Rebirth of MC

Chapter 153

Chapter 153: Sudden unexpected occurrence

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Three days before Long Zhanye and Huo Zaiyuan's arrival, Y City commenced evacuation. Today, when the pair arrived, the last survivors of Y's safe zone has already reached X City.

From walking to the safe zone's command centre to meeting with the two district leaders and discussing their migration plan, it takes Long Zhanye two hours to complete his task.

Adding together the total survivors from both safe zones, the final number comes up to more than fifty thousand. The vehicles responsible for transportation of both humans and other necessary supplies will be large container trucks. After ensuring all sufficient preparation is completed, a signal is given and everyone is assigned to board a select truck. A convoy consisting of several hundred large vehicles begin to depart, making for a rather spectacular scene.

In charge of escort, Long Zhanye and Huo Zaiyuan's Hummer takes the lead, flanked by X City's military vehicles. In the middle of the convoy are the trucks, with Y City's military bringing up the rear. Throughout the entire journey, the head and the tail of this procession is connected via a short-ranged wireless communication line.

"Reporting to senior officer Long! Everything is prepared and ready," X City's district leader salutes as he speaks, informing Long Zhanye with a solemn tone. It is clear to see that he feels pretty nervous regarding this migration, especially with his responsibilities as a leader.

"Un, take this stack of talismans and make sure to stick one on each vehicle!" Long Zhanye hands over the pile of yellow paper talismans Huo Zaiyuan gave him to the district leader.

The man blinks, startled, as he receives the large pile of talismans. Nonetheless, he recovers quickly and clicks his heels once more before leaving.

During the apocalypse, people begin to view a Taoist's powers as mystical and formidable. Consequently, a Taoist talisman is an extremely precious resource. A Taoist priest's status is high above the common people, and they are deeply respected. However, Long Zhanye unexpectedly hands over a huge amount of priceless talisman to be pasted on the bodies of the vehicles instead of humans… This truly shocks him greatly.

Sticking a talisman on a car is something he has never seen done before.

"Little Yuan, you…you are a Taoist priest!" Having witnessed him handing the talismans over to Long Zhanye, Shuozi exclaims from where he stands off to the side. A flicker of astonishment flashes in his eyes, and he can't help inwardly sighing in admiration.

As expected of the little Yuan he likes most. More than a year since they last met and he has already become a Taoist priest. The way he sees it, little Yuan is not only good-looking, but is extremely skilled too…

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As this thought races across his mind, the captivated blush rises again, and adoration towards this youth increases.

"You can say that, I suppose." Huo Zaiyuan nods and looks at Shuozi. "Older brother Shuozi, one will be very exhausted during this long journey. Young people might not need to worry about it, but the village's grandfathers and grandmothers are a different story, as well as the children. Here, take this with you."

Turning around, he opens the door of the Hummer and removes a large eco-friendly bag[1] filled with various snacks and candies.

"This…" Staring at the large pile of foodstuff, Shuozi trails off, slightly dazed.

"It doesn't matter. I still have a lot more from my scavenging missions. Take this with you."

During the six months he stayed in the small mountain village, the residents took very good care of him. Even all the vegetables, fruits and seeds he purchased from them was obtained at the lowest price.

"Then I thank you on behalf of the other villagers," Shuozi says in gratitude as he shoulders the bag and departs.

Seeing Shuozi leave so cheerfully with a spring in his step, Huo Zaiyuan smiles softly. When he raises his head to look at Long Zhanye, he is met with the other man's disconsolate expression.

"Eh? You…what's wrong? Who provoked your anger?" Wah, he has never seen such a gloomy face.

"You were so good to that easily-distracted youngster. I feel jealous," Long Zhanye grouses as he embraces Huo Zaiyuan, not bothering to conceal his true feelings.

Hearing this, Huo Zaiyuan can't help giggling. As he snickers, his hands come up to brace against the other's chest.

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"Idiot, what are you saying? Before the apocalypse, I stayed in a mountain village for a while. The villagers took very good care of me and I am familiar with older brother Shuozi, so…"

"That fellow likes you." The arms circling Huo Zaiyuan's waist tightens, causing the two to be pressed up against each other. But Long Zhanye's expression darkens further.

Hmph, don't think he isn't aware of what is going on even if he was busy taking care of other matters. That brat was clearly looking at his little Yuan with a wolfish glint in his eyes, salivating from time to time.

"How's that possible?" Huo Zaiyuan doesn't believe Long Zhanye's words, dismissing them as he drags the other to get into the car.

"I don't care for him, or what he wants. But in short, you can't go too close to him in the future." Refusing to let go or get into the car, Lord Captain Long resembles a kid shamelessly throwing a tantrum to get his way.

Huo Zaiyuan merely laughs and drops a light kiss on the older man’s lips.

Bustling around for a whole three hours, the convoy finally sets off at around four in the afternoon. Never did anyone expect Long Zhanye and Huo Zaiyuan's prediction when they first arrived outside the safe zone to suddenly come true.

Not long after the convoy departs X's safe zone, following the darkening sky, countless humanoid silhouettes appear in the distance. Malevolent expressions, purplish-green cracked skin, the large horde of undead make their way steadily through the city towards the safe zone. Fortunately, the entire place is already vacant of living humans, or else the scene that will unfold would be enough to break anyone's fighting spirit.


The convoy has been travelling on the road for six days, and has already reached Huan Shi main street outside K City. The journey up til now has been smooth. Only, during the afternoon they drive pass K City, dense, black clouds suddenly obscure the sky and fine rain falls. Adding on the cold weather, it really tests a person's endurance.

"Reporting to senior officer. The weather is steadily becoming colder and colder. A lot of people have fallen ill. Should we find a place to take shelter from the rain?" X's district leader inquires over comms.

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"No, we absolutely cannot take a break. If we do so, I think many of us will directly freeze to death out here. We must travel through the night today and get to E City as soon as possible. Pass down this order: allocate sufficient drivers to take shifts throughout the night!" Long Zhanye instructs as he drives, not afraid of losing control as the pavement is not slippery despite the rain.

"Yes, Sir."

"The closer we get to E City and the smoother this journey is, more and more people will gradually let down their guards. This wouldn't bode well." Huo Zaiyuan frowns.

Although the main highways have been cleared of rubbles and debris, one can still see the occasional zombie wandering around. Besides facing this rain, the entire journey up til now has been without mishap. But Huo Zaiyuan can't help the tension coursing through his body, preparing for something to go wrong.

"Does little Yuan feel like something major is about to occur?" Long Zhanye asks, eyebrows rising.

"I don't know, but my guts tell me to watch out." Huo Zaiyuan shakes his head lightly as his fingers move, calculation swiftly. "Divination tells me it will be a vicious force, but I can't read anything more."

"A vicious force, huh? Besides the rain and cold, we haven't met any dangers so far. Indeed, we will encounter something unimaginable soon. Best be on guard, especially when passing by G City." A hard light enters Long Zhanye's eyes as he strengthens his focus. Regarding Huo Zaiyuan's divination and intuition, he doesn't harbour any doubts.

The line of vehicles continue speedily forward. Perhaps the Heavens finally take pity on the people below, for when nighttime approaches, the rain ceases. Even the gales begin to weaken until it dies completely and the temperature warms a little. Although it remains cold, it is not longer bone-chillingly so.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, a series of gunshots ring out. Long Zhanye raises his head to see a lanky figure sprinting in their direction, turning around every now and then to open fire. Behind, six or seven undead are in hot pursuit. Judging from the bared fangs and long claws, these zombies are no ordinary high-ranked ones.

"Halt! Quickly!" He yells into the communication device. Immediately, the line of vehicles brake one after another.

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As soon as the Hummer stops, Long Zhanye grabs his rifle and exits the car. Aiming down the sight, he pulls the trigger once.

The bullet shoots out, hitting a pouncing zombie in the chest and sending it flying before it could claw the fleeing youngster.

On the other side of the Hummer, Huo Zaiyuan flings a few talismans out, creating an invisible barrier. The youth crosses it unharmed, but the undead slams against the incorporeal screen, unable to advance further.

Tripping over his feet in his hurry to get away, the youngster falls face first to the ground and skids forward a whole two meters, coming to a stop just before he crashes into Long Zhanye's combat boots.

"Eh…I rescued you, yes. But surely this doesn't warrant such a big show of gratitude," Not pausing in firing at the few zombies on the other side of the barrier, Long Zhanye drawls in amusement as he glances down at the prostrating person.

"S - sorry…" The youngster manages to choke out an apology before climbing to his feet. Bloodstains down the front of his clothes, a face full of bruises and scraps, it appears he has been through a very rough situation. Apart from his sorry state, there doesn't seem to be a scratch mark or bite wound on his person.

"Go behind and find an army medic to give you a thorough inspection and take care of your injuries. Soldiers! Fire at will!" Saying thus, Long Zhanye shoulders his rifle and gestures the soldiers behind him to advance.

After a year of changing equipment, every bullet in every gun is capable of seriously wounding high-level zombies. Furthermore, within the line of this ten plus soldiers carrying rifles and firing at the few undead outside the barrier, about four or five of them are Ability Users. Hence, settling this matter is no difficult task.

Following the crack of gunshots, dismembered limbs and headless bodies thud to the ground as the zombies are swiftly dealt with.


[1] Eco-friendly bags = shopping bags

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