Rebirth of MC

Chapter 186

The three people continued to walk in the Ferocious Beast Forest and encountered more and more Spiritual Grass, but among them there were rank one and rank three grass, some of their ages were quite old, some others were young. Huo Zaiyuan, holding the small shovel in his hand, naturally the more he excavated the better skilled he became, the more he excavated the happier he was. Lastly, little Lu would swiftly enter in the space to transplant the Spiritual Grass. His small and short hands were grasping the iron shovel, he very quickly dug the soil apart, Huo Zaiyuan’s eyes gleaming.

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Long Zhanye squatted by his (Huo Zaiyuan) side, looking at his cute sweaty face with a faint smile. He has seen Tianqi’s and Huo Zaiyuan’s every expression in the past, but never thought that the kid would display such an innocent expression... really... extremely cute: “Having fun?”


“Yes!:D” Huo Zaiyuan nodded his head vigorously, not having any signs of stopping his movements “Wait, still want...”


“En, whatever Huo Zaiyuan wishes for, I will fulfill it... you go on” Long Zhanye touched his hair, showing his pampering eyes (?).  


Even though the Taoist Sect attached importance to cultivating one’s spiritual nature, but the art of making immortal pills has never been neglected. Although those years Tianqi was busy in the green Bamboo House, living in seclusion, aloof from worldly affairs, in addition to drawing characters, there was also the hobby of collecting Spiritual Grass from different kind of flowers (?). Of course this matter was something he got to know later on.


Afterwards his essential baby (?) left the body and turned into Huo Zaiyuan, even though his personality has changed a lot, but that exuberant curiosity for the things he was fond of didn’t change at all. Looking at him practicing the secret method of Jiulongtian (Nine Dragon Days) alone was enough to notice how hardworking he was. And right now his interest on digging Spiritual Grass... zeze... he has a premonition that henceforth this hobby will be his most favorite one (because of money).


All the way digging Spiritual Grass, all the way going deep into (?), having Long Zhanye’s dragon suppressive power, a lot of Ferocious Beasts would withdraw one after another, but they would encounter some which, just for the sake to hold on to the Spiritual Grass, didn’t want to live.


At this moment, the two people (I guess little Lu is in the space) encountered such a thing. It was a yearly (?) fang boa, and he was guarding a rank three Jinya (Gold Bud) Grass with a hundred years blossom flower and a hundred years bear fruit. The Gold Bud Grass, besides being one of the most important material to practice rank three Lingdan (Spiritual Cinnabar) Spiritual Grass, the whole plant was precious too. The soft sooth germinated by the Gold Bud Grass possessed an efficacy on increasing and improving the blood’s circulation, therefore it was also a main ingredient to make Blood Invigorating Powder. The hundred years Gold Bud Grass’ roots were extremely detoxing and the flowers could nourish one’s skin and remove scars, for this reason all the skincare products used by a lot of girls in the cultivation territory contained Gold Bud Grass’s flowers. The fruit was even more excellent, eating a fruit could unblock blood vessels and meridians, consolidate the inner Yuan (? or key element?), increase the spiritual power within the body, although not that much, but for the cultivator, this was already something that could be discovered but not sought.


And this grown up fang boa was keeping a watch on the bear fruit of the Gold Bud Grass, and obviously he wanted to eat the fruit, in order to enhance his physical strength.

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“Get out from the way, otherwise I will peel your snakeskin off” staying in other people’s domain, Long Zhanye would hoot a cruel expression, and only with this not ‘fearing neither Heaven nor Earth’ expression he could solve the problems.


The rarity of fang boa was very low, but in any case it still was a type of Spiritual Beast, and clearly this snake was a little bit knowledgeable, confronting this formidable enemy, it would instinctively retreat. However, he was unwilling to be robbed of the Gold Bud Grass that he has been guarding for a long time. When he raised his courage, he raised his head and spit out red confidence (?) at Long Zhanye, and revealed his own weapon— — two big sharp fangs.


“Right!, show them, I will pull them out!” being provoked by a low level Spiritual Beast, this was an enormous insult for Long Zhanye as part of the Long (Dragon) Clan, moreover his temperament was originally arrogant. He slightly narrowed his sharp eyes, raising his head, his hand quickly transformed in a Dragon Claw covered with black scales, facing towards that fang boa he gave him a shot, as if he was seeing those long boa fangs as a ball, he sent him flying: “Little Yuan, come here, you can dig” his other hand was holding the small shovel, he passed it to the little child by his side.


Huo Zaiyuan remained obviously fascinated by Long Zhanye’s earlier action of hitting the fang boa out, he looked at the direction where the fang boa flew and then he also looked at Long Zhanye’s hand which previously turned into a Dragon Claw... he discovered that his (Long Zhanye) hand already restored to its original state, his small eyebrows slightly wrinkled up.


“Hand” to take the small shovel, Long Zhanye’s hand clearly could change, and it felt so odd: “Change back” Long Zhanye’s face revealed a lukewarm, gentle smile, he stretched his hand in front of Huo Zaiyuan, however on the back of his hand there still were some black dragon scales. The little one stared at his hand covered with black dragon scales, he extended his own hand to touch them, the tactile impression under his little soft hand was ice-cold strategy (?) and appeared rough, his face brimmed with a splendid smile.


Seeing that Huo Zaiyuan wasn’t afraid by his change at all, Long Zhanye’s heart faintly moved at every turn. No matter if it was in the past or now, he (Huo Zaiyuan) has always calmly accepted his difference... such a person, how can he make him not love him! His eyes were filled with new feelings, Long Zhanye’s hand returned normal (?) in a moment, the little child was finally satisfied and began to scoop out that protruding Gold Bud Grass.


About that fang boa that has been slapped flying a moment ago by Long Zhanye, it was about a dozen meters away hesitantly looking around, but was afraid of Long Zhanye’s power, so didn’t dare to approach.


Huo Zaiyuan, who was busy excavating, suddenly let out a light cry in alarm. Long Zhanye, who was ferociously glaring at that fang boa, heard Huo Zaiyuan’s soft voice, he bowed his head to look down.

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In the hole directly excavated by Huo Zaiyuan there was a nest of some kind of big and small white eggs resembling marbles, because Huo Zaiyuan was careful, therefore none of those weak white round eggs were broken.


“Those are snake eggs” Long Zhanye crouched down on Huo Zaiyuan’s side, he skillfully poked on those weak snake eggs, while giving the little child an explanation.


So actually the snake’s purpose wasn’t to guard the Gold Bud Grass, but this nest of eggs. Although Gold Bud Grass was a rank three Spiritual Grass, but in the moment of bearing fruits, it would diffuse a heavy spiritual qi, that fang boa was staying below the Gold Bud Grass ground and giving birth underneath, using the Gold Bud Grass’ bear fruit spiritual qi to nourish them.


“Is it a mother snake?” Huo Zaiyuan extended his little hand and pointed to the distant enemy looking around, an anxious of moving slowly fang boa.


“È... it may be a father snake. If the little one likes it, we can also dig those snake eggs together” in Long Zhanye’s eyes flashed a crafty radiance, he viciously gave the little child a suggestion. Heng!, who let that lousy snake exactly don’t know his life or death and provoked him!


“Not good not good, take the snake eggs away, mother snake and father snake wouldn’t be happy” Huo Zaiyuan vigorously shook his head.


“È... alright, then we won’t hollow out the snake eggs, only the Spiritual Grass” retaliating against the fang boa failed, Long Zhanye’s heart cried out miserably, but still he didn’t want to make his baby unhappy.


“Ngng” nodding his head, Huo Zaiyuan continued to dig the Spiritual Grass, and very soon the Gold Bud Grass was scooped out.

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Bedding his body to embrace Huo Zaiyuan, Long Zhanye send both the Spiritual Grass and the small shovel in the space, turned round and walked away.


That hesitating fang boa saw Long Zhanye leaving, he quickly crawled towards the place where the nest of snake eggs was, and noticed that the snake eggs present in the nest of eggs were still intact, some meters long body rolled in a ball (?), it wasn’t difficult to make out that what happened a moment ago indeed seriously frightened it.


The two people swayed into the forest again, but this time they didn’t run into any rare and precious Spiritual Grass. The lying in Long Zhanye’s bosom Huo Zaiyuan suddenly turned his face, his big eyes looked at one direction.


“What’s going on?”


“Over there... a fragrance” indicating the direction with his small hand, Huo Zaiyuan raised his head, doing like a small animal, smelling in that direction.  


Long Zhanye watched his cute appearance, and also imitated his (Huo Zaiyuan) smelling action in that direction, he reached to the conclusion that there wasn’t any odor: “Nope”


“There is really a perfume!, a sweet smell, like haw fruit (red fruit)” the little one licked his lips, with greedy eyes.


The haw fruit was an unique Spiritual Fruit of the Evil Dragon Mountain, it was some kind of ferocious beast’s blood drops dripped on the ground that grew up in a plant. That plant would exude a faint sweet fragrance, the fruit was even more crispy and tasty, sweet but not sticky. At the time when Long Zhanye left the Evil Dragon Mountain while carrying Huo Zaiyuan, they just happened to meet such a fruit, hence they removed several bunches of the fruit to give them to Huo Zaiyuan as snacks. Afterwards the little child continuously ate them and ate them to the point of addiction, always remembering the haw fruit’s flavor.

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Long Zhanye carefully smelled again, determining that apart from the characteristic grass and trees smell of the forest, there weren’t any other fragrances, which made him couldn’t help but lightly frown. In the capacity of a Dragon Clan, his sense of smell was of course more powerful than average people. After Huo Zaiyuan regained his true self and was blocked within the body by the Taoism component (?), he had to get a new method of cultivating in order to lift the ban, this was also his reason of wanting to send him in the Taoist Sect, thus, the current little child was merely a normal child and nothing more, unexpectedly his (Huo Zaiyuan) sense of smell was even sharper than his (Long Zhanye).


En... there must be really something over there.


“Okay, in this case let’s go over and take a look. What’s the thing that emits this fragrance”


“Haw fruit! Haw fruit!” the little child’s eyes shined, his drool already flowing out from his mouth.


“Not necessarily a haw fruit... only the Evil Dragon Mountain has it...” Long Zhanye whispered.


The two walked and talked, arriving in a long route’s section, to one’s surprise they came in front of a small hill, all black and all over grew all sorts of vine branches vegetation


“Sweet scent; haw fruit; there aren’t....” looking at the dark hill, Huo Zaiyuan pursed his lips in disappointment, and then stared pitifully at Long Zhanye.


Just when Long Zhanye wanted to comfort him, the left side of the small hill suddenly flashed a shadow…

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