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Zed vaguely remember the flashbacks that made him go mad, however, he knew one thing and one thing only. Cardin's voice and face mocking him and taking advantage of his sister. If it was truly him, then the whole world of Zareth will hear his cries and screams for help for what Zed was planning was something diabolical. Humans who were reincarnated into beast would just frolic around the world happily without a sense of direction. Zed was different, he was tired of being pushed down, ridiculed for his blindness, scrouge by the world and his own race. Enough was fucking enough. He was a tentacle xenomorphic beast that no moron would have the guts or balls to be reincarnated in. They would cry about going to their past worlds like a bunch of fucking pussies. The past is the past for a reason. The future was now. And what Zed want most right now was to completely destroy Cardin both physically and mentally.

"Why are you smiling? The humans are about to find us!" Symbo whirled his tentacles around Zed's raptor skull mask. Symbo knew Zed was smiling because he could see through everything and also hear sounds from miles away. He was the higher evolution of tentacle monster morpher, but still, he was limited in some other abilities. In terms of rank, the Tentacle God Cthulu reign supreme over all lifeforms. He could devour entire galaxies in a blink of an eye. No weak ass Godzilla or any other beast can hold a candle to Cthulu. In fact Cthulu was stronger and more powerful than God himself. The only entity that was on the same level of Cthulu was the Elder Gods, but they were entities who never revealed their powers or their infinity to the universe. They couldn't care about so fruitless matters as a mere lifeform existence.

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"Hey, symbo. I have a small plan. I want you to trip that human over there." Zed collectively calmly said as he pointed over at Seron who was the male witcher of the group.

"Whys that?" Symbo replies.

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"Just do it."

Symbo slowly wraps its tentacles around the witcher. "What the hell is this thing!?" He looks down and only sees a shadow of tentacles, he is quickly snagged onto the floor and falls face down. Blood drips out of his nose.

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"Absorb his blood," Zed instructs Symbo.

" I can't believe I am taking orders from a mortal human," Zed's tentacles then dig itself inside Seron's nose and sucked his blood from his nostrils. "Aaaaah! Get it off me!" He starts rolling around the ground. "Are you in drugs or something?" Cardin asked with his eyebrows furrowed, he walked over to his comrade, his knight armor made a clinging noise each step he took. "Dude there is nothing on your face. Get up and let's get going. I need that reward money so I can buy more hot hookers." Cardin says as he spits on the floor. "Yes, there is! There are black tentacles all over my face!" Seron screams out. "Just get up and stop whining. I thought you were stronger than this!" Cardin lifts up Seron, whose white hair was now dirty with rock derby and mud hang over his pissed off face.

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Symbo returned to Zed with Seron's blood. Zed knew that Seron was the strongest of the adventurer group, going by his high stats. So his human body was the best form to copy with his morphing abilities. Zed absorb the blood into his bloodstream and started to morph and copy Seron's body structure. His blackish xenomorphic body grew short and shorter until he reached 5,11 ft the same height as Seron. His symbiote tentacles then shifted themselves into human tissue, muscle fibers, human blood, and human skin. The morph transformation was completed. Zed looked exactly like Seron, the only difference was that he was wearing a mask. He knew very well that his sight will soon fade to darkness. Because once in human form he will become blind again. Even if morphed to a human then the results are the same. To put simply if he had a human bloodline and body, then his blindness will return because his human body was not strong enough compared to his beast body. His beasts form bloodline could counter his blindness because his eyesight was godly.

"Good the results of the morphing were better than I thought. I should be 80% human and 20% beast after this transformation. Now it is time for phase 2 of my plan." Zed hides all of his evidence of being a beast, by devouring the rest of the dead thunder raptors and his shedded tentacle monster skin. He then walked out of the carter hole he made when he punched through the cave walls of his evolution den. Finally, he was back in action. The world of Zareth will feel his wrath.

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