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Genma was thinking about what test to do he had heard of a lot sensei's and their test, but he never cared after all he would have never thought that he would become a sensei to a group of Genins.

'Kakashi is said to do the bell test to his students' (Genma)

'Well he failed all of them, but I guess that test isn't that bad' (Genma)

Robin never wanted to take the test so he had been secretly preparing for it and hoped that his sensei would do 'that' test

"Well let's go to the training grounds" (Genma)

"Yes Genma-Sensei" the trio answered at the same time

After a short, while the trio arrived at training ground number 3, it was a simple training ground with just some training dummies.

"So what is the test sensei" (Robin)

Genma was looking for something in his pockets, and after a while, he pulled 2 bells out of his pocket and told them "if you have a bell you pass" he looked at them with a smug smile since he never thought they would realize the real reason for this test.

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Genma had some internal struggle he respected Kakashi but didn't want to be a sensei at all so deep down he hoped that they would fail he knew Robin was Kakashi's adopted son, so that was the reason for his internal struggle.

"Well we pass" (Robin) in the time that Genma was dozing off in his thoughts Robin grabbed 3 bells out of his pocket Robin thought this to be useless so he just brought 3 bells with him in case his sensei was planning to do that test, and he was right.

"Who did say you passed" (Genma) he was annoyed this would mean that he would need to train these kids

"Well you did say if we have a bell we will pass but what a coincidence that I had 3 bells with me" (Robin) he was looking at Genma with a proud face.

"How did you know about the tests" (Genma)

"Sensei it's not that hard to get information getting information is a basic ninja tool right? Oh and if your worried dad didn't tell me anything so don't go blabbing some bullshit that I knew because of him alright? Thank you" (Robin) 'Cant say I have watched this in the anime right' (Robin)

'damn this kid is smart' (Genma)

"Alright, I will pass you guys congrats on becoming official Leaf Shinobi" Genma was way too tired to do shit about this situation he just gave up and decided he would train this team.

It wasn't portrayed in the anime but it looked like Genma was quite lazy so he didn't want to deal with all of this.

"Thanks, Genma-Sensei" the trio happily answered

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"Alright that's it for today go home to your family, and we will meet tomorrow and start doing D rank missions" (Genma)

"Yes, Genma-sensei!"

(Scene skip)

"So you have graduated good job Robin" Kakashi was so proud of this little achievement it was nothing much at all to become a Genin, but he was never this proud before.

"By the way who is your Jonin sensei?"

"It's Genma Sensei" (Robin)

"oh so he decided to become a sensei huh" (Kakashi)

"Well good job on becoming a Genin now go to bed" (Kakashi)

"Uhm dad did you forget that I can't sleep?" (Robin)

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"Oh uh yes I forgot," Kakashi told him embarrassed

(Scene skip)

"So are you guys ready for those D rank missions" (Genma)

"Yes Genma-sensei" the trio replied

(Scene skip)

There was nothing exciting happening Robin just went on with his life for 2 weeks doing D rank missions training nothing more it was a simple life, but Robin enjoyed it. After 2 weeks Genma came and told everyone

"We are going on a C rank mission in 2 days get ready."

"What are we going to do on the C rank mission? (Hanabi)

"We are to escorts a certain individual don't know who yet and we most likely will fight some bandits" Genma lazily explained.

The two girls when they heard they had to fight bandits became scared after all both of these girls came from families where they were doted upon even if the training was harsh they never had a real to the death fight.

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Robin, on the other hand, was indifferent he had long since known that he had to do these things and he knew with his darkness element that It was highly possible that he would become an assassin. After all, he had to improve his element and mastery of it, and the best way would be to fight at night and unnoticed so the profession assassin? It was like it was made for him.

'i hope to find out how to use the darkness soon' (Robin's thoughts)

Genma was quite shocked when he saw no chance in Robins expression and asked him "are you not scared."

"I'm a ninja" Robin answered lazily

"I see" Genma was already used to Robin's character and didn't ask anymore because he knew he would just receive the same answer.

"gather here in 2 days prepare everything you think you will need" (Genma)

(scene skip)

A day had passed since Robin heard that he will go on a C rank mission he could be seen standing in his backyard with the biggest smile ever.

'so this was it to train the darkness element finally I have found the method'

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