Rebirth of MC

Chapter 122

Chapter 122: Arriving in A City at last

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Originally, Long Zhanye had already consulted the other members of his party that they will rest in E City for two days before heading to A City. However, who knew that Zuo Hanyang's appearance would mess up their plan. The adjutant shamelessly used every tactic in his arsenal to get them to drag their stay to three days, until he has completed his "teaching mission". Once that's done, the five of them depart E City.

Although the Hummer can only seat four, having one extra person is not a problem. Zuo Hanyang spent the few days in E City getting to know everyone else, and is more or less familiar with the other three. It comes as no surprise when Zuo Hanyang and Li Qing hits off instantly, getting along as though they are old pals. Even now, the two are still conversing in low tones about a variety of subjects with varying degrees of enthusiasm. Sharing the back seat with them, Qin Jun can only look on and sigh helplessly, feeling as though he had just been abandoned by his lover.

On the main highway connecting E City to A City, two weeks after the start of the apocalypse, the military already sent squads of soldiers to clear the road. As there are a vast number of residents living in the top five cities, when the apocalypse came, the number of zombies is also a lot, as is the number of survivors. On top of that, the emergency response from these five bases was very quick, thus, there were no large-scale incidents to clean up after.

From the passenger seat, Huo Zaiyuan stares out the window at the once flourishing and busy northern district of E City that is now…Beneath the shade of those high-rise buildings, there ought to be a lot of zombies wandering about.

A sudden change that caught everyone unaware that night on Judgement Day could so easily turn an originally tranquil and beautiful world upside down…

"What are you thinking about?"

As the road ahead is not peppered with danger throughout, Long Zhanye can spare some attention on Huo Zaiyuan even if he is responsible for driving. Glancing over, he sees the child leaning against the window which is still wound down. Hence, he cannot make out his current expression clearly.

"I'm thinking how many survivors there might be within those buildings, how many zombies are hidden there…and how many died."

"The last couple of days, Uncle Ming and I were in meetings with the section chiefs and this question was brought up. At that time, you raised the topic of mercenary squads, which has already been implemented. The results are satisfactory. In addition, quite a few survivors within the safe zone have formed or are starting to form their own squads, accepting missions that will take them past the perimeter walls to either search for survivors or scavenge supplies," Long Zhanye says, one hand on the steering wheel and the other wrapping comfortingly around Huo Zaiyuan's soft hand. "Things will take a turn for the better."

"Un." Nodding his head, he turns his eyes away, leaning back against the chair.

"I will be very busy once we return to A City, and will also need to establish a mercenary squad to take up missions."

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Hearing these words, Huo Zaiyuan looks at him, mouth curved into a small smile. "Senior officer Long will personally go out?"

Generally, the higher one's position is, the more they cherish their lives and are afraid of death. But Long Zhanye is not your typical man. For someone who likes taking risks…heheh…


"I will go too." These four words are something he will not allow Long Zhanye to refuse.

However, it is pretty evident that Long Zhanye has never refused his beloved anything and he isn't going to start now. On the contrary, he is more than happy to have Huo Zaiyuan accompany him to complete missions.

"The first member I recruit must be you."

"Don't throw me aside. I can be the logistics and tech-support person. Didn't you say the pieces of equipment each mercenary squad will be allocated would be the same as the ones that commando team got?" Unwilling to remain idle and left alone, Li Qing immediately speaks up, firmly stating, "Naturally, I also come with a 'stay-at-home dad' and field medic."

He volunteers Qin Jun as well, for if he is coming along, his lover will too.

"All right," Long Zhanye answers.

Although Li Qing's close combat ability is not too good, and he doesn't have any special abilities; but based on his skills with machines alone, he has the potential to become a talent in this area as long as it is properly trained and refined.

Hmm, isn't the mechanics’ team lacking in personnel? If he sends little Qing over, Uncle Long will be very pleased, and when that moment comes…

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Whilst driving, Long Zhanye inwardly calculates how to profit off Li Qing by sending him to work under General Long. Little Qing will be able to benefit and so will Long Zhanye. It's a win-win situation.

And poor little Qing is caught up in joy after being accepted into Long Zhanye's mercenary squad, completely unaware that very soon, he will be forced to part with Qin Jun for an entire month, with only a pile of tools and machine parts to accompany him day and night.

"Boss, you'll not throw me aside, right? During the time you were absent from base, I was so bored that I nearly grew mould in a corner." Zuo Hanyang has never been one to laze about. When his Boss wasn't around, he assisted Grandfather Long in supervising the base. This trip to E City was the first time he manages to leave the base ever since the apocalypse began.

Thus, in regards to those monsters and zombies, he has only gotten a glimpse of them from afar.

"Yeah, yeah, you can tag along." Wah, how rare. Long Zhanye didn't bully him.

The vehicle speeds down the highway as the interior is filled with conversation and laughter, bounding forth towards A City.

As Zuo Hanyang joined their party, the number of drivers increase by one. In addition, they are taking the highway to A City, cutting their travel time down significantly. Even if there are still a few zombies roaming around, the degree of safety is still many times higher compared to the wilderness and the lower cities. Therefore, after discussing things, they decide to travel through the night.

After two straight days of driving, the three drivers in the group all but collapse with exhaustion by the time the Hummer enters A City. The last stretch from the edge of the city to the safe zone is handled by Huo Zaiyuan.

With Huo Zaiyuan behind the wheel, their speed slows considerably, but the ride is still smooth and steady. Long Zhanye, Qin Jun and Zuo Hanyang are all fast sleep in their seats, and the typically hyper Li Qing is also quiet.

Thus, a rare silence settles in the Hummer as Huo Zaiyuan manoeuvres the vehicle through the city's roads. At this time, rays of sunlight shine down, warming everything below the heavens.

Two hours later, the Hummer reaches A City's safe zone at last. According to Huo Zaiyuan's first-hand knowledge of E, M and X's safe zones, A's is clearly a cut above the others.

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Like the other safe zones, A City's own is established around the military district, with the base as its core. Another similarity is its location on the outskirts of the urban district. As the car draws closer, one can see that the area surrounding the perimeter walls used to be a lush, thriving forest. Now, however, all that is left are a few bare stumps.

Another factor yet differs A City's safe zone from the others. There is no trench dug a few meters away from the perimeter walls. Instead, the walls facing in the direction of the urban district are completely smooth and flat, with the outmost layer being a wooden wall made from lining tree trunks side by side and securing them together. After the outer wood wall comes a concrete one measuring around five to six meters in height. Watchtowers and artillery platforms also line the top of the walls, with more than a few military personnel armed with firearms patrolling back and forth.

A sense of amazement rises in his heart as Huo Zaiyuan takes it all in…

Because little did he expect A City's safe zone to be this huge. Instead of calling this a safe zone, one would be better off labelling it a military fort or a small, fortified city. And he has a premonition that as the number of survivors increase, the perimeter walls will be extended further outwards.

In front of the safe zone is an area fenced off with sheets of steel. From where he is now, one can make out three gates, each one guarded by an armed soldier. From time to time, a car or two will enter or exit from the middle and right-side gate. Before the left-hand one, quite a lot of people are currently lining up, awaiting admittance.

Slowing down as he drives towards the gates, a guard quickly notices the approaching Hummer and walks towards it with a hand outstretched, blocking the way.

"Stop. Head over to the area over there designated for vehicles to park. Register your car and pay ten blue points if you have an identity card on you. Someone will come and clear your vehicle after that is done. If you don't have an identity card, you can pay by handing over food, then come over and line up for registration!"

Huo Zaiyuan stops the car, not the least bit displeased regarding being told to move to the designated area, and needing to hand over food or points to gain entrance.

Whether he was woken by the car stopping, or by the voice of the soldier instructing Huo Zaiyuan on the protocols of the safe zone, Long Zhanye frowns a little as he opens his eyes.

"Little Yuan, we've arrived?"

"Un, we need to get off and register." Huo Zaiyuan nods before lifting his foot off the brake pedal.

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Only, he is stopped once again when the soldier who barred his way suddenly runs over to the passenger-side door of the Hummer, craning his neck as he tries to peer inside.

"What are you looking at?" Staring calmly back at the wide-eyed man, Long Zhanye drawls as he quirks an eyebrow.

The soldier's solemn expression melts away, replaced by a spooked one as though he has just seen a ghost. "D - Demon king…"

"What did you say?" The volume of Long Zhanye's voice rises slightly. Has this bastard’s skin grown thicker or did his guts get bigger?

The fact that most of the soldiers in A's military district address him as demon king amongst themselves is something Long Zhanye is well aware of. However, no one has dared to call him so to his face.

"N - nothing. Senior officer…you - you've returned. The journey's been hard on you!" Realising he had accidentally blurted out a taboo word, the soldier immediately slaps a hand over his mouth and hastily corrects himself. Snapping to attention, he remembers to salute Long Zhanye.

"Pfft…" Upon hearing that nickname and seeing the soldier's actions, Huo Zaiyuan can't contain his laughter. Leaning in towards Long Zhanye, he snickers. "Demon king, huh? This nickname is pretty interesting."


The soldier still standing nervously at attention looks at Huo Zaiyuan as he moves closer to senior officer Long, sporting a smile and mocking their Boss. Swallowing anxiously, he can't help a feeling of admiration from rising in his heart. Heavens ah, this fragile and soft-looking little older brother actually dares to say such things to Boss' face. Really too bold ah!

Long Zhanye's only response to Huo Zaiyuan's teasing is a soft smile. Then, he eyes the dumbstruck soldier currently staring at Huo Zaiyuan with a gaze full of worship and barks harshly with a stern face. "What are you looking at? Still not coming over and register my vehicle for me?!"

His nickname is truly fitting! Flying into a rage at a drop of the hat!

"Yes, yes. This subordinate obeys your command."

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