Rebirth of MC

Chapter 118

Chapter 118: Acquiring the materials

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A combat boot pushes off the wall, the other rising in a scissor-kick, steel-toed shoe smashing into a zombie's lower jaw and sending it staggering backwards. A handful of bullets riddle the body of the undead, only for it to shrug the injury off. Brandishing its claws, it attacks again.

"Little Yuan." Long Zhanye's eyes narrow as he flings his hand out. Like an arrow shot from a bow, the sword flies forward, piercing through the zombie's torso, pinning it to the wall behind.

Three coin talismans strike the undead. Ear-piercing shrieks ring out as the zombie struggles to free itself even as it burns in a golden blaze.

A scarlet crystal rolls to a stop before Huo Zaiyuan's feet. Bending to pick it up, he absently comments, "That's the fourth. One more remaining."

"The evolved zombies in this building…the latter is stronger than the previous one…" Qin Jun frowns as he reloads his rifle.

["It's only customary that each enemy gets stronger the further in you go. This one was the small BOSS. The last one is most probably the big BOSS. Our target is still moving around on the seventh floor, with no indication of coming down."] Li Qing jokes as he reports their current situation. ["Be careful with this one."]

"Un. Just focus on the activity in the main building," Long Zhanye grunts in acknowledgement before beckoning to the others.

Still in formation, the party of five make their way up to the seventh level.

When the set foot on the stairs leading upwards, they realise something strange. Starting from the bottom of this stairs, there are absolutely no traces of human remains or debris on the floor. Besides a layer of sand and dust, this floor is especially clean compared to the bottom levels.

["Everyone, take caution. That zombie is retreating!"] Watching the blue figure on screen deliberately inching backwards, Li Qing warns.

Typically, zombies who notice the presence of living humans will immediately throw themselves towards their preys without care for anything. However, this one acts contrary to what is expected, retreating instead of attacking.

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Long Zhanye gestures over his shoulder. Qin Jun and Lu Yi move forward to stand beside him, forming a front line as they round another bend. Hou Yong and Huo Zaiyuan follow behind, the latter clutching a couple of talismans in favour of his firearm.

The seventh floor is very dim, the Boston Ivy crawling down the walls completely covering every available window. The only source of light comes from sunlight filtering through the various cracks in the walls, illuminating the darkness enough so that one can make out a vaguely humanoid figure standing in the middle of the long hallway.

At a glance, the figure doesn't look like an undead. Clad in long-sleeved hoodie and trousers with the hood pulled up over its head, one cannot see its face clearly.

The strange zombie remains motionless, actions mirrored by Long Zhanye's party. They certainly aren't going to lower their guards here.

Both parties in a deadlock, the stilted and tense silence continues until the zombie abruptly moves. But it doesn't leap towards the humans, instead spinning on its heels and fleeing through a window.

Long Zhanye blinks, then rushes over to the window it jumped out of only to see a figure springing up from a crouch, running away at high-speeds, leaping over houses and obstacles in its way.

["That…zombie actually ran away."] Li Qing voices his disbelief.

"Since it fled, then we don't need to bother ourselves with it. Quickly, retrieve what we came here for and leave this city." Long Zhanye glances one last time in the direction that strange undead vanished to, then turns around and promptly snaps out orders.

With no more obstacles in their way, the group dashes up to the stairs to the eighth floor. Immediately opposite the stairs is the laboratory. The entire tiled ground of this level is covered in thick vines and lush verdant leaves, with pretty pink flowers blooming as far as the naked eyes can see.

"Woah, the laboratory of a plant research institute indeed. The Boston Ivy has almost engulfed this entire floor," Lu Yi says as he takes in the surroundings, then treads forward cautiously. For some reason, he is unwilling to step on and destroy the pretty pink flowers.

"This is not an ordinary plant," Huo Zaiyuan states from his position at the back of the group. A green mist circles around his body before settling on his shoulders.

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Before everyone's eyes, a tiny, green-haired person pops into existence, feet on Huo Zaiyuan's shoulder and a bright smile on its small face. Under their collective amazed stares, the little guy reaches out and strokes the nearest rough vine.

A dim green light flickers and the vines covering the entire corridor automatically parts, creating a clear path for the group to walk on.

"Woah, what the heck! Little Yuan, what's that on your shoulder? A pixie?" Hou Yong exclaims in astonishment. In fact, every member of the commando squad is extremely curious about the little person.

"He is similar to this Boston Ivy. Go on, don't you have a mission to accomplish?" Huo Zaiyuan gestures for them to head down the path, not giving them a clear answer as he lifts a finger to stroke the little tree spirit's cheek.

"Yes, Sir." Hou Yong snaps a crisp salute to Huo Zaiyuan, then drags Lu Yi towards the door of the laboratory.

Long Zhanye's gaze is fixed on the little green-haired creature standing on his little Yuan's shoulder, his eyes narrow slightly as Huo Zaiyuan slender finger strokes the tiny cheek tenderly. The little tree spirit who is happily hugging the pale finger suddenly shudders as it feels an ice-cold stare landing on it. Lifting its head to meet Long Zhanye's narrowed eyes, it squeaks sharply in fright, abruptly letting go of Huo Zaiyuan's finger and hiding in the human's long hair.

"You scared him." Huo Zaiyuan looks up with a smile, walking towards Long Zhanye.

"You are mine, so you can only be intimate with me. Hmph…" A little creature not even the size of his palm wants to stick so close to his little Yuan?! Really doesn't know what's good for it ah.

Wait until he thinks of a good way to toss this little thing aside and let it know his beloved is not someone any random individual can be intimate with. (Author's note: Becoming jealous of a pet ~ )

"You…" Blushing, Huo Zaiyuan jabs an elbow into Long Zhanye's side and strides away.

"Pfft…" Qin Jun snickers from the side. "An embarrassed little Yuan is a rare sight."

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"Little Yuan's natural disposition is becoming more and more serene. My heart feels itchy if I don't tease him every now and then." Long Zhanye smirks, then leisurely saunters towards the lab.

The lock on the laboratory's door is a special one, making Hou Yong and Lu Yi waste quite a bit of effort to force it open.

As the door is pushed open slowly, one can see the interior of the laboratory is no different from the outside, filled with vines and leaves. Pink, white and yellow flowers bloom abundantly within the room, making it resemble a flower garden. In a small space unoccupied by Boston Ivy, three figures lie.

"Go in." Leading the way, Long Zhanye steps through the doorway and the plant parts before his feet.

Crouching down beside the three prone humans, Qin Jun unbuckles his medical kit and immediately inspects them from head to toe.

"These two are originally part of an emergency response team sent from E City. I've read their files before. This one here is the old professor's assistant. When everyone else evacuated from this city, he stayed back to help the professor. How is their condition?" Lu Yi inquires.

"They fainted from prolonged starvation. There are scratches and bite wounds on the bodies of these two soldiers, but the injuries have already healed with no lingering traces of infection. I'll let them have a sip of water." Uncapped his own bottle, Qin Jun dribbles a small amount of liquid into the research assistant's mouth.

Following his example, Lu Yi and Hou Yong do the same for their fellow soldiers.

"Where is the old professor? Didn't they say he also stayed back in the lab?" Huo Zaiyuan questions.

Wrinkling his brows, Long Zhanye touches his earpiece and contacts Li Qing. "Little Qing, it there no one else in this building beside these three?"

["Un, the display doesn't show anyone else besides them…however, in the room next to the lab, there's a lump of something. I can't tell what it is, but the Boston Ivy originates from that room. There are no other signs of life."]

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"No signs of life. Does it mean the old professor is inside?" Huo Zaiyuan turns to Long Zhanye.

"I suppose so."

"Then what about the research materials?" After checking their vitals again, Qin Jun slowly lays the research assistant back down on the floor.

"Materials and resources…in…in the bag…" A low, weak voice comes from the man leaning against Lu Yi, struggling to open his eyes as he lifts a trembling hand to point towards the backpack near him.

"All right, we've got it. We should leave now, but what about these people? We have no additional attire. The air in here is different from outside," Hou Yong states. Ever since entering the eighth floor, even if he doesn't remove his headgear, he can feel the air in the lab is much cleaner than the air outside.

"It wouldn't be a problem." Huo Zaiyuan converses with the tree spirit, pointing towards the room next to the lab. The little guy nods and drifts over. Leaning down, Huo Zaiyuan tucks a coin talisman each under the clothes of the three weak individuals. "This defence charm is able to repel the toxic substance in the air. Carry them on your backs and we can leave."

"All right. But what about the professor? Are we going to take a look?"

Just as Lu Yi finishes speaking, the spirit floats back, shaking its head.

Glancing at Li Yu, Huo Zaiyuan answers blandly. "He's dead. Let's go."

Carrying one person each, Qin Jun, Lu Yi and Hou Yong form the middle of the group while Long Zhanye leads the way with Huo Zaiyuan bringing up the rear. As soon as the group leaves, the vines shift back into their original position, covering every inch of the floor and walls once more.

In the room they didn't bother to check, a giant stalk sits in the middle of a large petri dish filled to the brim with soil. A single branch extends horizontally from the stalk, forming an arm supporting the head of an old man leaning into its side. If one lays eyes on the serene expression on his face and ignores the lack of breath, it would appear he is merely sleeping.

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