"Greetings Sect leader Li"

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The young master of ShenJiangShi sect bowed to greet the sect leader of the YuanLi sect.

"Young master Shi?"

Li Guoliang was surprised to see the young master of the ShenJiangShi sect rather than the sect leader himself, allowing the disappointment to show on his face.

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"Sect Leader Li, please don't let me keep you on your feet. I'm sorry, but my father is unable to see you that is why I am here in his place."

Shi Yunxu smiled amicably to the annoyed leader of the YuanLi sect. He waited for the older cultivator to sit, before joining him afterwards.

In order not to draw the suspicion of the YuanLi sect leader, Shen Chunqiu had to remain in the bedchambers of the young master of the ShenJiangShi sect, until the other had concluded his meeting with Li Guoliang.

"Sect Leader Li, please explain t me the reason for your visit."

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Shi Yunxu continued to smile pleasantly at the other cultivator, while gritting his teeth silently in pain. Li Guoliang took a moment to gather himself before emptying his thought to the young master of the ShenJiangShi sect.

"There is a hearsay going around in my sect that some of the other sects are under act by demons! Does the ShenJiangShi sect know of this?!"

Shi Yunxu took a moment to ponder on what Li Guoliang told him, from the way the sect leader was acting, he seems to have taken the word of whoever may have carried the news to him. If he told the YuanLi sect leader that he was not acquainted with that piece of news going around, then this could make his sect to lose face with the YuanLi sect if it was actually true, but if it was the other way around and the rumor was found to be true then YuanLi sect would end up losing face to ShenJiangShi sect. Either way one of them would be embarrassed by the aftermath.

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"Sect leader Li, this may actually be true. The GuBaiJin sect and the ShenJiangShi sect have maintained a cordial relationship together, I will send a messenger bird to them to confirm what the both of us already know."

Li Guoliang looked at the young master of the ShenJiangShi sect as though what he said was entirely absurd.

"The ShenJiangShi sect knew?! Then why did you keep quiet and wait for me to show up! Why wasn't a meeting of sect leaders called?! If the GuBaiJin sect was already in the know, then that is just plain irresponsible!"

Shi Yunxu kept the smile on his face, as the YuanLi sect leader was boiling with indignation at what he saw to be a dereliction of duty.

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"The ShenJiangShi sect meant no wrongdoings, we didn't want to act rashly by not taking the situation seriously."

"At least, I as the YuanLi sect leader should have been told of what was going on, why did I have to hear such a thing from a male servant?!"

The young master of the ShenJiangShi sect bowed his head in humility to the YuanLi sect leader, going along with the other cultivator until he hears back from the GuBaiJin sect regarding whether the allegation was true or otherwise.

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