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-POV Change-

In the shabbier and more wilder side of Mistral, there was a celebration going on. A Witcher Party it was. Cheers, shouts, and laughter of comradery echoed across the snowy skies of Zareth. In the distances of the festival, there was a fight going on the snowy forest behind.

"Haha! I knew girls were weak, but you take it to the next level! Get up already short-stick! This time actually hit me!" Scoffs a young witcher boy as twirls around his wooden sword in a demeaning fashion.

"Oh, I will do more than just hit ya!" Sira stands up on her feet and rushes the boy with her wood sword raised up high.

Renzen slaps his face with disappointment, "Her form is so wrong in so many levels." He shakes his head and gulps down wine.

The witcher boy hits away Sira's sword from her awkward positioned hands and then tiger-kicks her on the stomach. She stumbles back, his wooden sword's blade slams her right on the lip. Sira's body falls back on to her buttocks. The boy points his sword at her neck and presses the tip deep into her neck, a bloody dot-mark is slightly formed in her pale skin, "Tch. I knew this was a waste of my time. When do I get to fight you Renzen? I am already bored with this half-blood bitch."

"That is enough Seron!" Renzen snatched away his weapon.

Sira spits out blood onto the snow and looks at Seron with rage in her silver eyes.

He doesn't even acknowledge her stare.

"Are you alright Sira?" Renzen puts out his hands for her to take.

"I am going to kill that boy one day! I swear my life on it!" She clinches the snow and throws a snowball at Seron.

"I hate ya!" She cries out as she points at the boy witcher.

He flicks the finger without a care in the world and walks away.

"Gaaah!" Sira growls, out of anger she pulls out Renzen's onyx great-sword from his sheath and unleashes her chaos magic. A swarm of dark mana swirls around Renzen's sword blade.

"Stop Sira! Violence is not the answer. It never will be." Renzen holds her back from doing something dangerous.

"I hope a beast slaughters ya!" She yells out with tears overflowing her eyes.

"Tell me master...How did I lose!?" Her sadden eyes averted their attention to Renzen. She waited for an answer.

"For starters, you weren't holding your sword up correctly. Holding up your sword that high in the air is something only newbie adventures do. Your sparring stance was poor too. I thought I had taught you better than that. You also let your emotions take control of you." He swiftly took back his great-sword from Sira and sheathed it near his leather belt buckle.

"Fo-forget this! I will prove everyone wrong!" Sira angrily storms away and pushes aside a crowd of celebrating Witchers and townspeople out of her way. She wipes away her tears as she begins to run faster.

"No one believes in me! I am always put down! I am tired of being weak! I have to get stronger alone. I am going down to the Mistral Guild and taking any mission I find!" Sira angrily thought to herself. A fire was burning deep in her silver eyes. But she still felt bad about leaving Renzen behind. After all, he was the one who cared for, after her parents had sold her away. Her past memories crept in on her, an older royal man with grey hair was holding a white wedding dress for her to wear. She slapped it away and begins crying out for anyone to save her from the hell she was in.

"No… I can't go back. I can't back to no-one. I… I am sorry Renzen. My only true father." Sira looked back at his wooden cabin which brought her memories of the good times. She so badly wanted it to last, but she knew if she wanted to be stronger then she would have to leave it all behind. She wanted to be the best Witcher ever in Mistral, and she was fed up with Renzen babying her. Its time she grew up. She wipes away her tears and runs away into the town of Mistral.

About a couple steps away was a rather secluded brick building with mana light-bulbs flickering on and off from the rooftops.

"This should be it," Sira gingerly knocks at the door. Nobody answers, not a single sound was heard from inside the brick building.

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"Um hello?" She knocks again. She breaks one of her fingernails by knocking too hard, "Oh drats! Bah not like it even matters. What boy do I have to impress now?" She smirks and places her hands on her waist in a confident manner. Citizens passed by her and thought Sira looked crazier than a beast standing in the middle of the streets. The Mistral Guild had indeed vanished.

"What a darn minute! Wasn't tha guild building right here!" She points ahead and sees a whorehouse, instead of the Mistral Guild. A line of naked girls with busty breast and fat-asses were seductively dancing against the glass windows of what was once the hidden guild.

"Oh my god! Do ya girls have no shame!?" Sira covered her eyes as she blushes. She was somewhat embarrassed but fascinated by how beautiful the women looked. She really admired the female body.

"Well now... I should be going. It looks like some kind of sorcery is keeping me away from the guild! Must be a Portal Guild. All I need to do is stand at the same spot and wait for the guild to appear again." She flicks her noise, at her brilliant plan.

Thus, it quickly became nightfall and she had been standing out in the fidget cold for hours. Her eyes became droopy as she smacked her cheeks to wake up.

"Um excuse me, young lady, aren't you a little bit too young to be going into such a building." Asked a busty and seductive looking redhead girl dressed in a tight black laced leather dress with red fishnets around her thick juicy thighs.

"Goddammit! It's still a whorehouse!" Sira kicked a nearby trash can.

"You dare call this wonderful guild a whorehouse? Trust me it is not like your mother, who spread opens her fat twat for all the cocks in the world to see." Says a short man with dirty unkempt hazel hair, he also had a poorly shaven beard.

"Excuse me!?" Sira snarled as she clenched her fists.

"You heard what I said. Are you coming in or not?" The short man placed his guild dog-tag against the guilds entrance doors. The door scanned his adventures dog-tag by using a micro-mana laserbeam and then the door opened wide.

"Ya dirty imp! Do want me to cut ya tongue off!?" Sira snarled as she angrily stomped on the snowy ground.

"Not really. I need it for your mother. Hurry and follow me, I am feeling kind of generous today." The man walked into the guild building without looking back.

"How dare ya! Apologize at once! That is no way to talk to a lady! Dirty Imp!" Sira unsheathes her silver rapier and pointed the blade-tip at the little man's neck.

"Hmph, you have a pretty decent kill strike, for an amateur. And yes I am a fucking imp, what fucking gave it away. My generosity is slowly wearing off like my high. This your last chance." The imp took a drag from his blunt of magical dust and kept the door open with one boot.

"Uh-ah whatever." Sira sheathes back her rapier and went towards the door.

"Wait. Where do you think you're going? Cough it up, little lady." He flips his palms up and down.

"I am not a little lady! And cough up what?" She huffed.

"I know you have a core shard. Hand it over and I will let you in." He winked while throwing away his blunt.

Sira, held on to her necklace, below it was a glowing purplish crystal shard, "I will never hand this over." She hissed.

The imp grinned as he looks at his pocket watch and says, "Oh well. The next portal shift begins… hmm... right about…now actually!"

"Ugh!Fine! take this instead!" She throws a bag filled with low-level mana crystals and coins.

"Why thank you. Beautiful young lady," He bows and loosens his foot. The door slams shut in front of Sira's face.

"Whoops. Lost my footing. Haha." The imp chuckled as he looks at his newly obtain prizes. A sword blade pokes right through the wooden door. "Ya' better let me in. Or else." Sira's madden leopard eyes squinted through the hole of the door.

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"Jeez, I was just joking… You should relax once in a while. Bitcher." He smirked as he opened the door. Sira slammed opened the door and walked in with sass. "Woah this place is huge." She muttered to herself. There were rows of giant golden pillars that had ancient glowing symbols around them. Near each pillar was gemstone statues of different kinds of a beast from Zareth.

"Like it? Young witcher? This is my favorite guild in all of Zareth" said the imp as he merrily strolls around and opens his hands wide to showcase the wonderful scenery.

"How do ya know I was a witcher?" Her eyebrow's perked up as she entered the guild.

"I know inexperience one when I see one. You, my friend, are quite unredeemable. Short blade, short body, and short-tempered-"

"Ya have a death wish don't ya little fella? Well, my list is always open." Sira takes out a book riddle with inked names. The first was Seron's name which was marked with an array of 'kill this bastard' ink.

"Yeah, how cute tiny tits, Hey Rogon can you kindly buy me a drink?" The imp sat on a metal chair and his friends back in a playful manner.

"After I fuck your sister." Rogon was ripping apart a whole chicken with his bulky hands, his messy red- ash hair and beard were dirtier than sin.

"Ah, such a good friend. Is that how you talk to Landus the great? Of house-"

"Of house cocksuckers." Rogon chuckled as he burped and read from his dusty grimoire.

"You know you can't read." Winked Landus.

"Yes I can!" The pyromancer released a scourge of flames from his palms and eyes.

"Trust me. You don't want to harm someone from the house Vulcan, the wealthiest and the strongest house of all Zareth. Ruled by a God Dragon King who has two iron-thrones for himself."

"I don't give a rats hairy asshole." Rogon snarls as he pulls out a knife made of up ruby colored mana crystals. An elemental dagger.

Sira ignores both idiots with an eye-roll and walks over to the guild's mission board. A tiny simulation made up of bluish mana particles showed all the quest available.

"Let's see here." Her eyes scanned the simulation.

[ Quest:02- slay or capture wild kobold: Taken]

Rank: Silver

[ Quest: 03- Explore sky dungeon and slay Thunder Dragon and it's dragonlings who have destroyed villages in the south. ]

Rank: Steel- Taken

[ Quest: 04- Slay goblins in the outer farm of Mistral: Taken by our best Goblin Slayer.]

Rank: Silver

"Damn every mission is taken! Wait there is one," Sira zooms on the last quest, by clicking on the manna simulation.

[ Quest: 05- Please kill my wife. She is a raging bitch and controls my life.- Not taken]

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Rank: Bronze.


"This is hopeless. Might as well go back to Renzen." She sighed.

"Um-ah…um… Everyone can I please have your attention!" A maiden with flawless shinning golden blonde hair stands up onto a podium and almost trips on her way up.

"Bahaha!" A sea of manly laughter fills the guild's golden halls.

"My friends went on a quest to explore a dungeon that was said to have a Legendary Beast Core. But none of them have come back!" She sniffles as rubs her rosy cheeks.

A blonde haired handsome looking man fitted with golden battle armor and wearing a golden metal headband, powerfully slammed his cup down smashing a steel-framed table into bits, "Why don't you go there yourself. You pitiful foolish mongrel. You think anyone cares about your irrelevant and worthless friends, I came here only for the highest and most Legendary and Godly quest, not to listen to your simpleminded and ludicrous squanders." Says Gildon, the most powerful Slayer of all Zareth. Gildon's fiery gold and red eyes twitch in anger of the pitfuil Maiden request.

"Please listen! I swear I will pay heavily! I don't have much, but I can repay anyone who takes my mission." Healer Maiden begs as she swipes her fingers in the air and pulls out her inventory, "See I am not lying." She shows everyone her mission request.

[Quest: 020- Help find Healer Maidens, lost squad. Two girls and two boys missing. Classes: Fighter, priestess, mage, and knight. ]

[ 10,000 XP credits awarded, and an amount of 10,000 mana shards.]

"How dare you speak again! That amount could only buy me a week's meal! And one mortal weapon! You mongrel!" Gildon stood up and slammed Healer Maiden against the marble walls of the guild.

"Stop! I will take the quest!" Bravely said Sira as she pounded her chest with a witcher's salute.

Gildon dropped the maiden, "GaHaha!Funny how the world works. When people as worthless as you exist. Nobody cares about your lives. No one ever well." He pointed over at Healer Maiden and Sira.

"Bah. Not everyone can slay God Dragons, Titan Beast, gods, and demons. But you make out to seem like that matters. Not everyone wants to be a powerful twat. Heroes, Slayers, and gods are all so full of shit." Landus chugged a barrel full of ale. Gildon ignored him and walked away.

"T-thank you! For accepting my quest!" exclaimed Healer Maiden as she brushed off Gildon's crude remarks from before, and runs over to Sira to give her a tight hug.

"Um- Can ya stop?" Sira pushes away the maiden and blushes. She became flustered. No other girl has been this kind to her.

"So who else wants to join us? We need six more people!" Sira raises both her hands out with a shrug and waits for a reply. Most of the adventures start to leave without saying a word. They had 'Real' quest to do.

"Great. That is zero." She sighed as she takes a seat on a metal chair.

"I believe I can help." Says Landus as he shows his steel dog-tag rank.

[ Rank: Gold- Sponsor for house Vulcan. ]

"Yippee! An Imp! Just what we need to fight off whatever dangerous and powerful beast that lurks in the dungeons of Zareth." Sarcastically says Sira in a Scottish accent as she rolls her eyes.

Lanus gulps down more beer, "You misinterpreted my offer. Tiny tits. I have a group that can fill out your squad. I have the other 6. But you have to follow my rules.

"Nope. Not from you." Sira blew up her silver hair.

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"Of course we accept!" Healer Maiden shakes the imps hands.

"See tiny tits. Take notes." Landus grinned as he saw Healer Maidens massive mountains bounce about.

"Piss off."

_______ <>_______

Sira and Healer Maiden sat down near a wood-pit. The three half-moons of Zareth, now changed from an emerald color to a dark orange. A gust of snow swirls across their pale faces. It always snows in Mistral, even in the summers. The cold is fearsome and usually brings out more beast who like to hunt at night.

Sira shoots out a blackish chaos flame spark from her finger-tips into the pit of wood-chunks. Her chaos magic did a fine job lighting up the fire-wood with shadow black sparking flames. Both girls were waiting for Lanus to show up with his group.

"So what's your name? And how old are you?" gently asked Healer Maiden.

"The names Sira and I am 14 years old in Witcher years I am 18 years old. How about you?" The witcher girl tied her long silver hair into a pony-tail.

"Healer Maiden I am 17 years old in human years." She mutters with a slight smile.

"Is that your real name?" Sira chewed on beef jerky and talked with her mouth open.

"No. My name was taken from me…" Healer Maiden sighs with gloom as she looks at the scars around her arms.

"How did you get those?" Sira glanced at her dried cut marks.

"It's nothing." She snapped with a quick change of demeanor.

"Come on. Ya can tell me."

"It's just…My healing and miracle powers haven't fully awakened yet. When you are born from a holy maiden the world expects you to be the strongest healer worthy of healing the most legendary Witchers, Hunters, Slayers, and Hero knights. I was worthless in my father's eyes, but my mother took pity on me, she told me to run as away from the castle. One day, my father wanted to hurt me, he wanted to take away my pureness and use it for himself. All female maidens are virgins until they bear a child with a cleric or any healing mage. The pureness of a maiden's power comes from her virginity soul. I was born, under unique circumstances, I still don't know of. Thus my purity is unbalanced.

Sira's mouth opened wide, "Wait. Don't tell me your father… Ra-"

"No, I ran before he could do anything. I ran as far as I could. I felt worthless and abandoned from my own people. Nobody wanted me. My powers are a curse. That's why... When I joined the Mistral Guild and made up my first squad, I promised that I would be worthy of enough to be their Healer Maiden! And now they are gone! I failed them! My only friends, I left behind, because I was so careless and stupid!" Healer Maiden sobs uncontrollably.

"I am sorry. I guess you me and are tha same. But I am sure we will find your friends and get them safely out of that dungeon. Ya can count on me, Sira the worlds greatest witcher." She gave a wide smile and raises her rapier pridefully into the air.

"I really hope so. May the gods of Zareth bless us." She smiled and prayed, she then closed her eyes.


Healer Maiden opens her eyes, she had been reminiscing about everything from her past until now. She was now in a dangerous dungeon and her friends, Sira and her new squad had all left her behind to fight against the tentacle beast that stood before her. The one that had saved her very life was now taking it away from her.

"GAwwwwaaagahhh! What are you doing?! Tentacle monster?!" Saliva drips down Healer Madiens plump chest as she was being chocked by a large slimly and veiny tentacle.

A titan sized- eyeball coldly stared directly into her soul. It looked strangely like the three half-moons of Zareth. Healer Maiden screamed to the gods. But there were none to hear her cries.

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