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Robin could be seen walking into the classroom many of the children that were already there looked at him with a little fear 'why do they look so scared of me' Robin had decided he wanted to make some friends today but with the looks they were giving him he knew it would almost be impossible to even make one friend.

But he wondered why they looked at him like that but what he didn't know was that after yesterday's sparring the girl that was supposed to fight Robin started to gossip about how aggressive Robin was and he threatened her, and this was the reason everyone wanted to stay far away from Robin.

Robin decided to sit in the front row a girl entered the seat next to him when he looked over he could see it was someone from the Hyuga and after looking at his past memories, he realized he was in the same class as Hanabi Hyuga, the little sister of Hinata.

Robin decided to not think too much about it and was about to stand up to apologize to the girl from yesterday but when he was about to Hanabi spoke up. "So you are the guy that tried to put a girl in the hospital yesterday?" it was a pleasant voice to hear, but Robin realized that the girl from yesterday was the reason why everyone looked at him with fear and contempt.

"Well yes, that's me why do you care" Robin was kind of interested in why this girl would care about it.

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"Its just that its interesting you aren't like all those guys that act like some kind of hero" it was indeed true what Hanabi said a lot of the guys in the class wanted to be liked by the girls, but Robin didn't care so he didn't act like them and this is what Hanabi found interesting about him. She was from one of the prominent clans of the village and had people fawn all over her all her life, but she could sense that Robin didn't try to change his attitude just because she was the Hyuga princess she found it interesting.

"Well I don't care about being a hero I only care about protect those important to me" answered Robin simply but this shook Hanabi since young she had heard all the people that wanted to become the village heroes and become as known as The Tree Sanin but this guy was different he seemed like he genuinely didn't care about fame.

"Interesting" was the only thing she replied.

After all the basic classes it was once more time for the taijutsu class and once again Robin was paired with the girl from yesterday. 'Maybe he will apologize today' the only reason they were once again paired up was because Iruka sensei wanted to let Robin apologize.

"I'm sorry," Robin said in a neutral tone he apologized, but it wasn't truly meant it would have been a true apologie if she hadn't started gossip behind his back.

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'He actually apologized, but I shouldn't have said that yesterday' the red haired girl had thought about her words yesterday and realized they were wrong but hadn't expected to actually receive an apologie from the boy.

"Let's start the sparring" Iruka sensei said

While the girl was still thinking Robin was already ready to fight and yelled: "watch out."

Robin rushed towards her in his basic Muay Thai stance that he had seen in his past life and bombarded her with straight punches the first 2 hit the girl in the head, but eventually she got her guard up and blocked the rest of the punches.

When she was finally ready to counter Robin already sidestepped, and she missed her target Robin looked at her stance from the right side and saw that her stomach wasn't defended so he threw a kick with his left leg with 50% of his power he had trained for the past few years and knew he could injure her if he went full force against her.

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It hit perfectly, and the girl gasped for air Robin wanted to finish it and threw a left hook towards her chin, but the girl stepped back and just barely avoided the fist.

Iruka sensei saw this, and the only thing he could think about was what kind of monster was Robin it looked like he had years of experience in fighting he wasn't entirely wrong.

Since Robin in his past life trained in amateur boxing, he had fought a couple of matches and sparred some excellent fighters, but the real reason why he was so good was that he had studied a lot of fighting styles in his past life and in this life he used them.

Now that there was some distance between Robin and the girl Robin decided to think 'I had thought I could have finished this already it seems that the children here are much stronger than I thought' he wasn't wrong but what he didn't know was that the girl was feeling ashamed

'I have been trained by my Anbu brother and Jounin parents, yet he could easily hurt me' she was feeling regret that she called him useless yesterday since she realized that she wasn't even his match.

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Robin decided to rush in again, and this time he threw a left jab but he didn't finish the punch and went for a right straight towards her stomach since he knew she was still feeling pain from the kick he threw and he was right the girl reacted the way he thought she would she put her guard up to defend against the jab but was hit with a right straight in her stomach and once again gasped for air.

"Let's stop this" Robin knew the girl was hurting and didn't want to injure her any further he was feeling disappointed that she wasn't good enough to test his skills against.

Iruka sensei heard this and decided it was time for the two to stop.

The girl stood up and looked at Robin and decided to apologize "I'm sorry for my words yesterday i'm, Kyohaku. "Nice to meet you i'm Robin" Robin was happy that she apologized and decided to forget about it.

Like this Robin had made 2 friends and he didn't even realize it himself.

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