this..."

    "Do you want it or not?"


     The young man scratched his head, "I'm just afraid that the price rise so fast, the girl will think I'm cheating on her."

     "Well, you can go back and ask her to buy it or not. Anyway, that is the price for today. Just ask her first."

      Just to be on the safe side, the young man decided to go back and ask the higher-up what she meant, otherwise if he was asked to pay money, that would be a big loss.

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         In the afternoon, he had a leisurely meal, then he dozed off on the recliner with his feet up while waiting for someone to come back later. And the he saw that  the young man really came back.


    "Brother Zhang, the girl would like to invite you to have a drink."

    Zhang Fangyuan took off the big cattail fan covering his face, squinted at the young man, he snorted lightly. He asked the stall manager to keep an eye on his stall and then he followed the young man went to Yunliang Pavilion.

    In the afternoon, the building was packed and ready to open for business. The early guests had already heard the play in the middle hall, and the backyard was also full of noisy sounds. Yunliang Pavilion served food and wine for their guests.


     In the afternoon, the street at the back door of the building was full of fragrance. Many hawkers who sold things would gather here, thinking that the people in the building could take away the leftover vegetables from the sale.

    The cooks in the building sometimes bought it, after all, at this time, the hawkers were eager to sell their things, and when they sold it outside the city, and the price was very low.

    Zhang Fangyuan was used to enter through the back door. When he passed by, the alley was as lively as the main entrance, many women were looking out at the street to attract customers.

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