Chapter 6: Ice Studio

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Looking back at the first death of his past life. It was also due to him forgetting the time limit when searching for the eel underwater. Lu Yang smiled helplessly and spat on the developers of the game. He continued to swim towards the bottom of the river.

In less than 5 minutes down the bottom, Lu Yang saw a group of small fish swimming over and an electric eel was also in it.

He took out the harpoon and aimed it. After throwing it out, it accurately pierced into the electric eel.

System Prompt: You have captured an electric eel.

Placing the electric eel in the backpack, Lu Yang continued to look for it at the bottom of the river.

On the bank of the river, people saw Lu Yang dived into the water. A warrior asked curiously. “Is there any strange thing in the water to kill? I will also go and see.”

A thief next to him sneered and said, “Don’t be stupid, so many people here have searched the bottom of the river. Except for some level 0 inexperienced fish, there is nothing else.”

“Oh.” The warrior gave a mocking look at the place where Lu Yang jumped into. He laughed and said, “That fool thought he had found a new leveling place. It’s so stupid.”

Everyone around them smirked.

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Two minutes later, Lu Yang poked his head out of the river as he let the grey strip to recover and dived back into the water.

In that dive just now, Lu Yang caught 22 electric eels altogether. Although the number of electric eels exceeded the number in the mission, he decided to catch more electric eels. While still fewer people knew this mission and there were more than enough electric eels.

In this way, Lu Yang continued to dive, emerge, dive and emerge in the curious eyes of the people on the back of the river. The routine continued more than 30 times. When the people on the river bank could not help but go to see what he was doing. In that moment Lu Yang walked onto the river bank.

The warrior who just mocked at Lu Yang curiously asked, “Is there anything under the river?”

Lu Yang pretended to be upset and said, “Damn, I’ve wasted so much time. There are no monsters at the bottom of the river.

The crowd burst into laughter.

Lu Yang looked at their appearance and thought with a sneer in his heart, “Look at them, when they saw the misery of others, they will be happy. I will keep this mission to myself.”

Not bothered to hang out with this group of people, Lu Yang ran back to Bradman’s said. He gave ten electric eels to him, and asked, “Is this the electric eel you need?”

Bradman was overjoyed as he took the electric eel from Lu Yang’s hand and said, “Yes this is it. Oh, my dear friend, you’ve done me a great favor. I’d like to thank you. This is the recipe for the crispy electric eel. Please keep it.”

System Prompt: You received a Crispy Electric Eel recipe (Golden Grade).

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After finally getting the recipe he quickly learned it.

System Hint: You have learned basic cooking.

System Hint: You have learned the cooking method of Crispy Fried Electric Eel.

Because of the super high realism of <Second World>. Even if you learned the recipe, you still need to cook it yourself. So cooking could also fail.

Fortunately, Lu Yang learned the Crispy Electric Eel recipe in his last life and tried cooking it. The result was disgusting. Therefore, he learned that way to cook the electric eel must be very accurate.

A fire was lit at the gate of the city. Lu Yang took out the Electric Eel and began cooking.

System Hint:

You cooked a Crispy Fried Electric Eel, cooking proficiency +1

You cooked a Crispy Fried Electric Eel, cooking proficiency +1

You cooked a Crispy Fried Electric Eel, cooking proficiency +1

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After a while, Lu Yan cooked more than 600 pieces of crispy fried electric eel. He almost filled his entire storage. He took out one to taste.

“I haven’t eaten it for more than three years and it still smells so good.”

<Second World> had reach 99.9% realism. Even taste could be imitated. Although each cooking simulates the real world’s delicacies. Eating more delicious food could make you vomit. Lu Yang used to eat tens of thousands of these in his past life. He savored the smell.

After eating for 8 seconds, a buff appeared on Lu Yang’s head.

Crispy Electric Eel: +5 intelligence, 8 mana/ 5 seconds

“Oh my God. The level 0 cooking actually comes with 2 buffs.”

“Other than the buff of recovery per seconds, it also gave 8 health points and 12 magic points. Its three times more than the inferior black bread bought from the system.”

“This formula must be at least silver-grade, and may even be gold-grade.”

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When Lu Yang was cooking, players gradually gathered around him. so many people accepted the mission and only he completed. They were curious about how he did it, especially when they saw the effect of the meat. It was even more amazing.

During the discussion, a beautiful female player wearing a dark robe came to Lu yang in front of the crowd of more than a dozen players.

“Hello, I am Xia Yuwei of Ice Studio.” The pretty player said.

Lu Yang, who was cooking, didn’t expect such a coincidence. He actually encountered people of the [Ice Studio] in this life.

The [Ice Studio] in his last life was very big, but it was only made up of a small team in the beginning. After half a month, the real-time and game currency exchange would open. And the [Ice Studio] would really expand. At that time, Lu Yang was one of the gold farmers in the studio. He also had a bit of friendship with Xia Yuwei in front of him.

Lu Yang looked up and saw Xia Yuwei. He found that she was as beautiful as his past life. Although her expression was a bit cold, it was undeniable that she was a top-ranking beauty. Standing beside her was Lan Yu who had a pure and fresh air around her.

Lu Yang had a lot of intersection with Lan Yu in the [Ice Studio] and he helped her many times after become a powerful mage. The relationship between the two was very close. However, the relationship between the two was only so far. He liked her in real life and treated Lan Yu as his younger sister.

Although he knew exactly the other party came, Lu Yang was still cooking the electric eel in his hand before he stood up and looked at Xia Yuwei and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Lu Yang’s calm attitude made Xia Yuwei somewhat worried. So far, none of the men who have seen her could keep calm like this. Which made her look at him with some amazement.

“How did you accomplish this mission? Can you tell me?” Xia Yuwei asked.

Lu Yang smiled, and to be honest, he had never thought of telling others how to complete this mission. If his opponents got it, it would speed up their progress.

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