"Where am I?"

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Xu Hui woke of later in a strange bed that she had never slept on, the man that said he was the fox prince sat in a chair from her bed.

"I was beginning to think that you were going to sleep forever!"

Xu Hui stared at the man with dislike in her eye, she could hardly remember what had transpired between them when she was at YuanLi sect. She saw that the robes she wore were no longer the purple of the the YuanLi sect, but white, this made her frown not knowing who could have changed her robes while she was asleep.

"How long was I asleep?"

"You were asleep for eleven days."

"Eleven days?! What?!!!"

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"I had to take your robes off and wash you at the stream outside my chambers."

The look of horrified surprise changed to one of mortification. Xu Hui couldn't believe that a man took off her clothes while she was unconscious. This made her sit up in bed.

"He should just have left me in my dirty robes! He has to be a pervert or is this the way of life of the fox clan?!"

From thinking that he was a pervert to suddenly jumping to the conclusion that the fox clan may be an unusual type of people.

"You have a very beautiful, hmmm..."


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All this while Hei Zhurong was trying to hold himself from laughing at Xu Hui's show of modesty. He knew that the cultivation world was strict about a man being in the same room as an unmarried woman, but if neither of them said a thing, who would tell?

The demon lord coughed in a suggestive way to let Xu Hui think that he had seen her nakedness.

"You!!! You have to take responsibility!"

"I'm willing to, but are you also open to sharing me with other women?"


The sound of surprise from Xu Hui made the demon lord laugh uncontrollably.

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"Do you think that I will remain with just one woman?!"

"You people from the fox clan, so shameless!"

"Shameless? But at least I told you what to expect before preparing to offer gifts to the sect leader. Since I can't call him your father enough, at least sect leader would suffice."

The look of daggers that Xu Hui sent the way of the demon lord was enough to roast a lesser man, but Hei Zhurong was no ordinary man, he was the ruler of the demon realm!

"Looking at me that way, is not going to change what has happened."

"This was your plan?! To take me away from the protection of the YuanLi sect!"

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"Not at first."

"Then what changed?!"

"I can't tell you yet, until I'm sure of what led to it."

"I don't care anymore, whether you choose to tell me or not. I know that the YuanLi sect leader would do everything to get his daughter back!"

"But you are not is daughter."

The words of the demon lord stung Xu Hui, which made her almost fly out of the bed to hit him.

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