"Even if it's a dozen or so rooms, the money should be enough. When the time comes to buy bricks and tiles at the kiln, the workers will be hired in the village, and the wood will be bought in the village. The cost will be much lower."

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    "There is nothing left. When the children grow up a bit, we will have to send them to study, which will cost a lot of money. If they get older, they will have to marry a wife and have children, which will cost even more money."

    Xu He frowned slightly: "It's only a little big, and it's too long-term to think about it."


" Parents have far-reaching plans for their beloved sons."

Xu He was very happy to hear Zhang Fangyuan's plan. What he meant was to send the children to study and learn the etiquette, rather than pointing out that the children would grow up and do a lot of works, so he felt that the children had a hope, but: "You just want your son to marry a wife and have children. What if it’s a little ge’er or a girl?"

"They have to get married, and we have to prepare more dowry, so that they can hold their head up in their husband's house." Zhang Fangyuan said: "And the girl and ge’er have to be taken care of carefully, it’s not like raising a son at will."

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    Xu He chuckled: "Then you mean you want to leave the money for house repairs to the children for future use?"

Since he learned that he had a child, Zhang Fangyuan spent day and night thinking about the future, perhaps many men in the world had the joy of becoming a father for the first time, but the surprise in his heart was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

In the past, the population in the house was thin, and he died alone, and now he was especially concerned about these things when he came back.

    "After thinking about it, although I want to build a house, but we can still live in this house, so let's be more stable. We will use the money to start a business and earn more money. Then we will have enough money to repair the house and we still have surplus on hand. In the future, our children won’t live a hard life in the village.”

    Xu He was moved in his heart: “I’ll listen to you, but do you have an idea?”

    Zhang Fangyuan said: “I’m going to bring Chen Si to teach him for a while, and when the time comes I will let him guard the stall in the city, so I can spare my time to do other things.”


“Of course, even if it’s kindness, it’s not for free.”

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He didn't pay Chen Si wages during the period of learning the craft. After he taught him everything, the stall was transferred to Chen Si, and he had to withdraw 30% of the profit from the stall every month.

    Although he seemed to be making money for nothing, he had paved the way ahead, and he didn't want to lose money.

    After hearing his arrangement, Xu He nodded, "That's fine."

    After talking with his fulang, Zhang Fangyuan went to Chen's house.

    Chen Si was very happy to hear what he said: "Okay, it's all done!"

    Zhang Fangyuan said: "Don't promise so readily, you still have to think about it carefully and talk to your family."

    Chen Si sighed, he asked Zhang Fangyuan to go out of the house, saying that they were going outside for a walk, but in fact it was inconvenient to talk at home.

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    "If it’s not really difficult, I won't beg you like this. Knowing that He ge’er is pregnant, you must be busy with many things." Chen Si put his hands on his back and kept his brows tightly together: "Before my sister in law made a fuss about wanting to separate my brother from the family. The sister in law's family is good, and they have been subsidizing my sister in law. It’s reasonable for her to want to separate."


    "The family is in a downturn this year. My brother got married a few months before me, and later was my turn to marry. All the money in the family was exhausted. My parents persuaded my sister in law to wait for the autumn harvest to return some blood and pay the taxes, it would be easy to arrange for the family to be separated at that time, but how could there was another heavy rain."

    " Seeing that life is difficult at home, my sister in law is arguing again. Without doing daily works, she only knows how to bully Lin ge’er. My ge’er is also become depressed, to be honest, I also want to separate, but the family has no money, I also don’t have any money, and I have no place to live after the family is separated.”

    Zhang Fangyuan also knew that the Chen family was not in harmony, and any number of brothers and sisters would make trouble.


Mrs. Chen had a soft temper. She was not someone who would bully and make things difficult for her daughter-in-law, but she was unlucky enough to beg a fierce daughter-in-law to come to her house, and the family was in turmoil.

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    He and Xu He lived at home these days, and at night they often heard noises in the courtyard of the Chen family, loud noises could be heard from his house. Chen Si’s fulang ran out crying several times, and the couple wandered outside for a long time before going home.

    "If I have a work to do, at least I can quickly build an adobe house, just like your tea shed. No need to talk about anything else, at least Lin ge’er won't be so sad."

    Chen Si knew that the reason his sister-in-law could take advantage and bully Lin Ge'er was because he didn't earn much money. Apart from his tough nature, his family had to have money in their pockets to be able to stand up straight.

    After learning the craft with Zhang Fangyuan, he could earn some money no matter what.


    "It's good for you to think so." It was a good thing to find a way out for the family, let alone to let his fulang have a good life, so it was more responsible.

    Zhang Fangyuan wanted to help him, to put it bluntly, both of them were the same, worked hard for their own families. He patted Chen Si on the shoulder: "Tomorrow morning, you will go to Zaojiao Village with me to slaughter pigs, and we will go straight to the city after that."

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