Rebirth of MC

Chapter 108

Chapter 108: Parting ways

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The party of four and Zhou Xingfeng lead the group of survivors to leave S City in order to avoid more trouble. As soon as they exit the fringe suburbs, they set a course for R City's safe zone.

As Huo Zaiyuan's party refrains from using the main highways, and R City's safe zone is located in the northern suburbs of the place, it means the two groups who met and stayed together for the last few days will now have to part ways.

At the intersection that splits the asphalt road and the small dirt road, both truck and off-road vehicle slow to a stop. Huo Zaiyuan, Li Qing and Zhou Xingfeng exits their respective vehicles to bid each other goodbye.

"On the way to Q City, you must be careful. Although it is the apocalypse now, I believe that one day, us brothers will have the opportunity to reunite once again." Zhou Xingfeng states firmly, staring at the other two youths with suspiciously shining eyes.

"Of course. You and everyone else must also be careful." Li Qing says and pats his shoulder.

"Don't worry. With my powers, I will definitely be able to protect them." Nodding his head, Xingfeng raises a clenched fist. With a bit of concentration, a faint sheen of red light seeps out of his skin and encases his fist.

During the surprise skirmish earlier, he relied on this sudden rise of power to reduce that heavy sledgehammer to pieces, then assisted Long Zhanye in defeating the guy and other lackeys.

"Huo Jiabao did mention that each person's power manifests differently. We also have no idea where his originated from. As for how it manifests, before we have a clear understanding of these powers, don't rely on it too much." Huo Zaiyuan advises. "Although R City is a militaristic place, with how the world is right now, you must be cautious in everything."

"Un, little Yuan, I'm really still not used to you lecturing me in matters. Hehe…I really miss the wild and unrestrained Huo Zaiyuan of the past." Saying thus, Zhou Xingfeng taps a fist on Huo Zaiyuan's shoulder, a way of greeting they used between them before all these happened.

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"Humans, sooner or later we all need to mature. Weren't you also a simple-minded person in the past?" Smiling softly, Huo Zaiyuan lifts a hand and returns the tap.

"Under the heavens, there are no banquets that last forever. Let us part temporarily here!" Waving to his friends, Zhou Xingfeng turns around and climbs back into the truck.

The truck and off-road vehicle's engines roar to life at the same time, each driving down their respective lanes. Meeting and parting again in this short period of time, all of them look forward to reuniting in the future.

Now with the four men separated from the larger group, the black car accelerates, speed gradually increasing as it bounds forward. Thus commences the long journey to Q City.

In the backseat of the car, Huo Zaiyuan holds a map of the entire country. Upon this map, a glaring red marker has been used to indicate the state of each city using OO, XX and \\. OO represents cities with established safe zones or ones that have joined hands with another to establish one, and has been deemed secure. XX represents military districts that have been confirmed to be breached by zombies. These places have fallen to enemy hands and the danger within these cities is high. \\ represents military districts that have lost communication with other bases and their current condition is unclear. Hence, the risk factor of these places is unknown.

S City is currently classified under \\ status. According to what they saw when circling around it once, when the apocalypse occurred, the entire city was thrown into confusion. A few Underworld gangs grouped together to break into the military district, seizing the base and thus, controlling the entire S City. The small group Huo Jiabao gathered and brought to the school is amongst the gangsters residing within the military base.

"According to the marks on the map, the next city's base is gone. The one after that is P city, which has lost contact with other bases. After P City is O City, a rare oasis during the apocalypse. We can rest there…or keep going forward." Huo Zaiyuan says, lifting his head from the map.

"O City is only two cities distance from M City. We can cross that distance in one day. Why not head directly to M City and rest there for a night before continuing on our journey?" Qin Jun suggests as he drives.

The entire journey from Z City to this point, each time they decide to stay somewhere temporarily, things happen. On top of that, the situation becomes more grave one after another. Therefore, he would like to make as little stops as possible as they head for A City.

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"I approve of Qin Jun's suggestion. Every checkpoint on the main highway is blocked by countless vehicles. Taking the side roads instead has already increased the estimated length of our journey twice-fold. Now that most factors are unpredictable, getting to A City as quick as we can is the top priority. We will rest for a night in M City. Although P City has an established safe zone, it is too close to the highly dangerous G City. In the next stretch of our journey when we depart from M City, it will be best to directly pass through E City, then if possible, turn back onto the main highway all the way to A City." Long Zhanye comments.

Having already made contact with A City's military base, he is aware that A, B, C, D and E, these five cities have joined together and formed the front lines for a counter-attack against the monsters. They would have already made arrangements for scavengers and rescue squads to go out of the safe zone every now and then. Which is why when they reach E City, the main highways there will be safe enough to travel across. Once on the highway, it will only take two days to reach A City.

"Then we'll do it this way." Huo Zaiyuan nods.

Coming to an agreement, silence returns and Huo Zaiyuan takes out the old book from his space again to read. Long Zhanye lowers his head to make adjustments to the various weapons within the car while Li Qing curls up in the passenger seat to nap after snacking.


Clouds of dust rise into the air as the vehicle speeds past. The scorching sun above doesn't relent, baking the bare earth below and causing the air outside to be unbearably hot. Yet another day gone pass is another day the undead becomes a little stronger. Still, the intense sunlight is something the zombies wandering around this desert-like wilderness fear no longer. Their bodies have already withered and dried, cracked skin covering their bones. Muddy eyes stare blankly ahead, growls rumbling in their throats. Compared to the past, these mummy-like zombies' outward appearance inspires more fear.

"The June sun ah…I really hate it!"

Clad in a singlet and holding a battery operated fan in his hand, a heavily-sweating Li Qing is currently torn between turning the fan on or winding down the car's window. On one hand, the air blown from this electric fan will be hot, but on the other, although the breeze from the window will be cooling, it will also bring with it the smell of rotting meat.

While there is an operational air-con installed in this off-road vehicle, the car itself already consumes a lot of fuel to run. If one turns the air-con on, it will only quicken the rate of consumption. Which is why everyone made a unanimous decision to turn the car's air-con on two hours after they stop in order to allow the temperature within the car to cool. This way, it is easier to sleep. Other than that, the air-con will remain off for the entire time.

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"It wouldn't be hot for long." Huo Zaiyuan murmurs from his position in the passenger seat. Unlike the other three profusely perspiring people in the car, his body is relatively dry. Wearing a white singlet, his long black hair tied into a ponytail with an elastic band, he gives off a fresh and cool aura.

"Why would it be hot for long? Little Yuan, quickly tell me, did you sneakily turn the on the air-con at your side? Why is it older brother Long, Qin Jun and I are all sweating buckets but you're not even perspiring a little?" Seeing the dry and clean Huo Zaiyuan, Li Qing can't be any more jealous ah!

"I just broke through the third level three days ago. Along with the increase in inner spiritual energy, my temperature can be regulated now. So no matter how hot it is outside, it doesn't really affect me." Huo Zaiyuan replies as he moves his fingers through a few sets of motions, clearly still unfamiliar with them.

Regarding Huo Zaiyuan's ability to meditate and absorb dormant spiritual energy from his surrounding, everyone in this car knows about it. A few days ago, when Li Qing had been extremely bored, he had asked his best friend to teach him how to meditate. However, his attention span is sorely inadequate and his endurance short, so he gave up after half an hour.

Watching Huo Zaiyuan go through a counting motion with his fingers, Li Qing feels his interest piqued again.

"Little Yuan, don't tell me the Art you are cultivating also teaches you how to tell fortunes. I saw a fortune-telling Taoist priest wearing dark sunglasses and sitting at the roadside before. What are you counting now?"

"My cultivation method indeed doesn't teach me how to read fortune from palms and all that. This one I learned from the book grandmother Zhang gave me." Huo Zaiyuan says. "I calculated that it will rain in two hours' time."

"Nonsense. I don't believe." Li Qing shakes his head from where he is obediently sitting at the back before laying down on Qin Jun's lap and sharing the electric fan with him.

Really hot ah…

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Not taking Li Qing's expression of disbelief to heart, Huo Zaiyuan removes a red apple from his space and bites into it, then places the fruit in front of Long Zhanye's mouth, who is busy driving.

Biting into the cool fruit, juicy flesh moistens the inside of his mouth, rich aroma filling his nose. "This apple seems like a special one, its flavour is very different from the ones before." Long Zhanye says before opening his mouth to indicate his desire for another bite.

Seeing that Long Zhanye likes it, Huo Zaiyuan mouth curves into a pleased smile. "This apple is from a tree I allowed the little tree spirit to water with the spring pool's water. Since you like it, I'll allow the little guy to use the spring water for the rest of the crops too."

When he broke through the previous level and his space transformed, a small brook appears and runs through the plantation. Typically, the water used for the crops is taken from this brook. However, the decision to water a particular plant with spring water was a spur of the moment thing.

"I'll eat whatever you give me." Long Zhanye leans over to kiss Huo Zaiyuan's cheek.

A while later, he takes out a few more apples and hands them over to Li Qing and Qin Jun.

Now, on the distant horizon, dark clouds roll in, and faint streaks of lightning can be seen flashing down from the sky. A thunderstorm is almost upon them.

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