Rebirth of MC

Chapter 132

Chapter 132: Meeting Xu Mingyi again

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Although his skill in drawing talismans and utilising them in real-combat situations surpasses most disciples, Huo Zaiyuan knows there are still a lot of things regarding the Taoist Arts that he doesn't understand yet. Because everything he knows is self-taught, he refuses to accept the kind invitation the Elder Taoist priest extended to become a disciple of the ‘School of Taoism’. Instead, he requests to enter as a small, obscure and unknown student.

Seeing Huo Zaiyuan's calm and serene visage, the Elder doesn't wish to force this offer on him. He understands that a true practitioner of the Taoist Arts harbours no desire for fame and profit, merely wishing to retain one's freedom and way of life. A pure and untainted heart like this is best suited to practice Taoism. Extremely satisfied with this little friend's thoughts, the Elder hence decides to receive Huo Zaiyuan as his disciple. While Huo Zaiyuan may bear the esteemed title of ‘Head Disciple’ within the school, he doesn't integrate himself with the general populace. Instead, he concentrates all his attention on learning and practising. Thus, in a small, secluded room within A City's ‘School of Taoism’, one can always find Huo Zaiyuan alone, sitting cross-legged before a low table to practice his calligraphy or read a wide range of books.

Huo Zaiyuan's presence in the school gives rise to a lot of spirited discussions amongst the other students and disciples. Some envy his position as the Head Disciple, while others ridicule him for carrying the esteemed title of Head Disciple but entering as an ordinary student. Spending every day hiding in a small room to practice calligraphy…their opinions are diverse, but Huo Zaiyuan is completely unbothered by such trivial matters.

Rather than care about what other disciples think about him, he is much more interested in reading the "Collection of Spells" given to him by the Elder priest. Not only does it contain Taoist charms, there are a whole lot of other spells and incantations he has never seen before, especially support-type spells and arrays. Like creating a boundary by drawing a circle in the earth or trapping foes simply by carving a few lines on the ground. This text contains enough details and explanations, making Huo Zaiyuan love it deeply.

Bristles drawing lightly over the paper, Huo Zaiyuan has just finished adding the final dot when a clear and distinct voice calls out.

"This is very unexpected ah. To think that when we next meet, you have already become my Junior Martial Uncle." Lifting his head, Huo Zaiyuan's gaze falls on the youth he met during his short stay in E City's safe zone. A glance over the youngster's shoulders reveals his usual gaggle of followers, clearly displaying this person's superb relationship with people.

Seeing Huo Zaiyuan's expressionless face, Xu Mingyi's smile morphs into a sorrowful look resembling a pampered child being denied a request. "Junior Martial Uncle, you haven't forgotten me so quickly, have you?"

Faced with the sad expression and cute pout of a wronged child, Huo Zaiyuan merely replies with a faint smile. "I haven't."

If this was someone else confronted with such a posture from a pretty youth, their hearts would soften and will seek to comfort the other party. But it takes a lot more to move Huo Zaiyuan in this life. Regarding this saying "one may know a person for a long time without understanding his true nature", Huo Zaiyuan understands every aspect of it. Met with an individual like Xu Mingyi who is always smiling and easy to get along with, he refuses to let down his guard.

Because he firmly believes that in the apocalypse, anyone who is willing to do good without asking for compensation, naïve and guiltless doesn’t exist. …If there really is someone like that, then said person must have been extremely sheltered, not knowing grief or suffering. If not, then they must harbour immoral thoughts and schemes.

He can't say he knows this person even if they did meet once in E City's school. But when he came across Xu Mingyi that day, it was pure coincidence. So how about now?

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Did he stop by to share a simple courteous greeting or does he have hidden intentions? This would need careful prying and observation.

"Junior Martial Uncle, what runes are you drawing? May I see it?" Xu Mingyi's expression is sweet as honey after Huo Zaiyuan admits to recognising him. An inquisitive light sparks in the youth's eyes as he stares at the completed talisman on the table.

With no intentions to be any more familiar with the other party, Huo Zaiyuan silently lets Xu Mingyi address him as ‘Junior Martial Uncle’ and lifts a hand to push the talisman towards the youth. After all, this isn't something he cannot show to others.

Picking up the yellow paper, Xu Mingyi stares at it with sparkling eyes and gushes in a voice full of admiration and worship. "Wow! The characters are truly beautiful! If I recall correctly, this should be an Earth Entrapment Limit Charm."

"Un." Huo Zaiyuan confirms with a curt nod.

"Why would you choose to draw this charm instead of a defensive array or a devil repelling spell? Weren't we told this charm produces no results?" A disciple following behind Xu Mingyi says with an unfriendly look on his face.

"Exactly ah. Master said before not to waste talisman paper. Just looking at it, you can tell it is a genuine talisman paper. Drawing an Earth Entrapment Limit Charm is a waste of resources." Yet another speaks up.

"All of you, don't be like this. Junior Martial Uncle's calligraphy is so beautiful. How can it be a dud? Master said we aren't able to make an Earth Entrapment Limit Charm work because we haven't practised enough. As long as we continue practising, we will be able to easily use any talisman we create," Returning the talisman to Huo Zaiyuan, Xu Mingyi states firmly.

"Senior brother Xu, we will definitely practice conscientiously." The disciple who was extremely unfriendly to Huo Zaiyuan immediately clutches Xu Mingyi's hand. "Therefore, if there's anything I don't understand in the future, please teach me."

"Me too." One after another, the group of followers call out.

"Good, good. Let's work hard together." Xu Mingyi dazzles the disciples with a glittering smile, then turn to Huo Zaiyuan. "Junior Martial Uncle, we were just discussing the safe zone's new policy with the Junior brothers that pertains to disciples of the ‘School of Taoism’. Are you aware of this new policy?"

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"Is this regarding the matter of every mercenary squad that ventures out of the safe zone must have a Taoist disciple with them?" Huo Zaiyuan drawls, flipping the "Collection of Spells" text open. This matter is one he naturally knows more about than anyone else. A few days ago, Grandfather Long and Elder priest grandfather visited Long Zhanye and his residence for dinner. When this topic came up, Huo Zaiyuan was the one who proposed this idea.

"Un. I discovered from Head priest grandfather that after zombies are burned by spiritual fire, there is a chance they will leave behind some kind of material. That substance is able to replace cinnabars as talisman ink. Therefore, Head priest grandfather reminded everyone that they must keep an eye out for these materials, collect them when travelling with the mercenary squads and bring it back to the school. One piece equals ten green points." Xu Mingyi pauses, then questions, "Junior Martial Uncle, are you thinking of finding a permanent squad, or do you prefer drifting?"

"I already have a permanent squad," Huo Zaiyuan says, mouth curving as though recalling a funny matter.

"Ah, you've already found a place so quickly? Which squad is it? Yong Meng[1] squad? Chun Yemen[1] Mercenary team? Or is it the Meng Hu Mao Xian[1] squad?" These few squads that Xu Mingyi mentions are well-known mercenary squads in A's safe zone. The members of these teams are very noteworthy. Not only are they good in their respective fields, quite a few of them are Ability Users.

"None of them. The one I'm with is ‘Long Yuan squad’. It's a newly-formed team," Huo Zaiyuan answers promptly, not bothering to conceal this fact.

Last night, Long Zhanye finally decided to establish an official mercenary squad of his own, thus calling Huo Zaiyuan, Qin Jun, Zuo Hanyang and You Nuandong (Li Qing is still forbidden from stepping out of the factory) together with another random soldier in charge of keeping things fun (for Lord Long). With everyone gathered in one place, a name needs to be selected. Suggestions like ‘Kwang Long Di Yi[1] squad, ‘Da Mo Wang Mao Xian[1] team’, etc appeared. Finally, they narrowed it down to ten names that everyone is marginally satisfied with before tossing it all together to randomly pick one.

He doesn't know if it's because Long Zhanye's heart is in tune with his own, but in just one random grab, the name chosen in the end was submitted by Huo Zaiyuan.

"So good, even I haven’t found a stable squad yet."

"You will find one. I have something to do, I'll take my leave first." Closing his book, Huo Zaiyuan nods to the gathered disciples before rising to his feet and walking away.

Once they are sure Huo Zaiyuan is out of earshot, the group immediately begins to chat amongst themselves.

"Really don't get why the Head priest will accept him as his disciple. This brat so easily steps over our heads and obtains such an esteemed position. Hmph!"

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"Eldest brother Zhao, don't be like this. Junior Martial Uncle is an incredible individual." Xu Mingyi says with a faint smile.

"As if! In my heart, brother Xu is the most amazing person. That brat is merely relying on Commander-in-chief Long and senior officer Long's connections to become Head Disciple. Who doesn't know that Commander-in-chief Long is old friends with the Head priest." Disciple Zhao scoffs in contempt. "My mother's older brother is a battalion commander, which is why I am privy to information within the military that not many others know."

"Junior Martial Uncle is not that kind of person. Surely, Head priest chose him as his disciple because he saw great potential." Xu Mingyi shakes his head firmly, then stands up. "That's right. Eldest brother Zhao, it has already been a while since you entered this ‘School of Taoism’. Master told me he will be selecting a new priest in two days’ time. You name is on Master's list, but you need to pass the exam in order to advance in rank. Would you like me to help you revise today?"

"Of course! Under brother Xu's personal guidance, I will definitely be able to pass this exam and become an outstanding priest just like brother Xu." Disciple Zhao's face is full of confidence.

"Un. Then let's go." Falling into step beside Disciple Zhao, Xu Mingyi pats him on the shoulder, before turning to address the other envious disciples. "You all must work hard too. When the time comes for your examinations, I will help you all revise as well."


"Brother Xu, you are too good!"

As the other disciples are busy cheering and praising him, Xu Mingyi wraps a hand around a joyously satisfied Disciple Zhao's arm and flees the scene.

"Brother Xu, where should we revise? How about the dining hall? We can revise while eating."

"The dining hall is too noisy, so it wouldn't be suitable. If eldest brother Zhao doesn't mind, how about going to my residence?" A bashful smile on his face, Xu Mingyi blinks and tilts his head to the side to conceal a wild glint that flashes across his eyes.

"Don't mind. Don't mind at all."

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"Then let's go." Smiling sweetly, he places a slender hand on Disciple Zhao's lower back.

"Yes, yes."


[1] Decided to keep these names in pinyin because if I translated it into English, I don't think I can survive the hilarity of it. Either way, I'll put the literal names below:

Yong Meng (勇猛) = Brave and powerful/fierce

Chun Yemen (纯爷们) = Pure/simple menfolk

Meng Hu Mao Xian (猛虎冒险) = Fierce tiger taking risks/fierce risk-taking tiger

Long Yuan (龙渊) = LZY's surname + second character of HZY's given name

Kuang Long Di Yi (狂龙第一) = #1 mad/berserk dragon

Da Mo Wang Mao Xian (大魔王冒险) = Great Demon King taking risks/Risk-taking Great Demon King

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