"Jin Caihe, why don't you answer to Sect Leader Jin?"

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The serpent within the head teacher called out lazily to him, none could hear what it said except the one he was speaking to, unhappy that the sect leader was forcing his hand, there was little that he could do to stall anymore.

"I'm supposed to get married to someone that I don't know, who is hundred of years older than me! How am I to make a decision under so much pressure?!"

Jin Caihe muttered angrily under his breath while looking at his fingers that were clasped tightly on his lap.

"I'm over a thousand years and we both share the same body, how has that been a problem?"

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The Fuxi drawled out the words to anger the already upset head teacher.

"I don't know their ways or what is expected of me! Moreover, I wanted to cultivate until I reach the level of godhood and probably go into seclusion there after!"

"That's a dull way to live, what about the boy?"

Jin Caihe pretended not to understand the meaning behind the creature's words.

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"What boy?!"

"Your cultivation partner, or have you forgotten you had one?"

The question flustered the head teacher, as he fought to say anything to diffuse the uncomfortable topic of discussion that the creature was bringing up.

"I don't have a cultivation partner!"

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The serpent uncoiled from the position it was in and stretched out lazily with a sly look in it's reptilian eyes.

"Don't think that because we do not share the same thought that I can't make you relive that time, I've asked what is to become of him, but you continue to evade it each time I ask. You may not want to accept it, but he is your first cultivation partner."

The Fuxi was had an hidden motive for saying those things, it wanted the falcon beast to be in continual contact so that it would suck away its spirit energy to the point where it would no longer exist in the body of Jin Caihe, so that he can be reborn in a new body where it could cause as much mischief as he wanted. It found it extremely boring residing inside the body of the head teacher, who too uptight for its liking, "He can't make up his mind when it comes to marriage, yet he willingly gives his body to a man!"

Keeping the thought to itself, the serpent sid not voice the thought that formed in its head. Jin Caihe wanted to snap at the beast that was beginning to annoy him to the core, but he could not act on impulse while facing his sect leader.

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"What I did was to protect my life! I did it for no other reason! That does not mean that he is my cultivation partner!

"Say what you want, it isn't going to change the tide of fate."

Hearing the words of the magical beast, sent a chill down the spine of Jin Caihe, bringing with it a feeling of foreboding.

"It cannot be! I will do whatever it takes to go avoid the cruel hand of fate!"

The head teacher sent a silent promise to himself not to tangle with Jin Tieguai whether now or in the coming future.

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