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I crawl away from the prison cells after I had chosen my decision on what to do with the dying knight who begged me to kill him. It was something that would stay with me forever. I still had a hard time processing what I had just done. So, for now, I forget about it and follow my squad out this hellhole of a hideout. I still wondered why a knight would ask a tentacle monster to end his misery? Nevermind...what I did was already done. The past is the past.

As I take a closer look around the hideout I spot a rather familiar marble building structure poking out from the ceiling of the cave. Mana crystals stuck around the edges of the marble structure. The Romanesque of angels and gods rasing up their battle weapons on the marble structure was a great indicator of what building it was. This had to be the lower section of the pantheon I first saw when I was reborn.

So this bloody hideout was under the pantheon the whole time? A network of goblins tunnels, a brick fortress filled with slaves, and a small army of beast ruled by an unknown higher power existed under this dungeon. It begs the question, what if there are more dungeon hideouts? And how powerful was the one who had created this hideout and lead the orcs, goblins, and other beasts to enslave elves and humans? I stare at the dead ghoulish slaves who I had put out of their misery.

It boggles my mind on how such horrible acts were performed without anyone to help these slaves. There was no one to save these slaves. No one but me. A human who was reborn as a tentacle monster.

"Ssssssss" Hisses a kobold dragon as it runs over my way with a spike baton raised up in its hands in a striking position.

I don't have time for this. I swiftly wrap around my tentacles on its scaly neck, arms, and legs then I absorb its whole body inside of my suction cups.

[Kobold Dragon Evolution gained!]

"Hurry up Zed, are you going to follow us or not?" Says Sira as she goes into a tunnel ahead of me with Healer Maiden who carried her injured teammate in her hands.

I discard the kobolds boney remains and went to follow my squad.

In the distance, I sensed a powerful presence. A strong force was calling to me. It beckons me to come its way. The aura was alluring. This force was coming from one of the three tunnels ahead. Sira, Healer Maiden, and Parisa took the far left tunnel. The powerful presence came from either the right tunnel or the middle tunnel.

Sira turns to face me, "Zed what are you doing? We don't have time to-"

"OH!OH!AW!Rowarrrrrgggggh!" An apish roar thunders across the hollow middle cave tunnels.

"By the gods, it's a Frost Yeti. Everyone be quiet and stay low to the ground." Sira instructs as she kneels down.

"What do we do Zed? Should we attack?" Says Healer Maiden as she dearly holds her injured elven friend like a baby.

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"You guys escape and take another tunnel. I will hold back the Yeti." I bravely said as I crawl over to my squad.

"No, I won't leave you behind Zed. You are gravely injured. There is no way I will let you fight alone." Interjects Healer Maiden with worry in her violet eyes.

" Don't worry about me. I can handle this by myself. Just get your friends to a safe place." I charge up and arrange my skills for combat.

Healer Maiden nods and runs off with Parisa in her hands. Sira follows her as well. All three of them blitz out of the cave tunnel they were in and went over to the tunnel on the right side.

Sira passes by me and coldly stares me downs, "Don't ya die," Her face for the first time showed a bit of care for me.

The girls all disappeared in the darkness of the tunnel, none of them dare turned back to face the yeti.

I now focus on the matter at hand. With my mana almost drained to the core I only had enough to use one or two tentacle clone summonings. I try to devise a plan in order to take down the yeti, but nothing came to mind. After all, that had happened and all the fucked up things I've done my brain was dead. So I decided I would just go with the flow.

I go over to a pile of dead goblins and tear off one of the goblins legs straight out from its socket. I then skin the leg only leaving bone. I hit the boney leg against a nearby rock making a sound wave that vibrated throughout the tunnel caves. I keep on hitting the rock with the goblin bone until I hear, "Roawrrrrgggggh!" The yeti stomps over to my direction.

I was smacking the boney leg against rocks in order to get the yetis attention and to attract it towards me by making as much noise as possible.

A gorilla humanoid beast with snow-white fur and bluish skin thrust and stomps out of the left side tunnel rumbling the ground below me. The beast was searching for who was making such a tumult noise.

>>[Frost Yeti level:10] <<

This beast wasn't the one my predator mode had warned me about when we entered the lower layer of this dungeon. No, it was a lower level than the demon orc by 1 and its roar was less heavy. The apish creature begins to sniff around the hideout. This dumb monkey must have been blind because I was literally inches away from him. Ah, the pains of being blind, trust me I know better anyone.

I take advantage of the yeti's poor eyesight and summon the max -tentacle clones. I figured since this beast is blind then perhaps its hearing is sensitive because it probably uses its large eardrums to capture its prey when they are running. Its smell must have been highten as well due to it being blind. Something I adapted to when I was blind myself. Luckily my body was drenched in goblin blood after the slaughter I committed.

My eyes lock on my tentacle clones as I command them to pick up more bones from the dead goblins and start smacking the bones against anything hollow. A sound wave of bones clanking against random objects had filled the yeti's eardrums. My tentacle clones sounded like a heavy metal band with all the hard drumming going on.

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"OH! OH! AW! AW!" Yells the frost yeti as it rampages around the hideout cave to find the source of the sound waves and loud vibrations. My clones continued to pound away at the rocks with bones and metal objects. The yeti found one of my clones and snatched it up into the air and took a huge chomp from my tentacle clone's eyeballs. Fresh blood sprayed against the yetis snow white fur and on to its apish blue face. The clones blood drips inside the yetis mouth then makes it down its throat.

Dam you took it for the team little guy. But your sacrifice won't be in vain. Neuron Bomb!

I wait for the yetis head to explode, but nothing happens as it took more bites from my clone eyeballs. My clones blood should've been the perfect trigger for my neuron bomb skill? What is going on?

Your mana force is to low to active neuron bomb skill. Your mana force must be at 9% in order to use kill. Current mana force is at 6%

Figures, I can't rely on neuron bomb all the time. As powerful of a skill it was it required a great amount of mana to summon it. Every skill has a drawback. I guess I have to kill this blind monkey the good old fashion way. I make my tentacle clones wrap and constrict their tentacles around the yetis ankle's, arm's, and neck to hinder its movement. The frost yeti didn't exactly look like a bodybuilder nor did it have a physically fit body. However, its chubby gut was massive and the size of a full grown human. This fat bastard had to weigh over 500 pounds. If I took one punch or kick from this beast then I would be dead meat.

My clones tighten their grip on the yeti then they all froze still. A crystal formation of icicles form over my clones and they quickly become frozen solid. It had seemed that the yetis skin was at subzero temperatures. It must be the ability of a yeti when it is under attack. The yeti smacks away my clones from its tubby body, shattering my clones into tiny ice particles.

"Roarwwwwgh!" Bellows the yeti as it bangs on its bulky chest with its knuckles in a dominant manner.

Well, that's a chilling skill. I wonder if I can absorb it? You never know unless you try right! I summon slime clones.

6 clones only made. Mana force at 3% recharge will take 5mins.

That's more than enough clones. My octopus slime clones jump on top of the icy cave ceiling and crawl over the yeti. Then they all dive downwards to the yeti's face. I use mindscape to perfect the landing.

My 6 slime clones bounce on the yeti's eyes blocking out its vision. Not like it matters anyway.

"OH!AW!OH!" The yeti jumps up and down like a child in a trampoline. My slime clones begin to freeze around the yeti's eyes, ears, and mouth. Before my clones could fully freeze they jammed their jelly tentacles inside of the yeti's large human-like ears.

The yeti roars and frantically runs around in a circle. It tries to take out my clones from its eardrums but my clones were already frozen deep inside of its ear canals. Now I could move freely without being detected.

I slowly slug over to the yeti because I was tired as fuck from the battle before. My movements were lame and sluggish, to say the least. Yet the yeti was open for an attack. I go to constrict the yetis arms and legs. My tentacles freeze on impact of touching the yetis subzero skin. The beast shrills and then shoots out a gust of icy wind from its mouth. A swirl of cold wind came towards me. I barley doge the frosty wind blast by ducking down. I quickly wrap more tentacles around the yeti to absorb him. All eight of my tentacles freeze and crack. Then a shattering sound of ice breaking was heard. Shards of ice with tentacle meat inside each of them were seen below me. That's a new way to make sushi. I regenerate my tentacles and constrict again, this time I use harden. An extremely cool breeze fills my veins and skin. My tentacles were frozen solid once more. This is was what I wanted. Even though my harden tentacles were frozen they acted as icy chains holding down the yeti in place. They didn't crack or shatter like before due to the high freezing durability of my harden ability. With my eyeball-mouth, I take a huge chomp off the yetis arm and absorb it inside the infinite void of my eyeballs.

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"OH! OH! AWWWAARGH!" Its bellows out in pain and fear as it breaks off my frozen tentacles and stomps away back into the goblin tunnels.

I roll backward and regenerate my tentacles. Success! Take that you stupid monkey! I high-five my own tentacles. Suddenly my muscles start to tense up and stiffen. Row upon rows of crystalized ice begins to form in the pores of my skin. I fucked up. You can't win all the time. My skin prickles and cool mists blew out from my eyeballs. I reach out my tentacles to use the flame ghoul evolution.

Not a single spark of fire was seen. I then try to siphon out the ice from my body, but I couldn't move. I started to feel like I was inside of an endless blizzard that bombarded me in bone-chilling winds. What a fitting way to die. Frozen to death by my own curiosity. You could say that curiosity froze the cat. Fuck life is such a bitch. My eyes froze shut and I felt nothing. Only an endless void of nothingness began to embrace my vision. It was like my brain had turned off. I could only faintly see what was in front of me, but I was paralyzed. This was one epic brain freeze.

>>[System Index: Althera]<<

'You took a lot of souls! You nasty Beast!' Althera chimes.

[Frost Yeti Evolution gained!]

10 Goblins level:6 killed!

1 Orc Rider level:8 Killed!

2 Kobold Dragons level:7 Killed!

1 Orc Warrior level: 8 Killed!

5 Ghouls level: 5 Killed!

1 Flame Ghoul level: 5 killed!


4+ Attack

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4+ Magic

2+ Defense

2+ Agility

4+ Intelligence

2+ HP And +2 Mana Force

2+ Shield

Level 5 gained!

Cultivation Power 5 gained!

[New Skills]

Tentacle Drill skill earned!

Freeze Blast skill gained!

Flame Tornado skill gained!

[Infinite Void evolution awaken!- Devour enemies with your eyeball-mouth and absorb everything into the void. Can absorb any living being or objects.

[Skill Forge unlocked! Fuse two types of skills or make a new one entirely! You can also delete skills!]

Nice, at least I get to see my stats before I freeze to death. My mind goes completely blank and I stare endlessly at the icy cavern walls. Cryostasis overtakes me.

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