When I came to Mo Jin’s ward, only Mo Jin and Mo Yu were in the room.

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    Mo Jin’s spirit is incredibly good. He is leaning on the bed. Listening to what Mo Yu is saying to him, with an old face smiling very happily.


    As soon as he saw Xia Yanxuan, he waved to her happily, “Come. come here, young lady.”


    Xia Yanxuan walked forward with a smile, “Old Mo is in good spirits, but you should pay more attention to rest”.


    “I am good now. It’s all thanks to you” the old man said. You saved my life. Come, sit here.” Mo Jin pointed to the vacant seat beside Mo Yu with a smile. The wrinkles on his face also stretched out.


    Xia Yanxuan nodded and sat down. Her pretty face was calm as a wave, without showing a hint of pride, “You’re welcome, Mr. Mo, I’ll check your pulse first.”


    Mo Jin stretched out his hand and handed it to him. Xia Yanxuan, by looking at him, it was not easy to have such a calm heart at his age. The more she looked, the more pleased she became.


    “Young girl, don’t be so outspoken in the future. We’re all a family now. Don’t be so polite, just call me grandpa okay.” The old man said with a smile, looking at Xia Yanxuan with anticipation.


    The corner of Xia Yanxuan’s mouth couldn’t help twitching. When did she become a part of the family?. But seeing Mo Jin’s expectant eyes. She was a little embarrassed to refuse. She could only bite the bullet and shout: “Grandpa Mo!”


    “Haha… You girl, you are a ghost. Forget it, I’m not forcing you, old man, you like it. Call it what you want.” Xia Yanxuan’s attitude let Mo Jin know that she didn’t accept her kindness, so she made Mo Jin appreciate it even more. If ordinary people would have bloomed with joy long ago, they would call themselves grandpa affectionately.


    Mo Jin took out a string of jade beads from under the pillow and handed it to Xia Yanxuan, “You take this girl, just treat it as an old man’s favor, and don’t refuse.” Mo Jin spoke seriously, with irresistible determination in his words.

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    Xia Yanxuan looked at the string of lavender jade beads. The whole body of the jade beads was crystal clear, with a faint fluorescence on the surface. Make her feel familiar.


    Seeing Xia Yanxuan looking at Mo Yu. He thought that Xia Yanxuan was a little embarrassed to accept it. So he persuaded her, “Xia Yanxuan, you can accept it.”


    “Okay! Thank you Grandpa Mo!”


    “Why are you so polite to Grandpa? Hehe…” When Xia Yanxuan accepted it, the smile on Mo Jin’s face became even brighter, an old face smiling like a blooming chrysanthemum.


    Xia Yanxuan took out the already written prescription and handed it to Mo Yu”. This is Grandpa Mo’s prescription, take two procedures of treatment according to the above method.”


    Mo Yu happily accepted the prescription, “I won’t say thank you, there will be more in the future” Mo Yu said. “Just feel free to speak when you need it” Xia Yanxuan states.


    Xia Yanxuan was not arrogant, she stood up and said to Mo Jin: “Grandpa Mo, you will be alive again in a short time. You have a good rest. So I will not disturb you now. See you in two days. I’ll check you again.” After that, she nodded to Mo Yu and walked out.


    “Okay! Okay! Slow down, girl.” Mo Jin smiled and waved to Xia Yanxuan.  He instructed Mo Yu who was beside, “Mo Yu, go send the girl off.


    “Well, Grandpa, I will help you first  to sleep and rest.” Mo Yu covered Mo Jin with the quilt. After chasing in the direction of Xia Yanxuan.


    As soon as Xia Yanxuan walked out of the ward, Mo Yu followed her.

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    “Where do you want to go? This young beautiful man has a special car to pick you up. That young beautiful man is also here to accompany you. I wonder if the beautiful girl can give a funny face?”


    Xia Yanxuan couldn’t help laughing. She blinked mischievously, “How can I refuse such good service with a young  beautiful man with a special car?”


    Mo Yu laughed heartily. That handsome face glowed with an unrestrained attraction, “I’m honored! Where do you want to go?”


    “Eat.” Xia Yanxuan said. After sleeping until noon, the stomach has long been protesting.


    “Where do you want to go?” And

    “What do you want to eat then? Mo Yu asked her.


    “Wherever and Whatever!” She wanted to cook by herself.  The food she had eaten in the past two days was not the food she wanted to taste.


    Mo Yu smiled mysteriously. Mo Yu’s face was a little childish, “I will take you to a special place.” There are some specific restaurants in the nursing home. They all have first-class chefs in China. He wanted to take her there.


    The two drove to the most famous food street in Yangcheng. Although it’s not a weekend, it’s still crowded here.


    Mo Yu and Xia Yanxuan walked along the crowded area. The crowd gradually became sparse. Ahead is a deep, invisible alley.


    If he didn’t know Mo Yu, Xia Yanxuan doubted whether he planned to sell himself.

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    Walking through the deep alley, the eyes suddenly become bright. At the end of the alley is a small white building, which looks old, with a bit of the style of the Republic of China.


    Walking in along the steps, the door is another world.


    On both sides of the courtyard is a sea of ​​lilies, which are swaying gracefully in the wind, exuding a refreshing fragrance. Under a century-old tree, a swing wrapped around a flowering vine is swaying gently in the wind.


    The two walked inward along the stone road and came to the white small western-style building. Above the gate of the small building hangs a horizontal plaque made of cypress wood, with the words ‘Yiranju’ written on it.


    Before entering the Yiran Residence, I heard the melodious sound of the guqin.


    The sound of the piano rises and falls one after another. It is melodiously listened to, which instantly makes people feel relaxed and happy. As if the heart has been washed and suddenly released its heavy loads. As if the battle for fame and fortune in the world has long since ceased to exist.


    There is no hustle and bustle of the big city here. It’s just calm and peaceful.


    Xia Yanxuan fell in love with this place at a glance.


    The two walked in, and a faint scent of tea hit their faces.


    There are several tables in the house already filled with people. Some people are here drinking tea or dining with sumptuous and delicious dishes. Some people play chess and listen to the piano.

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    The two found a vacant seat by the window and sat down.


    “Does Xia Yanxuan like it here?” Mo Yu asked with a smug smile. He already knew what was in her heart from her expression.


    “Not bad!” Xia Yanxuan nodded, her bright eyes staring at the white figure approaching with interest.


    His face is like the moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival. The color of his skin was brown and his long hair was casually tied behind him with light blue silk threads. That stunning face that was prettier than a woman was calm and unwavering.


    These are not the reasons for attracting Xia Yanxuan to look at him.  The reasons for attracting her attention are the faint melancholy exudes from him. With his excessively rosy thin lips.


    “Mo Yu!” The man came to their side. His voice is mellow. It’s like a melody coming from a violin with excellent sound quality, melodious and moving.


    Mo Yu stood up and lightly hammered his shoulder.


    With a smile, she introduced Xia Yanxuan who was facing her, “He is Liu Chenye, the owner and assistant of Yiranju.”


    “Hello! I’m Xia Yanxuan.” Xia Yanxuan extended her hand generously.


    “Hello!” Liu Chenye stretched out his hand and shook it back. A faint smile appeared on his beautiful face, which was even more captivating. Looking at him, Xia Yanxuan suddenly felt a strange feeling which was heartache. Heartbroken for this gorgeous man. She has never been a sentimental person, why does she feel this way today?

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