Chapter 17 – The Revenge is Mine (2)

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The attendants who were outside came into the hall upon hearing the commotion. They adjusted their sleeves, ready to seize Ye Qingtang at a moment’s notice.

“Grandpa, let’s just put this behind us.” Si Bai suddenly got up from his seat and went straight to Ye Qingtang’s side. He obviously did not believe that a young girl like her could actually cure him of his sickness.

“San-er, you stay out of this!” Old Master Si grew more sullen than ever.

Si Bai furrowed his brow and while turning his gaze towards Ye Qingtang, he whispered: “Miss Ye, I will escort you out.” With that being said, he planned to leave the hall together with Ye Qingtang.

However, Ye Qingtang would not budge an inch and just stood there smiling at Si Bai while shaking her head.

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Si Bai was totally bewildered, he really had no idea why this young lady from the Ye household was so adamant about this.

Judging from his grandfather’s hatred towards the Ye household, getting embroiled in his wrath would be the least of her worries. If she still refused to leave now, getting out of here later might no longer be an option.

Lo and behold, just as this premonition crossed his mind, Old Master Si had already instructed the attendants with a loud voice: “Seize her!”

The attendants surrounded Ye Qingtang at his command.


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“Wait! Wait! It’s a misunderstanding!” Dr Xu finally recovered from his fixation with the prescriptions. Realizing that Old Master Si had ordered his men to seize Ye Qingtang, he scurried over and shielded her, while waving the prescriptions at Old Master Si in a panic.

“Dr Xu, what’s the meaning off this?” Old Master Si was totally perplexed by Dr Xu’s interference.

Dr Xu felt like he could throw up over this anxiety, “My lordship please, no harm must ever come to Miss Ye!”

“What are you babbling about? She is trying to harm San-er through those prescriptions of hers….”

“These prescriptions are real! The young master will be saved!!!” Dr Xu answered frantically.

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“…..” Old Master Si was dumbfounded while he stared at Dr Xu in disbelief, “What do you mean?”

Dr Xu drew a deep breath, struggling to keep his emotions in check, before he blurted out:” Previously I’ve mentioned that eradicating the poison is impossible, but there was a method that worked wonders for fetal poisoning recorded in the Ancient Medical Annals. Unfortunately, those annals were long lost within the passage of time. My mentor had only managed to get his hands on a few pages, thus I’m able to discern that these two lists of prescriptions written by Miss Ye are indeed the right medicine. As long as the young master follows these prescriptions for a long term, he may be on the path to full recovery. Of course, I dare not affirm that he will live over a hundred but beyond thirty is not a problem!”

Dr Xu was exhilarated, he could never imagine he would discover a long-lost prescription from the Ancient Medical Annals today.

Only the Heavens knew how precious these medical annals were to physicians around the world. Many would exhaust a lifetime to find a statement or two; to learn a full prescription from that was akin to a miracle, fulfilled through the hands of a fifteen-year-old girl!

Ye Qingtang had opened his eyes and was now the subject of his aspiration!

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Old Master Si was totally astounded. Dr Xu was on close terms with their household, his medical expertise was also highly acclaimed, therefore his words were certainly warranted and trustworthy.

This time, an erratic change came over Old Master Si’s countenance.

Si Bai was also stunned for a moment, before turning a probing gaze towards Ye Qingtang, who remained composed all this time.

Ye Qingtang revealed a gentle smile towards him, before approaching Old Master Si.

“Master Si, are you convinced now?”

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