Rebirth of MC

Chapter 147

Chapter 147: Secret crush

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A handsome man dressed in a smart military uniform walks across the safe zone's market district, a dazzling smile on his face and a plate of red and green bean pancakes in his hand, coming to a stop beside a long-haired youth currently sitting before a small table.

"Little Yuan."

Glancing up from his book at the brightly beaming older man, Huo Zaiyuan offers a faint smile in response. "You look so happy, did something good happen?"

"Of course. Here, these pancakes are made from the safe zone's first harvest of beans. I have just eaten some during the meeting earlier. They don't taste too bad." Long Zhanye presents the plate to Huo Zaiyuan as though it is a newfound treasure.

The red and green bean pancakes look pretty appetising, like deep fried pieces of sweet potatoes.

"You ostentatiously paraded yourself across the safe zone carrying this plate of pancakes?" Huo Zaiyuan can't help laughing at the thought of this man sauntering from the command centre all the way out here with pancakes in hand, the aroma wafting from the food attracting a drove of drooling residents to trail behind him.

He didn't expect such an imposing senior officer Long to still possess a childish side. It is beyond adorable.

"I should of course share something delicious. Come, take a bite." Long Zhanye's eyes seem to brighten further, a roguish smirk playing on his lips. It's not hard to see he likes deliberately inciting envy in others.

Holding the red bean pancake before Huo Zaiyuan's mouth, Long Zhanye seems to be brimming with anticipation.

Since the other is so eager, Huo Zaiyuan doesn't hesitate to take a bite. The pancake itself is salty, but besides beans, there are also…pickled mustard[1] inside.

"……" Staring at the bright-eyed man, Huo Zaiyuan quirks an eyebrow and leans closer. "You didn't make these pancakes yourself, did you?"

When they had a meal together a few days ago, he took out several packets of spicy pickled mustard as a side dish. Long Zhanye had taken one and stuffed it away somewhere, making him think that Zhanye liked them and took it to snack on during work. Therefore, he hadn't thought much about it.

Now, this man smugly carries over a plate of pancakes, all but feeding it to Huo Zaiyuan.

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If this is the safe zone's new food product, Long Zhanye will definitely not treat it like something extremely important. There's only one possibility: he personally made these pancakes.

"Little Yuan, you're really perceptive. Does it taste good?" Long Zhanye reaches out and pulls the youth onto his lap, eagerly awaiting his compliments.

"Pickled mustard and red bean pancakes. It's innovative. Not bad." Huo Zaiyuan nods his head and takes another bite. "You are naturally gifted in cooking."

"Then try this one too." If it is possible, Long Zhanye's bright smile turns even more brilliant as he picks up the green bean pancake and holds it out in front of Huo Zaiyuan's mouth.

With the pickled mustard red bean pancake as the precedent, Huo Zaiyuan is not worried about the taste of the green bean pancake, willingly taking a big bite out of it.

Only, after a couple of chews, Huo Zaiyuan's face abruptly pales.

"You…it's sweet. What did you put in it?"

"Eh? I added red pepper paste…it was something one of my subordinates found during a scavenging mission. Is it bad? It tasted fine when I tried it." Long Zhanye tilts his head in question, then leans forward and tears a piece off, popping it into his mouth. After a few chews, he swallows it with a straight face.

Huo Zaiyuan's head is filled with black lines. After spending so much time with Long Zhanye, he didn't realise the other's taste buds are so…unique.

In the end, Huo Zaiyuan finishes the red bean and pickled mustard pancake while Long Zhanye takes the green bean and red pepper paste (?!) one.

From the start to the end, the happily chatting couple sitting in front of the small food store is completely unaware of a lanky figure standing nearby.

Seeing the two lovers being so intimate, a gleam of misery flashes across the person's eyes. Ultimately, he can take it no longer and strides over to the stall.

"Tsk, tsk, what are you doing in broad daylight? So scandalous ah! I never expected the Long family will fall to this extend." He Lianming meanders over, coiled whip in one hand and the other on his hip. He is as attractive as ever clad in his sharp military uniform, eyebrows raised as he regards the two men, tone very unfriendly.

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Hearing these disdainful words, Long Zhanye doesn't allow his temper to rise. Clearly well aware who this person is, he lifts his head with a faint smirk curling his lips, retorting, "Oh! And here I was wondering who it could possibly be. If it isn't He's Lao Er[2] ~ "

Leisurely standing up, he carelessly extends an arm for a handshake.

He Lianming's face flushes red, fingers tightening around his whip. "You're the Lao Er! Your whole family's the Lao Er! Your entire barracks is the Lao Er!"

Off sitting to the side, Huo Zaiyuan's lips tremble at He Lianming's 'eloquent' comeback. Is this sentence "Your XX is an XX" really the best he can do?

"Tsk, tsk, it's been a while since Lao Er's temper flared. Really brings back memories ah!" Long Zhanye mocks in a reminiscing tone, eyeing the opposite party thoughtfully. "Haven't seen you in a while…un, you've grown more attractive."

"Filth! Bastard! Lecher!"

“Ai, ai, ai…you're really strange. Scolding someone who compliments you. With such bad temper, no woman would dare marry you in the future." Long Zhanye brushes off the insult with practised ease. If one pays close enough attention, one will be able to spot a faint smile on his face. Clearly, he takes great pleasure in teasing others as well.

"You…bastard!" He Lianming is angered to the point of spouting flames and discharging smoke. Gritting his teeth and stamping his feet, he whirls on his heels and leaves in fury.

Long Zhanye's expression is extremely cheerful and light-hearted as he stares at the lanky figure swiftly vanishing into the crowd.

"This is how you bully some people?" Seeing Zhanye's smug smirk, Huo Zaiyuan's own lips curves into a light smile.

Ever since their first meeting, he assumed He Lianming and Long Zhanye were rivals and would never get along. However, it seems his assumption has just been proven false.

When He Lianming walked over then, he clearly saw the way the other man looked at Long Zhanye. That gleam in He Lianming's eyes was one of…infutation, and the desperate struggle to conceal it.

Huo Zaiyuan's eyes narrow, lips pursing as he shifts his gaze to Long Zhanye. Hmm…this rascal has no idea about that person's intentions towards him. If that's the case, Huo Zaiyuan will act like he is not aware of it too.

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Regarding people and things he labelled as his own, his desire to monopolise them is very strong. To tell his Zhanye that He Lianming is interested in him…wouldn't that be helping his love rival? (Author's note: My son, you are also a little black-bellied, huh?)

Aware of Huo Zaiyuan's sudden change in expression and the strange glint in his eyes as his gaze falls on his person, Long Zhanye can't help the light shiver running up his spine. Reaching out, he hugs his lover tightly.

"Beloved, I was wrong in adding red pepper paste in the green bean pancake. Don't stare at me so creepily, or my heart will give out from fright. Touch and see for yourself." Saying this, he tugs Huo Zaiyuan's hand up to press against his chest.

"I don't feel it ah. Your heartbeat is calm and steady as always." Huo Zaiyuan deliberately refuses to agree.

Just like this, the couple mock-argues in front of the small vendor, causing a few customers looking to purchase items from the store hesitate, not knowing if they should interrupt the two men or wait until they are finished.

These two…are they looking to purchase something here or not?

Meanwhile, the furious He Lianming slows to a stop in a relatively isolated place a couple of streets away from the market district. This commander of J City who always displays such cool confidence is now clenching his jaws, eyes red.

"That idiotic bastard. Is there a quality that brat possesses that I can't measure up to? I've been by your side all these years in the army…why wouldn't you look at me even once?! Hateful! So damn hateful…" Indignation carve into every line of his face, He Lianming's fist tightens around the handle of his whip. He fumes for another short moment before lashing out at the nearest tree.

With a ‘crack’, a large portion of the tree bark is sent flying.

"Aiyo…ouch. Really cruel ah. I feel so painful just looking at that poor tree." A clear, sweet-sounding male voice suddenly drifts over, faint laughter in his tone.

"Who?!" He Lianming instantly flicks his wrist, causing the withdrawing whip to whirl in an arc, tail-end shooting towards the direction of the voice.

A gloved hand reaches out and grabs hold, easily snatching the incoming whip out of the air. The stranger offers a disarming smile that compliments his attractive visage nicely, making him seem very warm like the summertime sun.

"Lord Commander, if I cause any damage to your whip, my heart will ache for several days." The young man's smile doesn't falter as he speaks. He doesn't appear willing to let He Lianming's weapon go anytime soon.

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"Who are you? Let go of my whip, damn it." Forcefully jerking the handle of his weapon back, He Lianming's heart stutters in shock when he realises the whip doesn't budge even a little. However, he doesn't outwardly express his shock, instead concealing it with rage.

This stranger is too strong.

"Me ah…I am Ah Si. A member of the newly-established Xuan Feng[3] mercenary squad."

"Who cares about that? Let go!"

"Aiyo…Lord Commander, don't be so angry ah. I'll let go, okay?" The person who introduced himself as Ah Si releases his grip and slowly retreats out of the weapon's range. "Lord Commander, this inferior one came to ask you for assistance. Not sure if you will be willing to help this inferior one?"

"Hmph, wishing for this commander's help. Who do you think you are?!" He Lianming scoffs coldly, coiling his whip and turning to leave.

"Lord Commander, actually, it is not to help me. Rather, this will help you." Ah Si's voice remains bland as he stares at the departing figure. "Because this matter has something to do with senior officer Long."



[1] Spicy or sour pickled mustard:

[2] Lao Er = second child/sibling

[3] Xuan Feng = Whirlwind/tornado. Obviously this doesn't sound bad when translated to English, but since I've used pinyin for the rest of them, I might as well continue to do so.

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