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"It isn't anything that you should be concerned about."

Not knowing how his words affected his wife, to Chen Liling it was as if he had slammed the door to his heart.

Holding within her pride which had times without end been tried by him. It took biting her inner cheek to settle the turbulence that was gathering inside of her.

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The sound of tray came from outside the room to signal the arrival of one of the kitchen servants. Holding off what she was about to say, Chen Liling waited for their tray to be served and the servant gone, before continuing from where she left off.

"Chen Yueming, I know you think you can shoulder everything by yourself, but I want you to be able to depend on me, it doesn't have to be every time, it could be once in a while."

The sect leader of the WuYangChen sect closed his eyes, as though to block out the things said by his wife. The one person that he would have wanted to do that with was no longer alive, try as he may, he could not move from the past. It has been a little over eleven years since then and it still felt like it all happened yesterday.

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Regret, sadness and pain marked the elegant looks of Chen Yueming. Seeing the way her husband was reacting to the words that she said made the mistress of the WuYangChen sect to start believing that her husband could indeed have loved someone or at least liked the person more than her.

"Lady Chen I am grateful that you could consider sharing the responsibilities that I have to bear, but I'm quite able to handle them by myself."

Chen Liling's hands shook by her lap, while she wore a bright smile on her face.

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"What did Sect Leader Li have to say about us paying him a visit at the YuanLi sect?"

To clear the air that laden with tension, Lady Chen brought up going to see the sect leader and his daughter. That seemed to work because a smile now appeared on the face of Chen Yueming while he reached to pour a cup of tea for himself and his wife.

"I'm also looking forward to that time, I heard he has some impressive magical tools."

Happy that her husband was now lively, the trembling subsided as she raised the cup of steamy tea to her nicely shaped rosy lips.

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"Do you think he would give us out of them? I could ask that he send one as a gift to our son."

The child she spoke about was being taken care of by his wet nurse.

"I wouldn't mind asking him, but Sect Leader Li is a proud man, even though he may not appear that way to some."

"Isn't he more approachable than Sect Leader Shi? I heard he hasn't recovered from his sick bed."

Chen Yueming laughed, shortly followed by his wife, as the two leisurely enjoyed their tea together in his study.

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