Rebirth of a Star General

Chapter 156: 156

On the canal, there was a great deal of noise, and ships collided with each other.

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The uto people, like wolves, surrounded the Jiyang army. There were many archers on board. The arrows flew like meteors, and the boats of Jiyang City Army were made into a sieve in the blink of an eye, and they could not continue to travel. Although the Jiyang army that fell into the water could swim, it could not exert its strength in the water. The uto also prepared many iron forks, which seemed to be the tools used by fishermen to spear fish, but the sharp and sharp point was forged. The canal water was quickly stained with blood.

A young Jiyang soldier dodged a sharp arrow from the uto boat and jumped into the water. Dozens of utos laughed and stabbed him with their iron forks. The uto man was very strong. The young man was only 16 or 17 years old. He could not escape. He was stabbed in the arm. Then, a series of iron forks stabbed him from all directions and pierced his body.

The fork was quickly withdrawn, leaving only a bloody hole in his chest. He struggled for two times, then sank, leaving only the surface of the blood flow, proving that he had been alive.

The Deputy looked back and called out to the young man in the middle of the scuffle: "governor, no, they are too many!"

There are too many people.

Two fists are hard to beat and four hands are outnumbered. This is not the city of Guo at that time, but the only fire attack that can be achieved by surprise is still lacking in an east wind.

"No, No Xiao Jue's sword was in his hand, and his eyes were sharp as a blade. He said coldly, "fight!"

Since he was the leader, he was always entangled in a scuffle. Although he was arrogant, he had heard of Xiao Jue's name. In the past, Xiqiang people were used as bait to attack Liangzhou Weili, but Xiao Jue's sudden return disrupted the plan. Maka clearly remembers that the leader of Xiqiang, ridamuzi, was so powerful and fierce that he finally died in the hands of Xiao Jue.

Maka wanted to win and win Jiyang City, but he didn't want to lose his life. Pushing back, he said in a loud voice to the uto soldiers on his side: "Your Majesty said, who took Xiao Huaijin's head is the greatest meritorious official in this war, and he will be knighted!"

"Warriors, kill him!"

The encouragement of war merit is always useful at this time. Hearing the words, the uto soldiers were boiling with blood, and all of a sudden they rushed to Xiao Jue.

This is what he Yan saw as he sailed close.

The young governor's cape made dark marks on the water, while his sword was as cold as ice, which made his handsome face like a jade faced Luocha, killing people in the twinkling of his fingers. People came up one after another, and there were corpses all around him, and the young man had no fatigue on his face, and he was as brave as ever.

"It won't work like this." He Yan frowned. There are too many uto people. Xiao Jue can be a ten, a hundred, a thousand? How about ten thousand? How about 100000? Of course, he could kill himself out of the siege, but as long as the uto did not go ashore, he would always stand in front of the people. The remaining Jiyang City Army was not enough to form a tacit understanding with him.

Chiwu and feinu are arranged by Xiao Jue to Cui Yue's end. He is alone and can only carry it.

He Yan thought for a moment and said to the others, "just as I just said, row the boat to the position on the map I drew. Stand by, and don't leave. Muyi, "she said to him," you take this boat and follow me. "

Having said that, he will just Chu Zhao to her, Mu Hongjin's robe on the body.

"You..." Mu Yi was stunned.

"I'll dress up as your royal highness in order to draw some people away." He Yan replied, "otherwise, the governor will not be able to hold on for so long. He will have to disperse the forces of the uto people in order to delay it for a longer time."

"Even if you pretend to be your highness," Mu Yi couldn't help but say, "how do you know that they will come after us?"

"You have to know," He Yan shook his head, "destroy its hard, seize its Kui, in order to understand its body. If a dragon fights in the wild, his way is poor. "

What's more, I think the uto people will think that they have more confidence in catching Xiao Huaijin and Mu Hongjin, who has no Kung Fu.

She looked up into the distance. It was midday now, the sun was just in the sky, and the heat had risen slightly, and there was no breeze.

Still no wind.

He Yan told the rest of the boats to go further. He and Mu Yi got on the boat alone and rowed in the direction of Xiao Jue, but he didn't row too close. He only circled anxiously, as if lost, where the uto warships around Xiao Jue could see.

"Where did that boat come from?" From a distance, Maka saw a small boat, at the other end of the warship led by Xiao Jue. The boat looked like the other ships of Jiyang City Army, with flags on it, but it was strange.

The ship was not near the end of their scuffle, but seemed to want to escape. deserter?

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Maka faintly felt strange, and ordered people to row a boat to check. The boat rowed a little farther. The sentinel who spied on the military situation came back and said, "general, the one sitting on the boat looks like the daughter of Mengji king. She should have abandoned the city and fled!"

The spirit of Maka was shocked: "Meng Ji Wang's daughter? Can you see it clearly? ""I don't know if there is a woman in the Royal robe and a man dressed as a bodyguard on board. I don't know if it's true."

Maka thought for a moment and then said, "up to now, the lady of Mengji has not shown her face. They said they were in the palace, but in order to stabilize the morale of the army. I think it is very likely that they intend to escape. Yes, she's just a woman. I'm afraid she's scared out of her wits

He laughed grimly: "so, catch her!"

"But..." "General, our ship is at war with Xiao Huaijin, so we can't capture Mu Hongjin."

After all, utuo is not a water city. The utuo soldiers are not as good as the Jiyang City Army. They come by water. They have long mountains and wide rivers. They use iron hooks to connect thousands of big ships. It is impossible to untie them now. If they go to chase Mu Hongjin, they must give up the fight with Xiao Jue.

"Fool!" Maka scolded, "if you catch the thief, catch the king first. What about Xiao Huaijin? Xiao Huaijin is not the master of Jiyang city. If he catches Mu Hongjin, the army of Jiyang city will be in chaos, and then we will win without fighting. "

There is a word he didn't say. Compared with Xiao Huaijin, Mu Hongjin is a woman who is easy to catch.

"After catching Mu Hongjin, I will knock on the gate of Jiyang city with her. Xiao Huaijin must surrender obediently, or I will kill this woman in front of the army of Jiyang city." Maka's smile, with cruel malice, "you guess, how Xiao Huaijin will choose?"

With Xiao Jue's cold-blooded and merciless jade face governor's name, the natural father and the Virgin mother can not care, what a mu Hongjin calculates, naturally won't surrender. Mu Hongjin is going to die anyway. Because Xiao Jue refuses to lay down his weapons, Jiyang City Army will naturally have a lot of resentment against him.

At that time, the whole life of internal strife, the morale of the army had been in disorder, and Jiyang city was just a scattered sand, and it would be sooner or later.

Turn the bow and follow me She said with a smile.

The uto soldiers on their sides did not continue to come up in waves. The ship in front of them turned around and sailed in another direction. The soldiers of Jiyang city stopped their movements and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Why did you stop fighting all of a sudden?"

At the moment, Xiao Jue's army has been training for nearly ten thousand years, but Xiao Jue's army has not been trained for five years.

If the uto take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, the situation will be even worse for the Jiyang City Army.

But it was at this critical juncture that they withdrew.

Xiao Jue looked at the direction of the utuo warship. On the vast river, there was a small boat with a flag on it. The boat had a little red on it. It was like a bright signal on the river, attracting people to chase.

"It was Wang Nu? " Murmured the soldier on his side.

"No, it's Heyan." Xiao Jue's eyes were dim. After a moment, he said, "keep up with them."


"They're catching up!" Mu Yi is a little nervous.

"Don't worry," He Yan said, "there are only two people on our ship. They are attacking people, not boats. You're good at water. You don't have to show up

"And you?" Wooden Yi Lengleng Leng looked at her.

"I give them a big gift." He Yan's smile is light.

She took out an iron ball from her arms. The iron ball was covered with barbs on all sides. It was extremely sharp. It looked like a giant claw of a beast. She drew out a long whip on her waist. There was a button on the iron ball, so she buckled it with a whip.


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He Yan suddenly put out his hand and threw his whip to one side of the reef. The iron ball did not enter the reef, but did not smash the reef. She quickly closed her hand, but saw five empty holes on the reef, which made people scared.

If it was aimed at people's heart and could take a large part out of a person's chest, Muyi couldn't help but fight a cold war. He knew that he Yan was not an ordinary girl. His strength was amazing, but he was still more and more shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

"Miss He, do you want to use this to fight against people?"

This weapon is a bit fierce, but it is not as flexible as the sword. One whip can only kill one person at a time. Before the second whip is thrown, the enemy pours on them. What's more, what if the whip is cut off?

"No," He Yan shook his head. "I'm dealing with a boat."

Wood Yi still want to ask again, see he Yan pushed him: "quick water!"

He subconsciously jumped into the water, hid behind the reef, and clenched the dagger in his hand. The sword is difficult to wield in the water, only the dagger is flexible and flattering, but it can't be compared with that on the shore.

The uto warship was taller and smoother than the boat in Jiyang city. From a distance, Heyan was like a lamb forced into a stranger by a giant beast.

"Your Highness," said Marca, standing in the bow of the boat, "go ahead and get caught. If you are wise, perhaps I can spare your life! "

He is sure to get Mu Hongjin. There is no one on the boat, and even the only bodyguard just now has disappeared. This is the bodyguard who left Mu Hongjin alone and fled?

Tut, Da Wei people, always so weak!

The red robed woman standing at the bow of the boat stood with her head down and said nothing. The distance between the two boats was getting closer and closer. Just as Maka was going to have her captured, the woman suddenly raised her head and jumped out of the boat.The boat was no higher than the ship, and she didn't want to jump on the uto, but jumped to the uto boat, her feet slanting over the uto boat, and she flashed like lightning.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang" -

she swept her steps very fast. With each step, the whip in her hand was thrown onto the boat.

The iron ball fell on the boat and was quickly taken away by the whip, leaving only five empty claw marks, and the water poured into it.

"What sound?"

"What is she doing? Get her

"Shoot the arrow! Shoot the arrow

The arrow, like black rain, fell from all directions, but the woman escaped easily. During the operation, the robe fell with the wind, revealing the black armor inside. And she fell in the wind, a foot on her own boat, standing in the bow, looking at the boat gradually tilted because of the water, lip smile ridicule.

"General Ben is illiterate and illiterate. He can't get hold of four words without knowing it." Her eyes fell on Marca's angry face, and her words were as arrogant as ever, "you know how to do it. Kneel down and kowtow to me. Maybe this general will spare your life."

Maka was stunned. For a long time, he said angrily, "are you not mu Hongjin?"

"How can you use your highness, your highness, to take care of you He Yan said with a smile, "Your Royal Highness, stay in the palace well. If you are like this, I can fight three."

"I think you're looking for death!" she said

But as soon as he finished this sentence, the boat under him sank. Just now, the whip in Heyan's hand was smashed one by one under the big ship, which made a row of holes. Now the river was pouring in, and the boat was already unstable. The uto soldiers swayed with the ship.

The ship is sinking.

"Go to the next boat!"

In the chaos, there was humanity: "no, the boats are all connected together. We have to cut off the hook!"

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In order to take the waterway convenience and will be the ship all the head and tail together, now it has become a trap for oneself. A large ship fell and sank, and all the boats were pulled, and neither could enter nor retreat.

"Cut the hook! Come on

The hook is heavy and solid, it can't be cut with one or two strokes. The uto soldiers covered Maka and went to another big ship first. The rest of them were taken by the sinking ship, and they were in a panic to cut the iron hook.

"Crash" a sound, the hook and break, cut the hook fell into the water, with the ship is everywhere loopholes slowly sink. Some of the uto soldiers who did not have time to escape also fell into the water. Not everyone could swim. For a while, the shouting and shouting on the water were mixed together, which was very chaotic.

Maka was furious and looked up at the culprit, but saw that the woman had already taken advantage of the chaos just now, shaking the boat to escape for a distance.

"Chase me!" "Get her, I'll skin her!" she cried

It's a shame to be teased by a woman in front of people. How can I be reconciled!

He Yan swayed the boat across the water, put out his hand to the wooden planation hiding behind the reef, and pulled him up: "come on quickly!"

Mu Yi turned over and got on the boat. Knowing that he couldn't delay at the moment, he immediately began to paddle. Just glancing at the residual light of He Yan, he was also surprised.

He knew that Heyan's strength was infinite. However, he capsized a boat, not a boat, by his own strength. It was really eye opening. Just then he Yan stepped on the boat, whipping the clouds and running water. Those uto people did not respond, they had already hit her way. Mu Yi's heart, admiration, but also a faint excitement, only to Heyan way: "Miss He, can we all as you just do, smash all their boats?"

"No way." He Yan answered quickly, "now it's so critical, where can we make iron tiger claws directly?"

"Then why do you Don't you do more? " As soon as he spoke, he felt that he had gone too far.

He Yan was not angry, only patiently explained, "it's useless to do more. They don't have my great strength. Even if they have great strength, they may not be able to hit the boat accurately."

Her skills have been developed in the past long campaign. Although weapons are important, what is more important is the people who use them.

"What's more, this method can only be used once. The uto people are ready for the archers, and they will shoot them before we get close. The whip just now is just for delaying a little time. The longer the time goes on, the greater our chances of winning. "

"It's been a long time. Will the wind really come?" Wood Yi looked at the sky, such a clear sky, but people's hearts full of haze, it is difficult to produce a half silk confidence.

"Master said that if there is wind, there must be wind." He Yan eyes firm, "if there is no wind, turn yourself into the east wind. In short, don't stop fighting." "Take the boat in the direction of ambush," she said


At the other end, the army of Jiyang City, who came after the uto warship, saw the scene just now. People are stunned. He Yan's skill of smashing a boat with a whip is hard to forget."Miss he That's great. " Someone murmured.

It's not flattering, but even if the most powerful one in Jiyang city comes, he can't do so. Strength and skill are the second, but they retreat under the command of so many uto soldiers. It is necessary to judge the time of each moment accurately. The arrows of the uto are as dense as rain, but not half of them shake her purpose.

When the boat was smashed, the uto people were in a hurry to cut the iron rings. They also drowned some uto people who could not water. They were pressed and beaten before, and their depression was slightly reduced. At the moment, Jiyang City Army felt happy.

Xiao Jue hang Mou, low voice way: "unexpectedly thought of a place." He turned and told the deputy, "take out the box."

Before boarding the ship, Xiao Jue had it carried up. It was very heavy. One opened the box, but he saw that the box was full of things like tiger claws at the end of the whip he had just made. It's just that there is no whip. It's a sharp weapon that can be put between the wrists.

"Twenty elite soldiers who used to swim in the water came out." Xiao Jue road.

Twenty elite soldiers who had been informed of the order in advance immediately came forward.

Xiao Jue looks at them, the voice is calm and indifferent: "take the iron claw, enter the water."

The ship in the distance is chasing the boat which he Yan is driving. There are only two oars in the boat. How can he compare with the big boat, he Yan will soon be overtaken by them.

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Twenty thousand to one hundred and fifty thousand is a very reluctant thing. He also knows that this battle is difficult to win, and the Heavenly God may not be beautiful. He should be well prepared for everything. This box of iron claws is his dark hand. However, unexpectedly, and he Yan thought of a place. It's just that she's bright and he's dark.

"Smash the boat." He said.


The sound of Qin is in sharp contrast to the sound of fighting on the river in the distance. Spring day and battlefield are two unrelated things.

The sun shines on the man in white, which makes his clothes more clean. It seems that he is still a young man in white at that time.

A drop of blood dropped on the string in front of him. The string seemed to move and made a very slight sound. It seems that the sound of Qing Yue's zither also becomes sad.

From the depths of the forest came the sound of shouting and shouting. More and more uto people crushed and trampled the flowers on the roadside. However, they couldn't go on, as if they were caught in an invisible way. It seems that the peaceful and pleasant spring scenery has become a killing weapon and ambush everywhere.

Liu buforget the blood on his lips is more and more, and the sound of the piano is more and more urgent.

There are too many people, and his array can't stop too many people. Now, it's just reluctantly. In the early years, when I was on the mountain, my old wound, which I had been studying so hard in the closed door, began to ache again. Liu did not forget that he could not support him for long.

But he still has to stop here. If you stop here one more moment, Cui Yuezhi's other side will be able to stick to it for another moment. If you kill one more uto here, Cui Yuezhi's men will have more time. People in Jiyang city will be more safe She's the same.

Peach blossom smile out of the fence, seems to open the most affectionate.

In his whole life, there was only one peach blossom that seemed to have not opened. He failed to watch the peach blossom bloom to the end. It was also good to take care of it more often.

"Zheng --" a sound, the hands of the string seems to be unable to bear, suddenly broken. The sound of the piano stopped suddenly, and Liu did not forget to spit out a mouthful of blood. The blood fell on the front of the piano, some splashed to the grass on the ground.

Like the peach blossom in March, beautiful and sentimental.

Without the sound of the piano, the sound of footsteps in the deep forest quickened and was close at hand. The formation was broken, and he stood up slowly.

"Who is that?"

"Who are you?"

"Why is there only one person? Is there an ambush? "

After breaking through the battle, the uto people broke in, but they were afraid of the ambush in the jungle just now. They also saw that Liu did not forget one person in front of him, for fear that there was still an ambush around him, and no one dared to step forward for a while.

The two sides were in a standoff for a moment, but in a moment, they laughed and said: "only one person, even if there is an ambush, there are not many left in Jiyang City Army. How many ambushes, how many we kill! What are you afraid of? "

In front of him, the man in white remained motionless. His clothes were as neat as a fairy. In those days, a head of green silk was tied up with white silk, leaving the dust cold. Now his hair is growing gradually. This is a reassuring figure like a tree, but it has never changed.

Always protect the people you want to protect.

A little breeze blowing, blowing his hair band slightly flutter, blowing his robe gently sway, blowing the man's eyes like water, ripples layer by layer. He was stunned at first, then his lips, slowly overflow a smile.

Here comes the life in the game of death.

The hope of Jiyang city has come.

The wind is coming.

Liu did not forget to slowly pull out his sword. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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