WuYangChen Sect....

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"Sect Leader Chen! Sect Leader Chen!"

A very anxious lad ran into the hall where Chen Yueming had a book in his hand, as read from it. Without a care in the world, the sect leader dressed elegantly in a white and red robes set the blue colored back of book face down.

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The disciple that ran in almost fell to the ground at the feet of his sect leader, whom remained unperturbed by the clumsy disposition of the lad, watching as he gave a salute to him.

"Sect Leader Chen! An urgent message was just received from the GuBaiJin sect!"

Chen Yueming looked lazily at the youth, "What could be the news contain as to make him so distressed?!"

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The thought swept through the mind of the WuYangChen sect leader, not the type to be easily agitated by what he saw or heard.

"What could Sect Leader Jin have to say, surely it is not to have a banquet?"

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The frightened disciple did not have the mouth to laugh out at what Chen Yueming said, "How could he find the heart to joke when we are about to be killed?!"

The thought seemed to reignite the flames of fear in the mind of the young lad, causing his eyes to almost fall off from their sockets.

"Sect Leader Chen."

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Pulling himself together with the last bit of nerve he had left, the disciple lowered his head while handing the letter from the GuBaiJin sect to his sect leader. The hall the two were in was plain compared to the other halls in the WuYangChen sect, but this was the one that Chen Yueming preferred the most among the rest of them.

The letter in his hand had been transcribed by one of the disciples of the sect, therefore the lad that delivered it, already knew the contents of the note. Which explained the way he was acting in the presence of Chen Yueming. The "shadow disciples" were the only those that were in charge of interpreting and deciphering the hidden words in the writings sent from other sects were permitted to directly deliver them to their sect leader. This was a way to protect against anyone of gaining insight into sensitive details that involved the sect, if by any chance what was supposed to known by the shadow disciples was heard by everyone, the sect leader would know where to look and who to punish.

"Oh? We are under attack. Jin Ruimin wants us to gather before him, hmm...that lasted more than I would have thought."

Chen Yueming made reference to the treaty that was signed between the then Demon Lord Dilong, many lives were lost before then and that happened before Chen Yueming was born. As a young disciple, Feng Yueming of the BaoXu sect especially loved to read history and various events of the past, his belief was that what took place long ago played a role in shaping what was to coming in the distant future.

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