It was awkward for Fei Lian to be alone in the room, he could only  drink his tea while Zhang Fangyuan kept talking to Xu He about their matter.

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    Fortunately, it was at this time, and it was time for lunch. A large bowl of fish was brought to the table, and the steam of the dish soon scented the room.

    Zhang Fangyuan helped Xu He to sit down, and everyone at the table sat down to eat with their own thoughts. Zhang Fangyuan was too lazy to care what other people thought, in short, he just ate the good food when he saw it.

    The fishbones of grass field fish were thick and not easy to get stuck in the throat. The fish meat had a sweet taste like spring water, which was very suitable for big mouthfuls.

    Zhang Fangyuan picked a fish head for Xu He to eat.

    "He Ge'er's child is going to be born in two months, and later you should send the child to Fei Xiucai to start enlightenment."

    Seeing his mother-in-law mentioning him, Fei Lian put down his chopsticks: "Yes, if it's a son, it's good to let the child read and recognize some characters."

    Zhang Fangyuan said: "Let's talk later, the child is still young, and it's still too early for him to study."

    "Hey, the earlier a child goes to school, the better. Although not every child has the talent for reading, the child can also help Butcher Zhang to do business after he can read and write." Fei Lian continued: "If you give me the child and let me take care of him, I will definitely teach him carefully and let him pass the examination for tongsheng and walk into the official career. In this way, he doesn't have to work hard in farming or doing business."

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    Xu He felt a little uncomfortable hearing these words, and Zhang Fangyuan took advantage of the time to pick up vegetables for him: "What I'm talking about is that Fei Xiucai is very knowledgeable and can teach many good students. In the future, I think the children can inherit their father's career and walk into the official careers. The color blue is made out of indigo but is more vivid than indigo."
[青出于蓝而胜于蓝 qīng chū yú lán ér shèng yú lán: lit. the color blue is made out of indigo but is more vivid than indigo (idiom); fig. the student surpasses the master]

"By the way, although not every couple can have a child right after they get married, but let's have a child as soon as possible and educate your child yourself."

    Fei Lian's face turned ugly when he heard the words.

    Liu Xianglan quickly smoothed things over: "Eat the dishes, eat all the dishes, or they will be bad if they become cold."

    The days passed quickly, especially when you were busy, and there was a new round of spring plowing.

    This year the Zhang family decided to open two more plots of land to grow vegetables. These vegetables would be used for the tea shed and after taking care of a few plots of land at home, Zhang Fangyuan refused to let Xu He go back to his natal family to help in the spring plowing.

    Seeing that the land was getting greener day by day, and the house was being perfected day by day, Zhang Fangyuan doesn't feel at ease in his heart, on the contrary, he felt anxious everyday.

    Xu He's due date was coming soon, he was afraid that something would happen to his fulang under his nose, so he hired a midwife early on just in case.

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    This day he took the goods to the tea shed and was going to take a look at the shop in the city. He only went there on the day the shop opened for business after the New Year, and after that helet the shop assistant guard the shop.

    This time he went to check the account book, it was time to restock the goods, and after the arrangement was settled, he could stay at home and wait  for the child to be born before going back to run the business.

    "Second aunt, I'm going to the city. He ge'er is at home alone. Please go back and look after him for me. There is no business in the tea shed today."

    He Shi said: "Good, second sister, go back, I can take care of this place by myself."

    Zhang Shiyue nodded: "Then I'll go back right away, just in time to go back and take care of the vegetable seedlings."

    Zhang Fangyuan was relieved after hearing his answer, he got on the horse, but before he kick the horse's belly so it could move, suddenly someone came from afar on the official road while shouting: "Butcher Zhang, your fulang is about to give birth!"

    The few people were startled, and ran out of the tea shed in a hurry. They saw a villager who was driving a cow cart on the official road.

    "He was fine when I came out!"

    The villager said: " He ge'er drove the ducks to the river, suddenly he felt uncomfortable on the way, and his mother called two people to send him home. I'm here to send you the news, hurry back and have a look!"

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    Zhang Fangyuan felt that he was on fire, in a hurry he swung his whip on the horse's buttocks and was about to rush back.

    It was He Shi who hurriedly called him: "It's useless if you rush home at this moment, you Might as well go to invite Qin Fulang from Zaojiao Village, he is the best midwife in ten miles and eight villages."

    There was not enough time for Zhang Fangyuan to respond, so he pulled his horse and rushed away.

    "Let's go, let's go back and have a look." Zhang Shiyue and He Shi closed the tea shed and went back with the villager's cart.

    It was common for people in the village to give birth, which was almost nothing out of ordinary. When other families heard about this, they only thought that they would have another full moon wine, and only their closest relatives were in chaos.

    This year's giving birth risk was also extremely high. It was like crossed the gates of hell. Zhang Fangyuan was worried about Xu He, so he hurriedly went to Zaojiao Village to invite people, and hurriedly rode his horse back.

    The dirt road in the village was trampled by horseshoes, and the villagers who were digging the ground wanted to see the excitement.

    When Zhang Fangyuan rushed to the house, there was a lot of people rushing in and out of the room, and many people were gathered in the yard. He raised his foot and was about to rush into the room, but was grabbed by Liu Xianglan: "There is someone giving birth in the room and men can't go in!"

    "I only want to go in and have a look at him."

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    "It's okay, he is giving birth, and all the hot water has been brought in. I also have invited the midwife from the village." Liu Xianglan turned her head and saw the midwife fulang from the neighboring village, and she hurried to greet him: "It's good if Qin Fulang can come here!"

    Qin Fulang sat on the horse for the first time, and Zhang Fangyuan drove the horse so fast that he was covered in cold sweat. With a groan, he hastily pulled out the veil and wiped his sweat and then followed Liu Xianglan in.

    Zhang Fangyuan followed for a few steps, but failed to go in, and he was chased out by his second aunt.

    He had never seen any family gave birth before, and he felt very confused. When he thought that Xu He was suffering over there, he wished he could go to the window to see what was going on inside.

    After a while, he saw his fourth aunt coming out with a basin, and he hurried forward to ask.

    "It's not so fast to give birth a baby, don't worry, this baby seems a bit bigger, and it's not easy to be born ." 

    " He Ge'er always managed his health properly when he was pregnant, and he didn't eat and drink indiscriminately, how could he raise the child became so big." Zhang Fangyuan grabbed He Shi's arm: "Then, should I go to the city to invite a doctor?"

    As soon as the words fell, there was a cry of a baby in the room. Both of them were taken aback for a moment. After a while Zhang Fangyuan realized what happened, he threw away the handkerchief in his hand: "It's born!?"

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