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I wrap my tentacles around the goblin and orc baby's necks all at once and lift them up in the air, they dangled and screamed with terror and trepidation dancing in their beady black eyes.

"Zed stop! If you do anything to them! Then I won't forgive you!" Violet yells as she points he golden prayer staff at me.

After seeing my past memories when I absorbed the Drakoros into my bloodstream, I realized something. That I am a monster. There's no more denying the truth. I am fucking tired of lying to myself. Both in my past world and in this one. I am not a human anymore. Fuck everything and fuck myself. Only one thing matters. And that is to become stronger so that nothing will stand in my way. So I can have the power to survive and live in Zareth. I will never go back to my old world; My family, Dr.Oaken, and my friends, I will never see them again. And if I do. I won't be the same person I once was.

"You can't do this Zed! They may be our enemies but this is not right! They are just children who haven't killed anyone!" Sira cries out as she directs her gunblade's at me. Her wolf ears grow back and she soon transformed into her witcher beastkin mode.

I ignore their feeble heeds and open my eyeball mouth as wide as possible. My serrated teeth around my cornea begin to spin and rotate around rapidly in a chainsaw motion.

"You fucking monster! Put them down!" Sira loudly growls as she lunges forward and goes to slice off my tentacles. I easily block her attack by using Regen Shield and slap her in the face with my tentacles. Blood spurts out of her mouth.

"Sira!" Violet screams as she runs over to her side.

"None of you get in my way." I coldly said as I bring the baby goblins towards my infinite void mouth. It must be done. Survival at all cost.

"Nooooo! Zed Stop!!!" Begs Violet as tears rained down her cheeks.

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"Goowooo!Goowooo!" The goblin babies cried as they struggled to get free from my tentacles. With one fatal movement, I jammed the baby goblins inside my eyeball chainsaw teeth mouth. Blood, guts, bones, brain matter, entrails, and bladders filled with urine and just about every nasty organ you can think of splattered against the cave walls as chainsawed their tiny green fleshy bodies. The rocky cave walls were painted with crimson red blood and meat chunks, the smell of fresh iron and rotten sweaty meat filled my nose and eyeball-mouth as the baby goblin's fresh warm blood streams down my throat.

The three girls watched in horror of the ghastly and morbid sight of me eating the youngling goblins.

Violet held on to her stomach with a shiver and barfed out a river flow of mushy vomit. Sira stands up with rage in her moon silver eyes, "I knew I should have killed you!" She takes out a blood scroll and slits her wrist with her long wolf claw nails to activate a summoning spell, "Ravenous! Spartris!" She thunders as slams her palms on top of the blood scroll.

I go to devour the orc babies next, out of nowhere a flock of ravens made up of electric sparks fly towards me. You're getting on my fucking nerves you stupid fucking bitch. My body hardens to the witcher steel skin evolution which swiftly makes the electric ravens bounce off me. Steel wasn't very good at conducting electricity, so the shocks made me shake and spark up a bit. Sira summoned more thunder ravens, I angrily use Flame Blizzard Tornado and freeze her legs, a spear assembly of ice stalactites formed around her ankles and long thick thighs. I did the same with Violet and Parisa. They all tried to get their legs off my ice spell. But the ice was too frozen and dense to break out of.

I continue my slaughter and ate the baby orcs one by one "Gwargggggh! Gwarrggggh!" they cried out for their mothers and fathers. Greyish blood covers my eyeballs as I swallowed their served bits into my endless eyeball stomach. "Gulp!Gulp!" My infinite void skill made it easy for me to digest the youngling goblins and orcs, they same with the Drakoros dragon.

>>[Unknown System]<<

[You have devoured 5 youngling goblins and 5 youngling orcs. Your karma is at -10 after this deed. Your Alliance has changed from neutral morpher into a beastly demon.]

[Choose Alliance]

[Dark Underlord, Dark Slayer, Berserker, Tyrant, Titan]

[Dark Underlord]: Ruler of the darkness and the abyss of the underworld. Can summon the dead and create minions to do your bidding.

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[Demon Slayer]: Slayer of all beast and lifeforms. Can create deadly weapons and construct magical spells of any kind. Light and dark magic. As well as Light and dark force.

[Berserker]: Destroy anyone in your path. Increased strength, agility, dexterity, defense, mana, shield, and force powers.

[Tyrant]: Speak the way of the wise underlord's and control all lifeforms minds for a duration of time.

[Titan]: Your body will grow to titan proportions. 30+ meters height.

[Alert] You can fuse two alliances: Not easy to accomplish and results in brain damage or death.

[Note: Since Karma is low, the beast and humans in Zareth will be more vicious and ravenous towards you and will want to attack you. No creatures will trust you.]

>>>You are Evolving!<<<

[ Your body will permanently evolve into an unknown entity in 5 minutes]

The voice of my system index was different, it sounded like a clear and darker sinister male voice. Nowhere near the voice of Althera's smooth robotic feminine voice.

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I knew that my karma was going to go way down after what I did. But it had to be done. We would've all died if they attacked us all at once. And they would have alerted their superiors if I leave them alive. An army of stronger and more powerful goblins and orcs would slaughter us if they knew we existed. I look at my status alert again.

What does alliance even mean? Why do I have to choose one? I don't trust this new system that is talking to me. Rather I don't care about any alliance, whats more this system actually thinks my actions were wrong and bad. Yeah right, I've done worse shit. Even though eating goblin and orc babies probably tops every fucked up thing I've done in my life. But whatever, I won't let some random A.I judge me, nor will I let some God judge me. Neither truly exist. Just like darkness and light. Heaven and Hell. Most people wouldn't do what I did, I don't blame them. I can confirm that my soul is now gone forever. Just like my alliance with- Sira punches me right the eye with her witcher steel-skin fist, my body fly's across the goblin Hivemind.

"All this time Healer Maiden and I have tried to trust you! I thought you were a different beast! Not like the ones who slaughtered the people in my village! But I was wrong!" Sira rips off her leather jacket to unveil her chain-metal covered upper-body and unsheathes a witchers great-sword from her blood scroll. A blackish and purple portal spins around her scroll as she pulls out the rest of the great-sword, its onyx black smelted blade glimmered as she finally took out the sword from the swirling dark manna portal.

"Sira! Don't kill Zed! Please!" Violet raises her hands forward while her busty body was still stuck in my ice spell.

Sira bolts ahead and raises up her sword to strike hell upon me. I use my Drill Canon skill fused with my force abilities and went right through her aura-shield. Her chain metal shattered like glass when a bullet shots through it. Her body slammed hard against the bumpy green walls of the hivemind.

One goblin youngling is crawling in all fours crying for anyone to help it. I implant a Neuron Chain Bomb in its skull and heart to end its misery and destroy the hivemind at the same time. Killing two birds with one stone or in this case killing a whole nest of goblins and orcs with one baby goblin. The youngling runs into the distance, "BOOM!" All the goblin and orc greenish bumpy placentas on the cave walls exploded into a messy swamp of blood and spine cord fluids.

Violet was behind me with her staff pointed in the back off my eyeballs, "Zed…I am sorry…"

"Yeah. Me too." I smack her off my back and she rolls around the rocky and slimy muddy ground. She stands up with a wobble, she was persistent to stop me from my slaughter, even though it was clearly too late.

"Stand down Violet. You won't win this fight. I did this to protect everyone!" I roared in a deafening beastly pitch.

"No! You did this to protect yourself!" Cries Violet as she goes onto her knee, goblin blood covers her cheeks and tears fell from her one purple eye. Her maiden's white eyepatch falls down, and what I see startles me beyond belief. Her whole face was revealed. Her face reminded of someone from my past life. Someone important to me.

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"No! It can't be!?"I grab my forehead and start cursing inside of my mind. I had the hugest headache possible, it was like my brain was about to explode! Then it happens, Violet looked up at me with tears in her eyes. Veins were popping out of her forehead.

[Neuron Chain Bomb activated (Target female maiden detonation in 1…2..3...)]

"Healer Maiden!!!" Bellows Sira as she tackles her into the ground.

"KABOOM!" The Hivemind combusted and exploded into a hurricane of crumbled rocks. A large boulder smashes my eyeball face and I roll back violently. The boulder had separated me from Violet, Sira, and Parisa. I was cut off from my new squad.

My blood covers my eyes, and I was surrounded by exploded rocks off all different sizes.

Violet is she dea-Did I kill her!? Fuck!!!

-POV Change-

A tentacle monster lies beneath a pile of car-sized rocks. Its dragon scale skin was covered in mud and reddish greyish blood. Goblin and orc blood leaked from its pupils. It looked worn out past its limit, it was as if it had been through many battles.

Battles of pure grit, strength, power, wit, magic, and the battle of his own mind were evident with the look the beast had in its giant bloody 8ft eyes. It slowly got up with a stutter, then reformed and align its long tentacles into position to crawl and search for something. It could hear a faint beating sound. The heartbeat of a dungeon core. Thus, it began its journey into the unknown depths of a tunnel way filled with ruby colored elemental crystals, lava pools, and magma encrusted rock walls and ceilings which spanned across a mile. Suddenly the tentacle monster stops moving, its eyeballs open wide and a mist of blueish aura springs up into the skies. Its scaly skin begins to shed and sparks of red manna ensnared its entire body. Was this creature finally ascending its primal state into a completely different species?

The world of Zareth can sometimes be quiet…Mysterious and unexpecting.

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