Ouyang Nuan falling into the water and to sustain injuries, this is a disturbing and very huge matter, Lin Shì is not the only one, even Ouyang Zhi returned to come and look once. For this father, Ouyang Nuan's heart is also very complicated, at that time Fang mó mo by every means cry for help, he however towards his own biological daughter is not in the least concerned. In his heart, Ouyang family's disgrace, wishing she would immediately disappear from this world is good. However, this is not surprising, under Lin Shì 's unseen traces in every possible way is to incite and to drive a wedge in between. She and her father have never been close to each other, and some simply become estranged and dreads.

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          "Father, daughter is unfilial, actually I also want to personally come and visit you." Ouyang Nuan smiled a very well-behaved appearance.

          Ouyang Zhi looked at his eldest daughter, only to see her appearance as if eyes are like paint, at that time vaguely looked like his deceased wife. All of a sudden to recall at that time when she was just born, also himself to be able to go over to kiss, hold and loved dearly. Certainly, afterward his wife passed away, and a bride entered the door. This daughter also does not like to get close to himself, soon afterward not very happy, even to think she is not as lively and clever as compared to Ke er. Now, to see Ouyang Nuan's illness and her discontented and pitiful appearance, he thought that this is also his own flesh and blood, in addition, to put and risk her own life to go down to rescue his eldest son, and he felt pity in his heart. Then with a kind smile said: "You, this foolish girl, knew in your heart is first aid for Jue er, however, it's also important to take into consideration of yourself and your body. You are this ill, your Mother is very worried."

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          Ouyang Nuan's smile is even more gentle: "Daughter is reckless, at that time I originally not have much to think of something, only a single thought of rescuing younger brother. Only, falling ill must have worried the family home, also requested for the physician to visit again, even more, to have troubled father..."

          Ouyang Zhi to hear these words, immediately felt she is awfully sensible, in a more gentler tone: "Also a headache?"

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          Ouyang Nuan sucked in and breathed through her nose, and the voice unconsciously brought a little spoiled and said: "It hurts." After a pause, tears then started to fall.

          Ouyang Zhi cherish her and hold her against his chest in a tight embrace, coaxed her and said: "Don't be so reckless in the future, your younger brother's life is precious, but if something very bad happened to you, father will also be distressed, understand?"

          Ouyang Nuan buried her face on her father's chest, and made an effort to nod her head: "En!"

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          Very clever, very adorable, full of tenderly love, Ouyang Zhi too had a hold of a compassionate father's craving, perfectly satisfied he left the place. Daughter here is well appeased, wife is still there because of daughter's health she is deeply worried and sick at heart. He too wants to go and try to properly comfort her as well.

          Looking at his back as he leaves, Ouyang Nuan hooks up the corner of her mouth —— Very soon, she will let him and Lin Shì turned against each other.

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          In the house to rest for just three days, medicinal ingredients the same as running water, and tonic sent by Lin Shì always came. Outside people all say that Lin Shì is generous and magnanimous, to treat well the stepdaughter. Fang mó mo was completely angry towards this, she said it to Ouyang Nuan to hear, she however only smiled faintly, hardly minded it.

          On the fourth day, Ouyang Nuan was able to get out of bed on her own. She had dressed simply all of a sudden, then she opened her mouth and said: "Should go there to Zǔ mǔ to pay my respects."

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