The Fuxi a magical beast known by many names, was a beautiful green snake with glittering scales and elegant transparent wings that resembled those of a dragon, dispelled its spirit energy which resembled that of tiny green crystals to the surrounding air upon leaving the threshold of the GuBaiJin sect. Since only a portion of it's original body left those of Jin Caihe, the creature was chose to move through scattering its mass of aura in various directions in order to cover as much distance within the shortest time possible.

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Whatever the creature saw, the head teacher of the GuBaiJin sect also had knowledge of it too, since the both of them were connected to one another.

From one sect to the other, Jin Caihe saw the devastation and the lands that were laid waste and rotting bodies of cultivators. It was so vivid, that it made him almost throw up in the presence of the GuBaiJin sect leader and Lady Jin.

"Head teacher Jin, you look so pale, is anything the matter?"

"It is nothing Lady Jin."

The mistress of the GuBaiJin sect could not hold herself back from asking Jin Caihe if there was anything that could be causing him such distress. There was no pretense in the concern that JIn Huiyan had for the head teacher, who looked as though he would fall down at anytime. In a tone that Jin Caihe used in answering the mistress of the sect held irritation that was barely suppressed.

The main body of the Fuxi although now under the control of Jin Caihe, it could still cause its master some discomfort.

"Why don't you tell them what you saw?"

It was said in a tone of mockery at Jin Caihe, who knew not to be easily provoked by the sly beast. The good thing was that the Fuxi could not read the thought of its host.

"Are you not going to reveal to them the things I showed you?!"


"Do you want me to speak in your place, if you fear telling them the truth?!"


The creature was testing the patience of the head teacher, as the other struggled not to fall into its trap, by choosing to ignore its taunts.

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"If you continue to keep quite, I will have to tell them of the things you did behind closed doors."


Jin Caihe outburst did not go unnoticed, as the sect leader and his wife eye brows raised in surprise by his disorderly manners.

"Head teacher Jin! Are you by any chance referring to me and Lady Jin?!"

Jin Ruimin's voice was deceptively calm as he spoke to the head teacher of the sect, his wife had to place a hand on top of his to pacify his anger.

"I didn't mean to raise my voice, I'm sorry for causing Sect Leader Jin and Lady Jin to fret."

"Are we to think that you were speaking to the Fuxin?!"

Sect Leader Jin was not a foolish man, he knew that apart from him and his wife, Jin Caihe was either mumbling to himself or talking to someone other than them. The head teacher did not strike him as the type to talked to himself, which led him to believe that it could be the magical beast that Jin Caihe was referring to and not him or his wife.

"Yes, Sect Leader Jin. It was only to bring it under control, please forgive my lack of perception."

If it meant swallowing his pride and addressing Jin Ruimin and Jin Huiyan, the head teacher was willing to do so, if that would allow him to preserve his reputation and retain his dignity.

"What does it say?"

Under the influence of the Fuxin, Jin Caihe's eyes would glow to the color of green with the pupils resembling those of a snake. Jin Ruimin and his wife made no mention of the transformation, as they were more concerned about if the magical beast had discovered what one of them already knew.

Gathering what was left of his courage, Jin Caihe looked straight at the both of them, "Sect Leader Jin, Lady Jin. It is true that BaoXu, GongKua, KuShun, MoXing and ZaoQiang sect have all been anihilated by the Demon Lord Hei Zhurong and his army from the demon realm. I only know of this because, the Fuxin is able to recreate what took place at each sect ground."

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Jin Huiyan raised a hand to cover her mouth in shock, even though she heard the content of the letter received from the ShenJiangShi sect, hearing it with her two ears the truth of what had taken place in the other five sects made tears to trickle down the flawless snow jade skin.

Even though he trembled inside of him from the massacre that he witnessed through the special connection he had with a magical creature, Jin Caihe remained composed where he sat, not revealing his inner thought to the two taht sat across from him.

"We need to let ShenJiangShi sect, YuanLi sect and WuYangChen sect know that either of them could be the next target of the demon lord!"

Jin Caihe nodded solemnly at the words of his sect leader, he was only a tool that the other cultivator will use to his favor.

"Everyone must remain alert and ready! We can never tell who those devilish monsters could be after!"

Sect Leader Jin did not even wait for head teacher to speak, while the other looked on, as though leaving everything in the hands of fate.

"There is much to do with so little a time! There is no time to waste! An assembly of all sect leaders have to be called immediately! Any delay and we could all end up dead!"


"Is there any other thing that you have to share with us or is that all?!"

Jin Ruimin was asking, in order to find out if the magical beast had seen any of his spies around the vicinity of each massacre.

"Sect Leader Jin, there is nothing else left to say. The people of the demon realm no longer hold the treaty that was made between us and them in high regard. I do not know how the informant of Sect Leader Li was able to know of such a thing, but it is good that he made haste and informed the ShenJiangShi sect of his worries, had he not done so, many more lives would have been lost. Throwing the whole heavens into disarray."

"Those malicious people of the demon realm! After the lives that were lost from having a treaty made, yet they were the first to break their promise!"

"Ruimin, please do not harm your health because of them."

Jin Huiyan tightly held on to the hand of her husband, who looked livid from the outrageous act committed by the demon lord and his armies.

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Sect leader Jin was about to voice his discontent again, when he turned and noticed the tears that stained the dark lashes of his wife. Despite being an evil person, Jin Ruimin was besotted to his wife, her tears and vulnerability was his weakness.

"Huiyan, don't cry. I will find a way to get the other sects to join hands together for us to defeat the Demon Lord and his armies and wipe everyone at the demon realm off the face of the world!"

Jin Ruimin reached a hand to catch the trails of tears that fell from the eyes of his wife, in the presence of others, the sect leader could not show much of his gentle side. He wanted to hold his wife and comfort her, but since Jin Caihe was in the hall with them, he could do no more than wipe the tears off her face.

"See those two, I'm sure you can't do the same. If Sect Leader Jin knows that you were sharing the same bed as his son, he would kill you for sure!"

Although the beast was an animal, it was able to converse with his host and show emotions that could be felt by the other. Smiling in amusement, the creature poked fun at Jin Caihe, who swallowed in dread at knowing what was to come should Sect Leader JIn know of his indiscretion with a son that not even he knew until after the act had being committed. Their consumation revealed the birth of Jin Tieguai and everything about him to the Fuxi, who in turn showed the head teacher. Knowing that Fuxi spoke the truth was a hard pill for the head teacher to swallow. How could he tell Jin Ruimin that because he wanted to save his life, he decided to give in to his son.

If such an unholy union was revealed, it would shake the foundation of the cultivation world, causing chaos and much pain to every cultivator. The GuBaiJin sect would never be able to lift their head up ever again. Many would spit on them and the sect would have to spilt and each disciple would be forced to go their separate ways.

Forget the thought of marriage to the fox princess, which would die under the pressure of having an immoral cultivator for a son-in-law. Jin Caihe's heart twisted painfully about all the possible things that could go wrong, should everyone find out about what he and Jin Tieguai did in secret. By then, it would no longer be a secret, as the two would be a laughing stock to every cultivator.

"Don't say a thing!"

This time, Jin Caihe mumbled under his breath. That didn't stop the Fuxi from laughing again, it seemed the creature enjoyed tormenting and causing misery to its host. The creature used its aura to slow that the movement the head teacher's lips, in such a way that he could hear and feel the other's lips moving, but the sect leader and his wife would not know that they were conversing openly. Since it's aura was already felt by the other two, an extra tiny portion of it would go unnoticed by them.

"Aya! Lady Jin would faint when she finds out that she has a half son."

"Shut it!"

"Tsk! Poor you! You have shared your body with another that isn't your wife. Sect Leader Jin would just have to lose face because you couldn't keep your desires under check!"

"It wasn't my fault! And you know it!"

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"You had the choice to die or become the pillow mate of the bastard son of Sect Leader Jin."

Each time the beast spoke, it would laugh in a sly way, its eyes narrowing in jest.

"How was I to know that Jin Tieguai was the son of sect leader?!"

"If you had known, I doubt if you would have taken a different path."

"Don't say that! You don't know me! You don't know my thought! How dare you!"

"Now, Now, don't let your emotions get the better of you."

"You and sect leader, made me do what I did! If I had to go back in time! I would stick to saving my life by using Jin Tieguai!"

"Anyone that knows you would never think that you could say something so cruel. Princess Yan is in for an unpleasant surprise."

Jin Caihe was shaken by what the Fuxin said, the magical beast's conversation with the head teacher revealed things he wasn't aware or chose to ignore about himself.

"I didn't choose this life! You have no right to belittle the choices that I made!"

"You have to live with what you have done, one day it may come out. What will you do by then?!"

"No matter what! I will take it to my grave! It is I who has wronged sect leader and his son. No one needs to suffer because of me!"

"Very well, but remember I warned you. Nothing in this world will remain hidden."

Jin Caihe did not know why the warning from the Fuxi sent a coldness to his heart.

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