Ch 11 – Changes (4)

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That drug was harmless to the body but it brought about a benign growth that was detrimental to her facial appearance. The Great Elder dared to poison Ye Ling, the head of the household, thus it was highly plausible that he would do something similar to her. He had most probably made her take that weird drug while she was still young.

If it was not for her medical expertise after many years of training in her past, Ye Qingtang would still be in the dark about this.

The bowl currently in her hands contained the medicinal brew that could neutralize the effects of that drug.

In the past, the blemish on her face which became her inferiority complex, caused her to become a shut-in. This time, though Ye Qingtang no longer cared about appearances, she was nonetheless, unwilling to put up with the constant reminder of that weird drug affecting her body.

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Ye Qingtang took a deep breath and gulped down that bowl of disgusting medicinal brew in one go. The stifling bitterness that exploded in her mouth nearly choked her to tears.

“No way in my life am I drinking this again.” Ye Qingtang wiped off the brew dregs from the corner of her lips while voicing her complaint with a grimace.

After drinking the brew, Ye Qingtang felt a singe on the blemish on her face. She rushed over to the bronze mirror and observed the changes from her reflection.

That scarlet blemish began to fade gradually in front of her eyes before disappearing beneath her fair skin.

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Without that blemish, her face seemingly underwent a complete make over. That once hideous reflection of hers, transformed into an alluring beauty that could easily grasp the hearts of men. Her now fair and flawless skin became the perfect complement to her refined facial features.

“Now, this is more like it.” Ye Qingtang touched her now natural face with a smile.

Coupled with her dazzling smile, one could not peel the eyes off her reflection.

After admiring herself for a moment, she tidied up her room before settling herself in a bathtub, washing her tired self away from all in a day’s work.

That cooling sensation when the water permeated her skin reminded her clearly, of the fact that she was reborn.

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Ye Qingtang was still unaware of why she was still alive.

Now after relaxing, various flashbacks of her past to the moment when she crushed her heart atop Lingyun cliff reverberated in her mind.

In her past, she initially had no idea that the heart in her body belonged to the Demon Emperor. She only felt that her heart was somewhat abnormal at times when it exuded a demonic aura.

The past Ye Qingtang had never tried to harness its powers. Though she tried her best in suppressing it instead, but those people still regarded her as a demonic spawn.

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“The heart of the Demon Emperor, everyone yearns for your power. If you are truly what the legends had claimed then …. Bestow your powers upon me….” Ye Qingtang rested her head against the tub, her eyes dilated by the dew from the waters, glistened with a chilling gaze.

As long as she could have her revenge by sending all her enemies into the depths of hell, forsaking her humanity and becoming a demon would be worth it!

Once having said that, her pulsating heart convulsed all of a sudden, releasing a dark miasma that permeated throughout her body. A heart throbbing pain invaded her senses, seething towards her lower abdomen.

The receptacle for her spirit root in her body, ever since it was dug out, it felt cold like a bleak winter’s night. That sense of emptiness after having lost one’s spirit root, Ye Qingtang was all too familiar, much more than anyone else.

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