Reborn As a System

Chapter 77

Chapter 77 - Galactic Federation (14)

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Shi Qing smiled embarrassingly and quickly changed the subject, “I just received a reminder for the main task. I’ll send it to you.”


System prompt: After all the clues are collected, the main task goal is to obtain the Omega spiritual-activation medicine.


Shi Qing had received this prompt long before he had read the file, but at that time he didn't understand what it meant. Now, after hearing what Qin Mo said, he finally understood.


Shi Yuan, the father of Shi Yun and Shi Qing, was frantically hunted down by the Omega Association, not only because of the invention of powerful Omega inhibitors but more importantly because of the transformative work that Shi Yuan carried out in the later stages of the experiment.


That is, the development of Omega spiritual-activating medicine.


As the name suggests, this is a medicine for Omegas and its effect is the activation of potential spiritual power of any Omega. This spiritual power of Omegas has been recorded in very early ancient books.


At that time, the number of Omegas and Alphas was balanced, and the birth rate and survival rate were comparable. It was a prosperous era where every Alpha could find their Omega and every Omega could also find their favorite Alpha.


It was a normal, harmonious, and positive society, as opposed to the current state of vicious deformity.


Shi Yuan discovered this part of history and spent decades collecting data to find the point where the balance could be maintained. Then he discovered the hidden power in Omega's body.


The creator of life is fair and does not blindly favor any one person or group. Omegas don’t have strong bodies, but they have a power that belongs to them alone, an impressive and unspeakable spiritual power.


They can influence and even control others with just their thoughts.


It’s a powerful ability, full of mystery and secrecy.


With the existence of extraordinary abilities, ambition began to brew. The perfect harmony was gradually broken, that is, two thousand years ago, some ambitious Omegas became the masters of the world by virtue of this power. They subjugated Alphas like slaves, wantonly humiliating them.


It’s a blank part of history, completely erased by today's society, an era that was unspeakably humiliating and unimaginable.


When an equal balance is lost, an inevitable tragedy will be born.


The crazy actions of the ambitious Omegas completely aroused public anger and the Alphas rose up to resist. They massacred the Omegas and began a disastrous war that lasted for centuries.


In the end, the Omegas failed, and their spiritual powers were locked away, leaving them to only be subjected to a mark for eternity.


As long as an Omega is marked, they can never betray their Alpha.


This is the Alphas' revenge, they overturned the rule of an abyss, but gradually entered another realm of hell.


An era in which Omegas cannot survive.


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When Shi Yuan saw this, he didn't want Omegas to be powerful enough to rule the world again, he just wanted Omegas to gain their own power and balance this deformed society.


Omegas will be marked and they will always be with their Alpha.


But if an Omega gains spiritual power, can they keep their Alpha forever?


They need each other equally and neither of them is dependent on the other. You help me, I help you, and the world will be on the right track once again.


Shi Yuan didn’t know, but he believed that this was a path of hope.


He worked hard for decades, finally succeeded in research and development, and was subsequently betrayed. He had reached his breaking point and even his Alpha partner was killed.


The development of the new psychotropic medicine was successful, but it somehow disappeared.


The main task is to find this medicine. Shi Qing couldn't help frowning and ask, “Where do we find this? After so many years, the medicine has long been destroyed.”


“Yes, the medicine has already been destroyed, but,” Qin Mo looked at him and continued, “The formula is still in existence.”


Shi Qing's eyes lit up, if there’s a formula, then they could just use it to make the medicine, right?


“Where's the formula?”


“The Omega Association.”


Hearing the name, Shi Qing obviously paused. Those bad memories were not forgotten so quickly, but fortunately, he was just a little panda and his expression couldn’t be revealed.


He paused, then continued to ask, “Are you sure? How did you find out?”


“It's Shi Yun, he inherited Shi Yuan's will and has been looking for it.”


After hearing this, it was only then that Shi Qing understood, it turned out to be like this.


It would be much easier to handle it this way. Although the Omega Association is heavily guarded, it’s impossible to stop him and Qin Mo.


Although the main task has been cleared up, the key reward of this mission is the side task.


Recalling last week's side task... Shi Qing felt that it turned out that his omnipotent host also had a hard time.


It’s truly not an ordinary situation!


In fact, look how simple it is, isn't it just being a matchmaker? He’ll just have them follow their wishes.


The first side task... enough said. The second side task, the continuation of the Ye family bloodline... Ahem, such a difficult task can only be handed over to Ye Lao Er. However, it also depends on whether Shi Yunle is happy or not. If he isn’t happy, this task may have to be given up.

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As for the third side task, it's much simpler.


Huh… wait!


Shi Qing suddenly remembered, at this point in time, isn’t it time for Ye Xin to run away?!


This guy should be about to leave the Ye family residence, right?


Thinking about the chaos that will be caused tomorrow, Shi Qing suddenly woke up, now is a good time! But I can't let Ye Xin, this little fool, be too stupid!


We’ll catch him first and take our time making a decision.


Shi Qing suddenly turned into human shape again, and said to Qin Mo with his eyes curved, “Let's go finish the third task first.”


Qin Mo raised his eyebrows.


Shi Qing hurriedly lifted his hand to part Qin Mo’s bangs, leaned on his tiptoes, kissed him, and said, “Time is urgent right now, it would be a pity to miss it.”


In view of the fact that the system's hair-parting skill had been fully cultivated, the host pulled him over and kissed him unyieldingly. He let go of the system after he was thoroughly ravished, leaving the room saying, “Let's go.”


Shi Qing left the room with his mind full of Qin Mo’s kiss.


Ye Xin's short legs were really not enough in the eyes of these two perverts.


Ye Xin’s feet were only a few steps from the gates of the Ye family residence but he was still shortly caught up by Shi Qing and Qin Mo.


Ye Xin suddenly saw Ye Mo coming after him and became nervous all of a sudden, for fear that his third brother would take him back, but then he noticed Ye Qing and became puzzled.


Why was his third brother and Xiao Qing together?


Don't these two talk very little?


But then, he didn't have time to think too much.


Shi Qing grabbed him and said, “Come back with us.”


Ye Xin and Ye Qing have a good relationship, but when he noticed Ye Mo, he could only QAQ.


Seeing him like this, Shi Qing quickly lost his temper, but he had become so powerful that it was extremely easy to take care of Ye Xin, this weak chicken. He brought him back to the Ye family residence with ease.


Back in his bedroom, Shi Qing asked straight away, “What are you trying to do? Go to Lin Su?”


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Ye Xin panicked in his heart, but he still insisted on keeping his face. After all, there was Ye Mo beside him… He and Ye Qing aren’t so familiar with their third brother.


Seeing that Ye Xin was silent, Shi Qing continued, “What are you going to do when you find him? Have him mark you first and then get married?”


Suddenly mentioning this, Ye Xin blushed. But after all, this is Ye Qing, if it was anyone else, he would have gone and beaten them up!


But he couldn't keep his face up anymore, and his voice involuntarily raised: “It's... it's not!”


“Then why are you looking for him in the middle of the night?”


Ye Xin was speechless, he didn't know what to say.


Seeing that he was languishing, Shi Qing knew that the blow was enough so he said earnestly, “You know Lin Su. If you go to him so rashly, he’ll only send you back as is and wish you happiness for your marriage.”


Ye Xin's little face turned white.


“You'll have to use a bit of a trick to wake up that block of wood.”


Seeing Shi Qing so confident, Ye Xin couldn't help but rekindle his hope. He looked at Shi Qing and asked, “Do you have a solution?”


“Well, there is a way, but you have to deal with Dad first.”


Ye Xin suddenly lost his strength. If he could already handle Ye Xuan, he wouldn't have to work so hard.


“Dad won’t agree at all.”


“Have you tried?”


Ye Xin left his retort in his mouth. He believed that he knew his father. After he realized his feelings for Lin Su, he had imagined countless possibilities. Every one of them would either result in angering Ye Xuan or being severely rejected by him. So he never mentioned it before, even a little...


Now that Ye Xuan took the initiative to get him engaged, Ye Xin didn't dare to say what he truly thought. He thought that there was nothing left to say, except to anger his father, it had no other effect.


Thinking of this, Ye Xin shook his head again, “Xiao Qing, no, Dad won't agree. Lin Su's age, identity, whatever, Dad will not accept it.”


When Shi Qing looked at him, he really understood how an outsider can see things more clearly than those involved.


He stared at Ye Xin, and finally said the key point, “Who told you to go head-to-head? It’s Dad we’re talking about, what else can you do to soften him up? How can a father not love his child? Do you think that Dad has ever hurt you these past twenty years?”


Ye Xin was at a loss again.


Shi Qing really wanted to scold him for his pig head, but he ended up pulling him over and began to whisper.


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After listening to it all, Ye Xin blinked and looked at Shi Qing in disbelief, “This way... will this work?”


Shi Qing said seriously, “As long as you do it exactly as I said, you will be able to pull it off.”


Ye Xin was still a little hesitant.


Shi Qing was already impatient, “If you fear the wolf in front and the tiger in the back, you should just pack up and get married to your fiancé tomorrow!”


This sentence aroused Ye Xin's fighting spirit. Although this plan is a bit out of his style, if it really works, it’ll be worth it!


So he stood up and took the posture of a warrior readying himself for war and went to Ye Xuan's bedroom.


Qin Mo was out of ear-shot so he didn't hear what Shi Qing and Ye Xin spoke about. He asked, “What? What did you tell him?”


Shi Qing smiled and said, “Come on, let's go and see it together.”


Shi Qing pulled Qin Mo to listen at the corner of the hall. As soon as he walked out the door, Qin Mo held him back.


“No need.”


Shi Qing's eyes widened and he asked, “What?”


“Since you are sure, then we will go to Lin Su and solve the task as soon as possible.”


Being pulled by Qin Mo, Shi Qing was still a little confused.


Why was his family’s host so anxious?



T/N: Hello! This is a new novel I’ve decided to pick up! If the original translator decides to keep up with the novel, I’ll drop it but I really like this novel so for now, I’m gonna do it! BTW I got super confused with Shi Qing and Qin Mo’s alternate names and their relationship with Ye Xin so if you guys find something incorrect with how it's said, just contact me via NU.


Psychotropic: relating to or denoting drugs that affect a person's mental state.


Take our time making a decision: 从长计议, idiom.


Xiao: term of endearment.


QAQ: an emoticon of someone crying. I somehow always read it as quack.


Face: it’s like one’s dignity or prestige.


An outsider can see things more clearly than those involved: 当局者迷旁观者清, an outsider can see things more clearly or objectively than those involved, idiom.


Fear the wolf in front and the tiger in the back: 前怕狼后怕虎, to hesitate in doing something, idiom.

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