The village chief sighed: "It's a pity that there is no ready-made melons and fruits in our village, otherwise we won't be at a disadvantage."

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    Zhang Fangyuan refused to comment when he heard the words. It might be assumed that the people from the government came to talk to him in a hurry, and it was the old man from Tangjia village who stimulated him.

    The village chief was getting old, so he had to do things in a hurry. At noon, he talked to Zhang Fangyuan about the matter, and in the afternoon, he called the villagers for a meeting in the village's thatched cottage. Only then did the cries of complaint about paying taxes fill the roads, and this time, the pot exploded again.

[怨声载道 yuàn shēng zài dào: cries of complaint fill the roads (idiom); complaints rise all around; discontent is openly voiced]

    "The harvest of our crops was not good. How can there be more land to raise fish, mulberry and silkworms?"

    The villagers in the thatched cottage directly spoke their opinions: "It's not like we haven't raised silkworms before, but there is no market, it's not easy to sell at all.”

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    "It's good to say, to open up new land to do it, but even though you have so much energy, the few acres of land at home can't be managed well."

     The villagers were swearing while talking, and the people above couldn't understand what each person said, and the whole hall was noisy.

    The village chief had long been familiar with this kind of situation. Because whenever the village announced something, or the county government arranged something, everyone had to make noises. After waiting for people to make noises for a long time and then stopped because their mouths were dry. Only then did the village chief slap the pillar with a two fingers wide and thick bamboo stick, and the sound of crackling made everyone quiet.

   You can only make noises and make noises when I just said something. All of you can only cry scramble on the ground when it's the time for paying taxes, you keep complain about your hard life. With all these efforts, you are still unwilling to do more to find some way out and fill your pockets. This morning I tried to find a way for everyone, but you only know how to make noises, and when you encounter a little difficulty, you keep shouting and refuse to work. You deserve to be poor for a lifetime and unable to pay taxes."

  The villagers were scolded and their faces became green and blue, and they dared not speak immediately.

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    Zhang Fangyuan and Xu He listened to their conversation in the crowd for a while. They looked at each other and then Zhang Fangyuan pulled Xu He out.

    Xu He tilted his head in confusion: "Why don't you listen anymore?"

   "It's not like you don't know that these people are difficult to deal with. Only the village chief can restrain them. Look, these people could be stopped after the village chief said a few words. We are just watching the excitement here and can't get in the way, or we will be caught by the villagers for questioning. " He thought it was better not to disturb the village chief's performance here: "Let's just go back and wait for the result."

   The village chief's voice sounded again in the thatched cottage: "Look for yourselves, how good Zhang Fangyuan's family is now. They are all from the same village. Can't you see what they were like before? Because they were willing to work. Selling vegetables, selling pork, opening a tea shed... If they are lazy and afraid of trouble, can they make it today? "

    Xu He heard that the village chief was using their family as a reference, and immediately felt that Zhang Fangyuan was very clever. They really had to leave, because if they were still there, the villagers would have to stare at their husband and wife.

    "Village chief, that Zhang Fangyuan already has a craftsmanship to kill pig, so he could set up a stall to sell pork."

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    "Is that person knows how to kill pigs from birth? Isn't it because he studied hard and worked hard to learn the craftsmanship from an old butcher." The village chief scolded: "Chen Si didn't know how to kill pigs before, but he was willing to endure hardships and follow Zhang Fangyuan, didn’t he go to your house to kill pigs at the end of last year?”

    "Open your mouth and say that the heaven doesn't give you a way to live, and now there is a way but you still dislike it because you think it's difficult. Can't you see how hot the two villages next to us are this year? There are only two or three families in Hongshi Village who can't pay taxes this year, and now look at our village. "

    The villagers were scolded and poured dogs blood by the village chief that they dared not speak again.

[狗血淋头 gǒu xuè lín tóu: to pour dogs blood on (idiom) to curse or berate sb]

   "The old man really thinks that everyone is good, as long as you are willing to work, or you can only be poor people and you have to borrow money everywhere because you can't pay taxes. In our village, there are people who leave their village to sell goods, and also those who work hard to sell wood from the forest, these jobs are hard and tiring, but for those who have done this, you can see yourself if they can pay the taxes or not."

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    The village chief said: "This is the end of our meeting about this matter. If you want to do it, you can do it. If you don’t want to do it, I can’t force you. Since you come to the meeting today, later you can go home and discuss this matter with your family. If you are willing to plant mulberry trees and raise silkworms, then you can plant some mulberry trees; if you are willing to open fish ponds to raise fish, you can do it; if you want to grow more vegetables, then you can open up a new field. You are not allowed to do everything, and you can come to my place to sign up for registration tomorrow after you discuss it with your family. "

    "Seven days time limit, don't come if you procrastinate for a long time. I have to sort out the report and go to the county government to approve the formalities. "

    The village chief was full of anger and he patted the bamboo stick in his hand again: "Is there any problem?"

    The villagers didn't say anything more.

    "Then go." Before leaving, the village chief said another sentence to encourage the villagers: "Zhang Fangyuan said that the first to sign up will be rewarded with a penny."

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