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The seven great Rulers of Zareth were exceedingly stronger and more powerful than any God or cultivator who ever existed. They were said to destroy a single planet with one touch of their fingers. Molded by their unmatchable magical power, infinite knowledge, and immortal souls they roamed the lands of Zareth in secrecy. There was a method of cultivation that each of them carried. Methods that would make mere mortals and beast gods of their domain. However, power isn't everything. For the weakest of creatures have enough potential to rule the world.

There was one Ruler of Zareth that gained her power in a rather unusual way. She was known by all and worshiped by all. She was the fairest most stunningly beautiful Ruler anyone had ever seen. A Goddess amongst all the races in Zareth. Her name was Battle Maiden. A woman who's power knew no bounds. Legends say that she can split the world of Zareth in half with one punch. Others say she can cause a tsunami just by standing on the ocean waters. Adventurers who saw Battle Maiden in action said she wielded a sword the size of a dragon's tail! A scholar once claimed she could even fly around in space and carry planets on her back, the scholar than stated that Battle Maiden brought the three moons of Zareth into orbit in order to create life in the planet. The myths go on and on about her Godly powers. But what most people want to know is how she acquired powers in which surpass the gods themselves without being bestowed a cultivation method. The question lingered on for many ages as Zareth began to teem with abundant life. Until one person found out the truth. He later died after finding that truth.

Many say that the Rulers of Zareth were unbeatable. Though it may be true, there is one beast lurking deep in the shadows who could devour them.


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Two male Witchers, one pyromancer, and one Slayer were in a scouting mission outside the Forest Walled City of Bronos. Miles upon miles of titan trees ran across the City of Bronos, they helped protect the city from the beast who dwelled deep in the pitch-black forest called The Abyssal Beast Forest. Millions of beast of all different species dwelled and resided in the mammoth Blackoak trees.

Renzen rides on top of a stallion black Pegasus Horse and makes it stop running by whistling in a low pitch, "I heard that no sun will shine in these forests. It's dark for all entity." He sternly informs his squad members.

"Sounds like a perfect place to fuck in." Says Rogon as he read his pryomancer grimoire and scratched his ginger color beard.

"Is that all you ever think about?-Well that's if you even think at all." Replied Crow as he held on his Slayer Scythe on his shoulders. The scythe was outrageously long and bigger than his body. His brown messy hair dangled wildly over his greyish black eyes.

"Will you three stop talking such nonsense." Boldly says Battle Maiden with a scolding tone. Her whole body was covered in bluish and black spike covered battle armor. It was a custom designed from the Epic Blacksmith of Hillmount. Her long shiny snow white platinum hair flutters with the cold damming winds of Zareth. Her busty firm bosoms were the size of the biggest watermelons in all of the world. Far surpassing 34 DD cups.

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A flock of raven's swish past Renzen's cheeks, his Pegasus horse staggers back. "What was that sound?" He mutters as he unsheathes his most trusty Claymore longsword made of lava stone.

In the highest of heights above the Witchers, Pryomancer, Slayer, and Battle Maiden was a dragon-sized metal mask with two glaring red eyes giving them a deadly stare.

Battle Maidens sapphire eyes grew wide, "What in the world is that-"

The beast was larger than any full-grown titan, about 80 meters tall. It spoke in a voice so thundering and abyssal deep that the whole squad fell to their knees and lost they're certain of gravity.

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The words the beast utter were "Boros Ventros Hexos!" Its giant blackish furry hands gripped Battle Maiden by her waist and brought her to her its demonic face. Millions of shadowy tentacles formed out from its spine and eyes.

Not even the strongest of humans and Gods could foretell what was about to happen.

At this moment, power meant nothing to this beast. The army of shadow tentacles swarmed around the two witcher's, slayer, and pyromancer. They were consumed by darkness.

"Unhand me now! You worthless insignificant beast!" Thunders Battle Maiden as snow white blonde hair dangles over her mountainous breast.

"Battle Maiden!" Renzen cuts through the shadow tentacles with his sword and bolts towards her.

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"*I will take everything from you. Nothing will be left*" The beast licks her neck with its long blackish sticky tongue.

"You dare smite upon a Goddess of War!"

"*Your soul will be mine*" The masked titan beast darkly says as it crunches and cracks her ribs then its shadow tentacles loom over her and takes off her armor.

The most powerful women in the world was now defenseless. Only one can imagine what happened next.

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