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"The Immortally Project is almost complete. Soon we shall transcend the gods my young apprentice." Says a deep manly voice.

"Mere mortals will worship us. They will see a true God."

Dr.Oken… What the fuck are you talking about now?…

Am I dead again?

"Zed!...Zed!...Zed!...Wake up! Please wake up!" Yells two female voices.

"Hurry we have to him to get him out of the ice!"

"How do we do that!?"

"Just push him!"

Who's voice are those?

Ugh, why can't I see anything but an icy wall?

"Push harder!" Shouts a Scottish female voice.

"I am pushing!" Yelps a girlish voice.

"We are almost there! Just one final push!"

I feel my body falling down deep into boiling hot water. My scales perk up and my eyeballs begin to feel watery like I was drowning and melting at the same time. A sensation of hot steam swipes over my eyes, "Brrrrrr!" I shake off the frigid cold icicles from my eyes and swim up the surface of a steamy lake. A mist of heat melts off the frozen ice crystals from eyes and tentacles. I swim up to the surface of a hot spring and float.

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"Are you awake!?" Cries out Healer Maiden from the muddy reddish shores of the hot spring.

"I guess so." I swim around freely in the hot springs. This feels like second nature to me. I use to go deep sea diving with Dr.Oaken back in my younger years when my eyesight wasn't so bad. Those we some good ass times with Dr.Oaken who was like a crazy father to me.

"You are not going to thank us for saving you!? You would have been a frozen sushi if weren't for us pushing you into this hot spring we found!" Huffs Sira.

"Well, then I owe you guys one. But I won't say 'thank you' to Sira." I dive underwater and do a butterfly swim kick with my long tentacles. I was in heaven. This hot spring was exactly what I needed after all the hard fights I have gone through. Who knew that being at level 2 I was still able to defeat opponents double my level.

Being a young scientist was a clear advantage. Even though I don't know such impossible theories such as quantum mechanics or general relativity I was able to defeat by not just with smarts, but with common sense. In such fierce battles sometimes thinking out of the box and using common sense can help you get out of any situation. Well, accept that time I absorbed the yeti's arm. That was pure greed and stupidity. At least I point out my faults.

"Why won't you say thank you to me!?" Sira angrily stomps her feet and pounds at her supple chest with hatred in her silver eyes.

"Because you tried to kill me before." I sternly reply.

I raise up to the surface of the hot springs and lay my back against the crimson crystalized ledge shoreline.

"Oh no! Zed you look badly wounded! Let me heal you!" Healer Maiden kneels down next to the hot spring.

"No. Heal your friend's wounds instead," I said as I shoo her away.

"Okay, I will. Then I will heal you." She walks over to her injured elfenfriend and chants out a healing spell with her hands in a prayer position.

To be honest, I didn't want to talk to anyone. My human consciousness was burning with hatred of myself. What I did back in the goblin hideout had continued to haunt me. I didn't want to be around any humans. Not even around these two girls who had helped me. Being reborn as a monster is finally taking its toll on me. I lean back in the water and just close my eyes.

"Drats, I can't fully heal her!" Healer Maiden shakes her head in the embarrassment of her weak healing powers and gently slaps her cheeks together.

She then thinks of something by tapping her forehead, "Bingo!"

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"Hey, Zed I have figured a faster way to fully heal all us." Says Healer Maiden.

"Yeah how?" I replied with my eyes shut.

"I will show you." She says.

I open my eyes and turn over to face her.

She starts unzipping her 'new' silk tunic and pulls it down her milky white legs. Her luscious bosomy breast were jiggling freely around her white corset bra and her pure white panties were tightly seal against her holy hole.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I look away. I've seen Healer Maiden boobs before without her tunic when the goblins and orcs were attacking her, but this was the next level. I have never seen a girl who was half naked especially one as elegant and gorgeous as Healer Maiden. You got to be fucking with me, God.

She gracefully walks towards the hot springs, each step made my heart beat faster. Her hour-glass curvaceous body came closer to the water. She dips her tiny perfect feet inside the steamy clear ocean blue waters and slowly enters the hot springs. Her white bra and panties are soaked wet. I could see her pink nipples and areolas pierced through her skin-tight bra.

Fuck I need to get my human body back. This is not fucking fair.

"Zed just stand still." She swims my way. What was she going to do? Dam I don't want this to happen so quickly. But this would be the first time I have ever been with a girl this 'naked' and up so close. Healer Maiden swims next to me and holds on to my tentacles.

"Are you ready?" She seductively whispers as her busty breasts grind up against my tentacles. I wasn't in the mode at all. That goblin hideout was a fucking buzzkill. All the lives I took and absorbed was missed up beyond belief. I don't think I deserve this. But it is pretty hard to resist. Temptation is an impossible human instinct to conquer. Healer Maiden leans in closer to me and kisses me on top of my eyeball. "Holy Purification bestow upon us." She chants as she touches the water around me.

I am so screwed. I can't hold it back any longer. Her rosy breath still lingers in my mouth. Was this my first real kiss? My adrenaline was running rampant and my hormones were taking over me as my tentacle dick throbbed fast as fuck.

"What in the hell r ya doing!?" Sira bellows out as steam puffs out her noise and her wolf ears twitch with displeasure. She kicks her feet at the shore of the hot springs in a motherly way to protect Healer Maiden from me.

The clear blue water around me started to glow and pulsate. Little pearl white orbs made of aura floated to the surface of the hot spring.

[HP now at 45%! (Almost fully restored) 45/52 HP]

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"I have purified and enriched this hot spring with pure healing aura and mana. Come on in Sira. Bring Persia as well." Sweetly says Healer Maiden.

"No way I am going in with Zed! And Ya know ya almost naked!" Sira snarls as she gritted her sharp canine teeth together.

"I am?... Eeek!" Healer Maiden yelps as she looks down at her half-naked body and blushes.

"Just come inside the hot springs Sira. I promise I won't bite." I said while my eyeball body sinks deeper into the steamy waters.

"No! I still don't trust ya! Not after all the things ya killed back in the goblin hideout! Ya might absorb us with your tentacles, eat us alive inside of your eyeballs, or worst ya might try to have fun with our bodies! All men are the same! Like all beast are the same!" She shouts and pouts.

"If I wanted to kill you I would have already done it." I casually say as I coldly glare at her.

"Zed has saved us far too many times to count and yet you still don't trust him? We made a promise as a squad to stay together and find my friends and bring them back to the guild safely. He may have killed all those elves and human slaves…But he did it to end their misery." Healer Maiden backs up Zed.

"B-but!He may have killed the rest of ya friends!" Sira swishes around her arms in the air, she was inflamed by Healer Maidens ideals. Healer Maiden gulps, but she has a feeling that her other friends were still alive. I knew there were alive because the ghouls I killed didn't have the scent of her squad teammates.

"Please, Sira come inside the hot springs. I know you are angered but you are badly injured, this can be the only way to heal you. I used up all of my mana in order to summon Holy Purification inside of the hot spring waters." Healer Maiden says with a smile.

"Sorry. I will only go in if Zed leaves." She crosses her arms and long legs in a defiant manner.

"I am not going anywhere. I need 'this' after fighting off all those deadly enemies and protecting your fatass. If it weren't for you ruining my surprise attack then we wouldn't all be this badly injured. And aren't you going to help out Persia? Who is about to bleed out from her injuries?" I splash hot water across my eyes.

"Ugh! Fine! I'll go in! But only to help out Healer Maidens friend!" Sira unzips her whitish grey leather jacket to reveal her perky boobs which were covered by a black tank top. She then slowly lefts up the tank top showing off her well-toned four-pack abs which had scratch marks on them. She may be almost flat-chested, but dam was she fit and ripped. Sira went over to the hot springs wearing only her black bra and leather pants.

"You're going to get your pants wet. You know that won't help out when you are in a battle." I said as I smirk inside my mind.

"I hate that ya can talk to us! It would better off if ya could just shut up for eternity!" Sira angrily takes pulls down her leather pants. Her pale strong muscular thighs shined brightly by the rays of the aura light floating on top of the hot springs. "Yeah thank telepathy for that-" My jaws drop or my eyes for this instance, by seeing Sira's sexy long muscular legs. They were magnificent with tight leather around them and now they were even better without it.

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I am about to explode. Being a virgin is fucking hard. Well if I am one then it is. I really needed to leave this hot spring before something bad happens. I have to control myself.

Sira gently picks up Persia's tanned slender elven body and goes inside the steamy aura enriched waters.

All three girls were in the same hot spring as me. This was not good.

"Oh oh! You nasty dog! Which female are you going to do the dirty deeds with? The busty blond maiden who wears an eyepatch? The flat-chested silver-haired wolfkin witcher girl with a nice mountainous rump? Or maybe the dark-skinned elven girl with shiny black hair and eyes. I wonder!" Althera teases me inside of my mindscape.

"Shut the fuck up. From the sounds of it, you seem rather jealous." I snarl as I glance over at Sira.

She looked like a golden retriever in the ocean as she was swimming and kicking with her arms and hind legs towards me, while she held Parisa up the water with her teeth bitting on her red robes.

Slowly but surely all of our wounds begin to heal. Cuts, bloody gashes, and scratches fade away as the calm and magical hot spring waters seep deeply inside of our skins. Most of the scar marks were healed, but not all.

I saw Healer Maidens wrists which were full of cut marks. Did the goblins do this to her? Or was it someone else?

The same with Sira? Where did she get those scars on her stomach?

I was trapped in between three hot girls. Too bad I didn't know much about Persia, but she must be 'good people'. Right now is the perfect time to start asking questions about Zareth and the magic they use in this world. I am debating if I should tell them the truth about my strange and unbelievable condition of being reborn as this tentacle beast. Should I tell them that I was once a human? I wiggle around my tentacles in a frenzy of thought and possible outcomes. Then I see the girls up close to me showing their big glowing eyes of endless pleasure. Stunning violet eyes, silver eyes, and opal eyes all stared at me. As I blind man who could now see these beautiful women full features, I felt like I was blessed by the gods. The temptation was too much for me as I tried to look away. Too much for any man.

"*Yes touch them everywhere in their soft and lustful bodies! Ravage them! Take away their virginities! Destroy them! And then devour their pure souls!*" Thunders a dark high-pitch demonic voice inside of my mind.

"No, I won't! Whatever you are! Stop talking to me!" I shout inside of mindscape.

"You cannot resist temptation. You are a beast by blood and nature. Take what is yours!" reverberates the dark beastly voice.

"Get out of my mind!!!"

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