Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang Chapter 68 Part 3

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Mother Fei's face darkened.

    "Mother! How could you be like this! You clearly know..." Fei Lian shook his sleeves angrily: "Return the money!"


Originally at this time many people had tendency to borrow money, but this year farming they met misfortune, each and every family was struggling to live. Even after she ran around, her relatives might only be able to lend her a thousand copper coins, and after her son was selected as a scholar, she often bragged in front of her relatives. If she continued to borrow money from them, even if they were willing to lend it to her, she would definitely become a joke.

    She had a strong temper, how could she be willing.

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    "Son, the bank collects interest every day. Let's pay back the money first and then we can talk about it later, the family is having a hard time these days."

    Fei Lian felt pain and remorse in his heart.

    In the past, a scholar from a poor family like him was unknown in the academy and was ignored by others. After being selected as a scholar, he was suddenly sought after, how could he withstand such sugarcoating artillery shell for a while. He didn't know how to hold himself to be strong in front of the scholars from wealthy families in the city, so he followed people around to open his eyes, but he was too embarrassed about how to return the hospitality and invitation, so he thought about returning the invitation, and he borrowed money from the bank without knowing it.

    It was not much, he borrowed 3,000 copper coins from the bank. He woke up in time and came back to inform his family. Knowing that he couldn’t calm down and study hard in the academy, he was ready to find something to do to pay back the money and support the family.

    Back then, he had evil thoughts, he thought about how to make He ge’er regret for not choosing him. It was absurd for a while, and it caused disaster. Now his family had to go to the Zhang family to borrow money. Xu Shaochun didn't tell him the reason she used to borrow money from the Zhang family, but once you said to borrow money, wasn't it to let people know the plight of the family?.


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    He felt like ants were crawling in his heart.

    Xu Shaochun didn't understand why, but she felt that her husband took his face too seriously. Back then, she was a person who valued face very much, but after married to this family, what kind of face she had?, she said: “We have borrowed the money, on the contrary, if we return the money now it will make people suspicious and we will become a joke”

    Fei’s mother also responded: “Yes, Lian’er, we have borrowed the money, no matter what excuses are used when we borrow the money, people will still think about it. Mother has already gone to talk to the village chief about the school, the village chief is very happy, soon he will call people to build the school, and then everyone in the village will have to respect our family. "


Fei Lian shook his head, sighed, turned and went back to the house.

    The news that the Fei family wanted to open a school in the village quickly spread. The busy farming season was over, and the young and strong members of the family were still idle. The village chief called for everyone to go to the mountain to cut down trees and come back to build a school for the village. With many people working quickly, the foundation was laid in one day.

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    There were many families with children in the village, and all of them were considering to send their children to the village school. It would be great if their children could learn how to read and write. They didn't need to be admitted as a scholar like Fei Lian, as long as when they left the house to wander around in the future, they wouldn't bring shame upon themselves, and they could also write letters to their families.

    Everyone was planning to send their younger sons who couldn't work to study. They went to Fei's house several times to inquire about the situation and asked how much the master would charge for studying. When they heard that it would cost two hundred copper coins for half a year, many enthusiastic villagers were a little bit discouraged, but they still somewhat determined to brace themselves to prepare the shuxiu.

[束脩 shù xiū: payment for private tutor]

    Zhang Shicheng thought that there was only one little ge’er in the family, and he didn't expect his little ge’er to do so much work at home. Anyway, the village school was not like the academies in the city that only accepted men, so he prepared money to send Xiaomao to study. 


Xu He thought about Xiao'e who lived in their house, the families with girl in the village would send their children to study, so he sent Xiao'e to study with Xiaomao as her company.

    Zhang Shiyue was very happy that her daughter was going to study, she planned to save money a little more by herself and used some of the wages from Xu He to pay Xiao'e's shuxiu. 

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In the end, she took a lot of trouble for nothing. The Fei family came to borrow money from them and they still had a little conscience. Knowing that Zhang Shiyue and her daughter lived in Zhang Fangyuan's house, Fei's mother decided not to charge the little girl's shuxiu. Considering it as if it was their gratitude and it was also a good thing for Fei Lian’s reputation.

    Zhang Fangyuan and Xu He didn’t refuse either.

    At the end of autumn, the school in the village officially started. The Fei family recruited about twenty students. The children of different ages and heights gathered together. The village had been built for many years, and today was the first time there was the sound of children reading.

    The Fei family received a lot of tuition fees and got a lot of shuxiu, and the money in the family was abundant. Under Fei Lian's repeated urging, Xu Shaochun went to Zhang's house to pay back the money.

    Xu He leaned on the rocking chair at home, he protected his stomach while muttering: "We also have a school in our village."

    Zhang Fangyuan came back from carpenter He's house, and he looked at his fulang who was basking in the late autumn sunshine. He smiled and said, "It's time to open the shop in the city."

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