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Su Family Household, next day.

Su Jiang looked at Su Hong, his eyes like black holes prepared to suck up Su Hong entirely.

In front of his brother's overwhelming aura, he trembled uncontrollably and groveled in front of him. He hit his head on the ground repeatedly, begging for forgiveness.

"I didn't know! I really didn't!!! I won't ever offend her again, promise!" Su Hong cried, pleading for mercy. If he knew that that security girl was his brother's woman then he would have hugged her thigh like his life depended on it.

"It's too late," He said emotionlessly, like the person in front of him wasn't his brother. He was like an immortal king passing his divine judgement on a lowly peasant.

Seeing his brother's grim glimpse, he knew he was done for. But, after accepting his new fate as a pitiful slave, he remembered something and became agitated. His eyes twinkled with enthusiastic and he crawled to his knees.

"How-how about, in order to repay my debt, I help you win over the security guard?" He proposed with hope, like his life line was being used.

Su Jiang' freezing frown melted at the mention of her and he began to waver.

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Half of Su Hong was ecstatic that he managed to escape the full wrath of his terrifying monster of a brother, but the other half was depressed. It seemed his brother had already decided that the girl he had only seen from a distance was more important.

Su Hong sniffled back his tears and just decided to hug onto his new sister-in-law. If he managed to curry favor with her then his life would be smooth sailing.

"I have a lot of experience with woman and she is the Impossible Level. The thing she hates the most is being tied down. You will never capture her heart with your level of experience, the noobest of noobs. Only with the help of an expert would you even have a chance," Su Hong nodded seriously.

Normally Su Jiang would slay the souls of thousands if anyone ever said something remotely bad about him, but this time his brows just furrowed with deeper uneasiness. It seemed that the security guard girl was his weakness.

"How long?" Su Jiang said softly.

Su Hong gulped down his saliva nervously and scratched his head, trying to avoid the question.

"How long?" Su Jiang repeated lightly, his previous anger beginning to return.

"I'm-I'm actually not sure..." Su Hong said, his voice progressively getting quieter. Usually, although not as much as his brother, he was quite confident in front of others. Only in front of his brother would he submit in such a way.

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Su Jiang showed another rare trace of worry. Forget it, he would try it anyway. This was the only time he wasn't confident in himself.

Desert Fox Bar on the top floor of the Black Diamond Mall.

Lu Cheng guzzled a cup of vodka and looked at the man next to her, slightly sober.

"Didn't you say you were going to quit alcohol?" Tan Lin said helplessly, watching her gulp down another cup. This woman was hopeless.

Lu Cheng hit her head onto the table and looked at him with an indignant pursed lip.

"Hmph, worry at yourself first! You said you'd quit a year before me and look at you," Lu Cheng said angrily.

"Well, I'm a man and men drink. You can't cage a man's natural desires," Tan Lin said righteously, puffing out his chest.

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"A man? You? You're more like a little sissy," Lu Cheng snorted, turning her head. Her head had started to hurt a while ago, but she ignored it.

She had never passed because of drinking. It was one of her many talents.

"Tab," Tan Lin said, raising his hand to the bar tender. The bar tender walked to him and placed a small check in front of him, collected all the empty cups. He had become immune Lu Cheng's capabilities. After all, she was a regular and he saw her on a regular basis.

"I got this," Lu Cheng said, placing her credit card on the check. She looked a bit loopy but if she were that weak to not even be able think properly, she would not be a regular in THIS bar.

"Who are you and what have you done with the real Lu Cheng?" Tan Lin said with all seriousness.

"You f*cker, I got a new high paying job ok?" Lu Cheng kicked Tan Lin in the arm. Tan Lin held his arm with a grimace and pulled out his middle finger without a second thought.

Seeing Lu Cheng's eyes flash with eagerness and her arms getting into a fighting position, a shiver instantly travelled down his spine.

"HEY HEY HEY! STOP YOU B*TCH!!!" Tan Lin yelled, dodging a punch to his face, "SPARE THE FACE! F*CK! AHHHHH!!! IT WAS A JOKE!!!"

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Lu Cheng rose her eyebrow with suspicion, "I don't hear an apology?" However, even while talking her legs and hands still moved, not slowly down in the slightest.

"Never!" Tan Lin clenched his teeth. He would not submit to this ferocious woman again.

Lu Cheng chuckled evilly, and her lips curved to form a smirk.

"Don't you have a concert tonight? Wouldn't it be a shame for you to have a black eye?" She said happily, aiming at his face again.

Tan Lin's eyes widen, and he immediately kneeled in submission, "Forgive me oh great lord!"

Lu Cheng laughed out loud, crossing her arms in a dominating manner. It was lucky that the bar was so large and noisy, or else he would have no face left.

Tan Lin got up slowly, holding his back whimpering.

"Why are you in such a bad mood today? Usually you avoid the face," Tan Lin asked sipping his last cup of vodka.

The bar tender grabbed the credit card and the check, indifferent to the previous events. As said before, this was normal to him at this point. He walked away, no longer looking at the weird friends. It truly seemed that his life had reached a new low point, that this was now normal to him. He sighed with regret and went to the cash register and put in the payment.

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