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A boy could be seen walking through the woods with something on his head this were, of course, Robin and the little black lion that were trying to get back to Konoha.

A couple of hours had already past and they were talking the whole time about everything and Robin told the little lion his deepest secrets and the fact that he was reincarnated and when Robin told him that, he had expected to be laughed at but instead he just replied in his cute childish voice:

"Oh I see that's why you are mature" Robin was shocked he didn't think the little lion would take him seriously so he decided to ask him "you actually believe me?" (Robin)

"Well, of course, I have some of my clans memories awakened so I know that gods can make certain souls reincarnate"

"Oh I see" (Robin)

"The only weird thing is why would someone reincarnate you?" (Little Lion)

"I don't know maybe they took pity," Robin told him and as soon as he said that the little lion burst out laughing.

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"You actually believe that those guys, don't do anything that doesn't benefit them but well let's not think about it I'm actually annoyed" the little lion started to puff his cheeks when he said the last part.

"Why are you annoyed" (Robin)

"Well mister smart so-called reincarnated you still haven't given me a name" (Little Lion)

Robin was shocked the little guy was right he totally forgot and after thinking for a while he finally came up with the perfect name.

"I'll call you Cofa meaning son of a dark man is that alright with you" (Robin)

As soon as the name Cofa was spoken the little lion started to jump out of happiness and spoke up with "I like it it sounds so cool"

"Alright from now on you are my little brother Cofa we live and die together," Robin told him with a smile he truly saw Cofa as his family now and the reason why Cofa is the little brother? Well, its simple with the reaction Cofa just gave off Robin realized that it was still a child even if it had some of his ancestors memories.

"Well let's go back to Konoha, Cofa I'm done with this mission" (Robin) 'and team' thought Robin.

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"Yes brother" (Cofa)

A couple of hours later in the Hokage's office, a mad Genma could be seen talking to the Hokage

While Robin just stood there indifferent. The reason for Genma's anger was very simple Robin refused to return to the mission and told him he was leaving his team.

Sarutobi was also getting annoyed with this boy so he spoke up "Robin you will stay in this team and finish the mission I give you" he spoke in a tone that sounded like he owned the world and Robin didn't like it it started to awaken something in him, and he just answered simply with "I don't care"

"What did you say brat he is still your Hokage" (Genma)

"Shut up Genma! tell me Robin why would you ignore your Hokage's orders?" (Sarutobi)

"I will be honest I hate being ordered around even if it's you old foggy I ain't scared of anyone I know you can kill me and you don't hate me or anything your just doing your job but I'm not some slave to this village. I'm also not some hero that wants to save this village.

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I will just protect it when my family is here if they are gone I don't care anymore do you understand me? I also know you want me to marry one of those 2 girls in my team to let me have a bond here but I will still leave. This village is nothing more in my eyes then where my friends are located.

Even if you threaten me like killing my friends you will just end up dead because believe me I will escape and destroy this village so just let me do my thing and I will let you do yours alright?"

What Robin just said was all the truth he could escape anytime now, Cofa had just told him he has the ability to travel in the shadows for a short amount of time and it would hurt him badly at the moment but they could escape with 99% certainty.

Also, he would live through the death of his friends and family the darkness element would force him to do it and, also the thing about marrying was true.

Robin was a genius otherwise Sarutobi would have never accepted the thing about 2 girls in one team he just hoped that he could tie Robin to this village.

Sarutobi had mixed emotions he liked this child but also had his duty as the Hokage and couldn't really give the kid special permission.

But he knew he had to take him seriously because he knew about the darkness element and believed the kid to be able to escape and to let a genius grow that wanted revenge? It was something that could destroy this village.

He never planned to kill his friend tho so he was confused why he would think that.

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Of course what he didn't know was that Robin thought that Sarutobi agreed with some of Danzo's plans but if he knew that wasn't the case Robin would treat him with respect and he would immediately apologize for his behavior.

"Alright I will allow you to leave your team in 6 months" (Sarutobi)

"I guess that will do" (Robin)

Even if Robin didn't want this outcome he wouldn't want to see the anger of the Third Hokage on his friends and family. The only reason that triggered the earlier reaction was the tone of voice it was spoken in.

Every time Robin heard someone taking such a tone of voice he got really annoyed he just didn't know that he was too prideful and inherited part of Lord Darkness himself and, Lord darkness was the absolute apex of pride. He took pride in what he had achieved so if someone would try to control Robin his anger would cloud Robin's mind.

Robin didn't know that he had to learn to control this or it would have a very bad outcome for his family.

'Well Genma-sensei hates me now i guess i wont learn the Flying thunder god technique for a while'

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