Chapter 1

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Ouyang Nuan is carried to the main street.
She still remembered the first time through this street.



Passing by all kinds of sights, during her wedding. Everywhere there was a dazzling red. Immediately behind the palanquin was countless amounts of dowry.One picul (50kg carried on a shoulder pole), a heavy load of red lacquer gifts painted with golden accents. Brilliant lights and vibrant colors (idiom: Flowing light and overflowing color). Outside was a milling crowd; a vast crowd. Who does not envy the Ten Li Marriage Procession…


But three years. Today, she once again came to this street. At a glance, she can’t help but be shocked(idiom:shocks the eye, astonishes the heart). The same crowd was densely packed in the street. But also, everyone was excited and they carried a lot of large baskets containing leafy greens and rotten fruits. Still many of them are holding pots and pans, bowls and ladles. Still a crowd of people hold bamboo brooms, wooden sticks, and, roof tiles. 


“Ah…Why was she forgotten”? Now she is no longer the highly dignified Eldest Miss of the Ouyang Family. But now, everyone was shouting at her.


“Cheap woman!”In the crowd the Su Family members are all present. Among them are her father-in-law, mother-in-law, husband, Lian yatou, and a pageboy…all had come to watch.


Do not…Miss…” Hong Yu was shouting wanting to go towards the crowd to squeeze in beside Ouyang Nuan.”Do not touch our Miss!” She was shouting at the top of her lungs. “Master! Madam! Gu Ye!(The title that the wife’s family address the son-in-law) “This servant is begging you.” Please, exonerate Miss!”


Ouyang Nuan could not hear her shouting. Hong Yu always had a thin voice. Fang mama suddenly rushed towards Ouyang Nuan’s side and started crying and shouting.“Miss!” “This is a trap! They are framing you. Ah!”


Ouyang Nuan stared at Fang mama, her graying hair and behavior was crazily messy. Thinking, she suddenly remembered during her wedding when she sang a song.
(Li is approximately 500 miles.)
‘Ten Li Marriage Procession ten li long,
wedding sedan swayed for ten li madly,
wedding candy scattered for ten li sweetly,
old wine floating out ten li fragrantly.
Daughter dreams of her other half,
love until the end of the Heavens and Earth,
an eternal devotion that is wishing for an all consuming love forever,
only have marriage procession ten li long!
An eternal devotion that is wishing for an all consuming love forever,
only have marriage procession ten li long…
Now it was a complete joke.’


“Still not admitting guilt?” Madam Su said coldly: “This is your own fault, you caused the Ouyang family to lose face, You bring dishonor and disgrace, causing my Su family’s principals to be nonexistent!”


At this time, an older man accusingly shouted from the crowd: “Look here! This is exactly Ouyang Nuan, a shameless woman. Taking advantage of tricks to go out and steal other people’s husbands…!”


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“Bad woman…”
“Low-class and despicable woman!

 Hit her! Hit her!

“Beat her to death…”


Accompanying these unspeakable and unacceptable curses was those vegetables and rotten fruit, bricks and roof tiles. All thrown towards Ouyang Nuan, raining down on her body. Ouyang Nuan was splashed directly in her face, Her body was hit by many stones. She did not feel the pain. Her mind only vaguely thinking that. 


“This scene is the so-called ‘hell’!’Very quickly(Idiom: In no time), her hair became a complete mess. Her whole face was covered in waste and sweat combined with tears. Hong Yu exerted her full strength wanting to rush forward, but the Su family’s servants firmly stopped her. 


Hong Yu retaliated by shouting unceasingly at the crowd.
“Our Miss is being wronged! The Su family is framing her, ah!” She was mournfully yelling and struggling like crazy as if she had lost her mind.


Struggling free on one side, she was clasped again by the waist. Each person was disrespectful as well, by dragging her in a deathly firm manner.”Hong Yu…’ Ouyang Nuan stared at her with wet eyes.


“Ah…!!!”One brick hit Ouyang Nuan’s forehead. She could not help but cry out. Blood clearly oozed out from the temple. And because the upper body was bound while being forcefully guarded, the impact forced her to kneel on the ground. 


She can only look on helplessly and watch, as leafy vegetables mixed with rotten fruit flew towards her smashing over and over! Fang mama had from the beginning, desperately blocked the blows with her body from the front. Now, to cover for the captured Hong Yu, so she could voice out in a manner that would rip apart the uproar. Right on cue they both fell and Hong Yu struggled to break free again from the Su family’s servants.


 Using the momentum as if her life depended on it  she resisted and dashed forward passing in front.


Hong Yu facing the crowd knelt down and in a deep sorrowful voice began crying:
“Miss is innocent! She is being treated unjustly ah!”She faced the people and knocked her head hard onto the ground in kowtow


“Beg you to have mercy(idiom:Your honor raise your precious hand), ah…I give you all a kowtow! I beg you all a little, don’t beat again…”She kowtowed on the left side. Changed directions then kowtowed on the right side.


She continued to kowtow. At the same time while bowing she began persuading:”Please exonerate our Miss!” Unfortunately the crowd did not even pause. Countless objects still smashed into Ouyang Nuan’s body.


Ouyang Nuan, even so, did not give any reaction. However, she now noticed Hong Yu continuously providing the surrounding people with kowtows. Knocking her head till she was badly bruised(idiom:Head broken and blood flowing)!Tears welled up in Ouyang Nuan’s eyes and rolled down her face, as she was choked with sobs.


She spoke in a low hoarse yell: “Hong Yu! Stand up! Do not kneel to them! Stand up! Stand up, ah!” Hit by confusion, Ouyang Nuan lifted her eyes in spite of the already blurred vision.


She however was earnestly trying to focus on everyone. Especially the distantly standing Su family. The dignified father-in-law, Lord Su. The loving mother-in-law, Madam Su. Furthermore, that is her gentle and soft, obliging, and handsome husband, Su Yu Lou. Finally, her eyes fell onto the person, that was always standing at her husband’s side, the delicate woman, Ouyang Ke’s body.


She recalled the memory of that embarrassing thing, full of humiliation that happened one morning.

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At that time, She was awakened by the noise of the crowd. From inside the quilt she started to sit up and open her drowsy eyes. In front of the bed was surrounded by a dense pack of people. Including her father-in-law, who was soaring into a rage. Her husband, who was ashen-faced, and whispering servants.


Furthermore smiling from ear to ear while sympathizing with her appearance was second younger sister Ouyang Ke.In the bed with her, covered with a quilt is a naked man.


Ouyang Nuan hasn’t had a chance to react to the fact of him entering her quilt and the man was already removing himself from the quilt. A wisp of a man went to the ground kneeling to everyone in front of him and in a loud voice shouted.


“Master spare this servant’s life. In the future I won’t be so daring.”In short it was already a fact. She was a wife having an illicit lover(idiom:the red apricot tree leans over the garden wall) with proof!


Father-in-law and mother-in-law had fire rising up inside of their eyes. They had a great desire for Ouyang Nuan who was taking a great effort to hide the shoulders of responsibility under the quilt; to burn and become ashes.


Su Yu Lou’s body began to shake all of a sudden. He appeared to be extremely, extremely, extremely disgusted with the sight so he closed his eyes. He no longer dared to even open his eyes to catch a glimpse of Ouyang Nuan!


Ouyang Nuan from the beginning was unable to understand anything. Why? For what reason did she wake up to: this embarrassing thing, this men, who can sleep in her bed. However later she understood. “That cup of it that cup from my own younger sister. With tea personally provided by my younger sister’s hands!”


Why? “For what reason, Ouyang Ke, did I not always treat you closely? With my birth mother’s untimely death and your mother being my mother’s sister. I treated her like she was my biological mother, with the same respect. Treated you like you were my mother’s daughter and equally cherished.


When you were to be married to a dandy, bigwig, silk trousers(person born into wealth and privilege). I, regardless of committing an offense towards the authority of the emperor, in the end, offered to shelter you!”


Why? For what reason do you demand this kind of treatment for me!’Ouyang Nuan using great effort and strength started to call her husband’s name.“Yu Lou…Yu Lou!”


‘Yu Lou, you…”Why? For what reason do you not trust me!” You once persuaded me before, that no matter what happens in any of my affairs. You would entirely accept what I say as truth. To love and protect me! I am being accused wrongly!’


Being locked up for a day and a night Ouyang Nuan used these recollections to persuade them of her innocence. Shouting it over and over till her throat began to bleed. Still, no one believed her. How to persuade other people?


Ouyang Nuan did not care at all, how. She merely wished to be able to look at her husband, to be able to with her own mouth say the truth: ‘Yu Lou, I am innocent. Believe me!


However, Su Yu Lou refused to see her. As soon as possible, Hong Yu was outside to kowtow as if her life depended on it. Pleading the whole day and night. He still did not come.


Until, Ouyang Nuan’s upper body was bound and escorted out. Preforming the curing ritual (idiom: To help comrades who have made mistakes,we should adopt the approach of “curing the sickness to save the patient” ) of being a loose woman they paraded her through the streets for a time. Only then did he show up. However he, from the very beginning, had retreated into the crowd and was staring coldly. 


At his side, snuggled up closely was a beautiful, flowery, adopted younger sister, Ouyang Ke.Actually, long ago, she had thought about this possibility. She had married into the Su family three years ago.

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 Yet she did not give her consent for her husband to take a concubine. For a long time, she was prepared for her mother-in-law to be a thorn in her side. And two weeks ago, her mother-in-law supported the idea and requested that her adopted younger sister should marry into the Su family, as a wife of equal standing. But Ouyang Nuan refused.



But Ouyang Ke, from the beginning, was secretly in love with Yu Lou. Hong Yu even saw them many times on a lovers’ rendezvous. Yet when asked about the situation, Ouyang Nuan was so stupid. 


Unexpectedly she did not trust and still repeatedly punished Hong Yu’s loyalty and devotion (idiom:loyal heart bright bright).
Only framing Ouyang Nuan as a loose woman. Only then would Ouyang Ke be allowed to marry into the Su mansion honorably.


In that case, the person that entrapped me is certainly but not limited to just Ouyang Ke alone! There’s a possibility of my husband…my husband, he…’No! “Don’t mention it! I will not believe it!”


At this time, in the present, she had already been escorted to the river bank. Before one’s eyes many great waves surged on the river water.




Fang mama and Hong Yu still guarded Ouyang Nuan sides and still refused to leave! Lord Su’s face all of a sudden became ashen. He used his hand to wave five or six individuals to fiercely guide them away. Fang mama and Hong Yu were forcibly carried away. A firm guard was put on each side, they were unable to move a single step!


Ouyang Nuan looked up into the sky and laughed: “The Heavens, you open your eyes bah!”Suddenly, a big gust of wind rushed up, leaving behind numerous raindrops. 


Ouyang Nuan laughed and in a even more proud and hoarse voice: “Look, bah, The Heaven’s opened their eyes. They also know that I was wrongly accused!”



The crowd burst into a riot, Lord Su’s face turned green and he angrily shouted loudly: “Sink!


Dad!”Wait a moment!”From the crowd Su Yu Lou slowly passed into the front. His appearance was lacking handsomeness, instead he looked to be somewhat haggard and his tall figure seemed to be standing unsteadily. Someone for him, draped a cloak over his shoulders.


Ouyang Nuan, within her eyes, she had hazy tears while gazing out. It was Ouyang Ke, she, just at that time, with the most gentle and refined posture stood at her husband’s back. It was useless to speak many words. Ouyang Nuan looked towards Su Yu Lou, with a gaze that resembled many of the gazes she given him in the past, and in a soft voice:”Yu Lou, I am innocent. Believe me.”


Su Yu Lou was silent for a long time. From within his sleeve he pulled out a piece of paper. Throwing it in front of Ouyang Nuan. While his voice was filled with deep sorrow, but, his vision was very tranquil: “You, until today, are still quibbling”. This is something I wanted to give you the whole morning! You are this kind of woman. Die! Also I must remove you from the Su Family, lets make. This! Neat! And! Tidy!”


This was a letter written by a husband to a wife, announcing divorce…Unexpectedly, it was this kind of letter of divorce…Ouyang Ke came forward and picked up the fallen letter of divorce. Her appearance was extremely beautiful, dignified, and noble.


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Her expression appearing very dejected. Treating Ouyang Nuan like a superior she softly narrated: “Older sister,”don’t blame Yu Lou. It is all because you messed up, in the end. You can die feeling relieved, I assume. In the future I will be your substitute. Properly taking care of…” She did not speak anymore as a blush rose to the surface of her face.


Ouyang Nuan stared at this face, this familiar face, while muttering: “Charming person(idiom;A person after my own heart), Why? For what reason...”



Ouyang Ke came even closer to bid farewell to her older sister. Yet she was using the fact that others could not hear her to speak to Ouyang Nuan: “You may not be aware. At the time, when you accidentally cracked your forehead, thus breaking open the skin. But, afterwards, Why is it that later on, it was possible for it to end up as a scar!? It is because I had my mother’s people deceive you!”.


“Your dear little brother. What an adorable boy. Originally he could have inherited everything from the Ouyang family. It is a pity, however, that he fell into the pond and drowned. In fact, my mother and I were there when it happened. We stared at him as he refused to sink, and so with all his might, he called out for help. Water little by little, unrestrained came up and flooded his mouth, nose, and eyes…while still alive, he drowned. I merely wonder, his own life was no good. To have a mother die before her time and a older sister as stupid as a pig!” Ouyang Nuan was stunned. 


Lifting up her head to stare at Ouyang Ke. Her eyes in general had a deathly stillness to them. But gradually they gained a harsh countenance. She was ferociously crazy. She understood clearly that her younger brother was dead. She was abandoned. She never thought that the good mother and good younger sister had such rapacious designs!(idiom: ambition of wild wolves.)



‘Ha ha…Ha ha ha ha…Madam Lin. You, at that time, promised my mother on her sickbed that you would take care of her children. But how did you do it? What did you even do?!



Ouyang Nuan slowly closed her eyes, then slowly opened them. Facing Ouyang Ke she smiled ridiculously. Her smile was actually, to describe in words, gentle like water: Younger sister, “Older sister is wrong. You come here, I have my final request and I entrust these words to you.”



Ouyang Ke looked at her. She did not believe that Ouyang Nuan under the watchful eyes of the crowd could dig up some kind of trick. So she took a step closer. Ouyang Nuan spoke in a soft voice: “Originally, when my mother died she also left a lot of valuable dowry. Since I am going to die, I will these to you, But I merely ask for a huge show of kindness from you, by leaving some for Fang mama and Hong Yu…”Ouyang Ke’s eyes lit up.She had really heard, in those years, Madam Ouyang’s trousseau was astonishing. 


Afterwards this property should have been passed on to Ouyang Nuan as her dowry. Yet it disappeared without a trace. Apparently, it really was in her hands…
“Again, You should come a little closer, I will tell you.” If Ouyang Ke was not so greedy she might not have been fooled.


But she was excessively self-confident, too confident. Indeed, she approached Ouyang Nuan’s lips. The crowd did not know what happened. Suddenly they heard Ouyang Ke make a mournful shriek!


Right away, they looked at her and the whole person was acting in a crazy-like manner. Falling to the ground she rolled around in pain… On the ground,impressively dripping with blood is an ear. Looking at this scene while standing in a circle and watching, the common people used the most malicious, the most disdainful speech to come curse Ouyang Nuan.


Ouyang Nuan was unwilling to bow her head in surrender. Despite both eyes souring. Yet, she did not permit tears to come dropping down. The expression showing in her eyes enraged the crowd. Someone from the crowd bellowed after hitting the mark in throwing human excrement at her. Ouyang Nuan used her tongue to lick, getting rid of the dung stain on the side of her lips. She let out a hoarse laugh. Her laughter ceased.


Ouyang Nuan stared at the people on the waters edge. Every single word or phrase was said while displaying extreme anger.(idiom:Bite ivory, and slice close to the tooth.): Every day and every month, in front of ghosts and gods, I humble myself. “Ouyang Nuan died, because she was wrongly accused. If made into a malicious spirit. It’s also unlikely, that I will let you get away with this!”

Sink!Block!Lord Su shouted until he was hoarse. (idiom: to shout oneself hoarse) Ouyang Nuan looked up at the sky and laughed heartily, as for a split second the world spun. River water covered her head, till she drowned, the ice-cold entered her bones.

End of Chapter

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