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A boy could be seen standing on a corpse while breathing heavenly all over his body were wounds this boy was Robin after his first real battle.

- Flashback to the battle –

While Robin was walking up towards the beast, he released an amazing amount of bloodlust and battle intent he never really knew off, but he could feel something in his body that was just craving for battles. He just wanted to live off that edge of life and death thats one thing some people would never understand.

But he felt it it was his warrior spirit something that never activated in his past life but right now here in this world he knew the rule of the Jungle was in place. Right now there was no fear to be seen on his face only the excitement of fighting someone worthy even if this beast was considered weak in most parts, but for the current Robin, it would be a challenge.

If the beast had any intelligence, he would know to run away right now after all the look Robin showed wasn't normal it was a look of someone that genuinely didn't care if he would die right now fighting. If Hashirama saw this look he would recognize it immediately this was the look Uchiha Madara had while fighting strong opponents.

Robin used the basic body flicker technique to instantly appear in front of the beast and made a horizontal slash to the beast his head. To his surprise, the katana didn't connect.

After all, the creature used his wind element to instantly move out of the way, and Robin could feel it there was a tail coming for his body. He put his finger to his forehead -BODY FLICKER- and was just in time to dodge the tail.

'i promise to train the body flicker a lot more because my speed is way to slow like this' Robin for the first time felt real danger. After all the tail destroyed half a tree in his way if that was his body even coated in the Darkness it would still hurt him a lot.

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Cofa was watching from the side while hoping Robin would create some techniques it didn't even matter if they were original or not just something that would make his Nii-san stronger because right now he knew that Robin was in a disadvantage.

Robin was thinking about what he could do to improve his speed he could feel it the beast in front of him was faster than him by a large margin so he couldn't just trust on his body flicker it took a lot to move so fast and still be able to fight. While thinking the beast appeared in front of him and with his tail scratched his body right now his whole chest laid open this would be a nasty scar that will probably stay forever.

It was quite deep after all Robin started to move around the beast while thinking about what to do while moving he began to enter a state of enlightenment. He didn't even feel the beast that was giving him small wounds all over his body without knowing it he started achieving higher speeds than he had ever before.

In his mind, Robin finally thought of something from his past life there was one god in Greek mythology that moved the fastest, Hermes god of Travel.

Robin imagined the wings on his shoes, and after a couple of attempts he got it right there could be seen an almost invisible wing on one of his boots.

He tried it out, and to his surprise, he could move faster he started fighting back against the beast after several tries he finally landed one solid hit on the head of the animal yet it barely scratched him.

Robin right now was losing a lot of blood it was on a level that was almost life-threatening he was thinking and really wanted to fucking kill himself about how stupid he was. He forgot something he had achieved the minor stages of water and wind so that would mean his Ice release was finally available.

The only thing he could think of was to create some ice on his Katana, so he started to try to sense it and just as he predicted after a while ice began to form on his katana.

It wasn't smooth no it had quite a lot of sharp points to be able to hurt the beast this was a one time attack he could do after all if he missed he could be fucked. The ice had such a strong attack power that if the beast was able to dodge it and his katana would hit something else, it would be stuck probably for ever.

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The beast was using his wind element to appear on all of his sides while attacking him Robin received a lot more little cuts but he knew the creature was just trying to injure him to tire him out and then finish it off with one big swing. Thats what he was waiting for if that finishing move came he would start his attack.

Robin closed his eyes and felt the disturbances in the wind all the while dodging just in time slowly his second wing started to form and when the beast finally decided to finish it and make the big move. Robin dodged just on time he ducked under the tail and side slashed towards the beasts head it was such an unexpected move that the creature couldn't move in time and it hit him, the sharp points entered in his eyes and forehead. The beast tried to fight back but he had no luck he slowly breathed his last breath of air on this world. And like this Robin won his first ever real battle he climbed on top of the beast while trying to get his katana out of the beast.

'So this is how it feels to truly kill' Robin had killed before but never in this fashion he didn't know how he felt, but his emotions were stable after all they were forced to.

While trying to take out the katana it broke Robin looked at it and slowly spoke up 'everything has its expansion date so this was yours my friend thank you for saving my life.'

Like this Robin had his first kill and started his real training to become a seasoned shinobi what he didn't know was that there was one person that was sweating while watching this.

"it's not needed to save my grandson," the man said, and a shadow went away this, of course, was Lord Darkness being overprotective because he didn't want to lose his grandson, so he had called for a saint for back up.

I'm proud of you' (Lord Darkness)

And like this one more year passed Robin had fought a lot more beasts in this time and developed his abilities a lot more.

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List of his current abilities,

Basic Jutsu:

- Body flicker

- Henge

- Shadow Clone

- Substitution

Wind element:

- Hermes shoes

- Sickle weasel technique (Temari's technique but with a Katana lower damage)

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Water element:

- Gunshot

Darkness element:

- Darkness coating (Robin is still scared to use it because of the amount of bad feelings he would experience)

Ice element:

- Ice coating on his sword (like shown in the chapter)

- Ice spear (he can create spears of ice and throw them)

- Small ice field (a field of ice in a 2-meter radius on the ground)

"Cofa its time to return to home"

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