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After a long time walking to Ichiraku Robin finally arrived in his past life he would have walked this in less than 5 minutes, but with this little body he took a whole 35 minutes, and that was already considered very fast for this body. Just as he was about to walk into Ichiraku, he saw the person he was looking for there he stood just finished eating the Copy Ninja Kakashi Hatake, the man that Robin would try to make his father. Kakashi wanted to leave when he felt that something pulled on his clothes and when he looked down he saw the little child standing there. "It's the child I brought with me why is he here?"

Kakashi's feelings towards this child were complicated because he usually would have just never came to visit the child but he decided to go two times the reason?. He didn't truly understand himself only that he wanted to see the child since it had been a long time since he had seen such love in eyes towards him.

"The first time I saw him he gave me the same eyes you would use to look at your father or mother."

"Dadda you" is what Kakashi heard next and for the first time in a long time, he felt something he hadn't felt for a long time, happiness. "This is so annoying acting like a little child and for some reason he truly feels like my father" -USER IS CORRECT GODS HAD DECIDED TO MAKE YOU FEEL CONNECTED TO KAKASHI SO YOU WOULD AT LEAST TRY TO GET AN SLIGHTLY ABOVE AVERAGE TALENT- "hmm so that's it but that's not all when he saved me something in me changed I started to care about him as a child would for a father."

Robin never knew the love of a parent since he was also an orphan in his last life that's also why he hated the orphanage in this life since in his previous life living in there was something he honestly hated and that's also why he didn't care when he was transported into this world he had nothing he genuinely cared about in his last world yes he had friends but nobody truly cared about him. "I'm sorry kid I cant do this" Kakashi suddenly said and left and was nowhere to be seen.

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"I guess he truly doesn't like me" Robin felt pretty down since he had just identified his own feelings and genuinely cared about this man even if he was mentally older than him.

"What is this why would I suddenly care about what happens to a child I barely know" just as Kakashi arrived at his home he started to think and he didn't know why but he felt bad that he left a child there in the evening eventually he decided to get some sleep. While laying in bed he started to think again, "why do I care so much, why does that child show so much love towards me, why does he act like I'm his father, why am I not visiting him more often" all kinds of questions came up, and for the first time in a long time Kakashi honestly didn't know what to do or how he felt.

In a room further away from Kakashi's home the same was happening "why do I care about him, why do I want him to adopt me this isn't only about improving my talent, why does he not like me?" all kinds of questions went on in the head of the 2-year-old Robin he truly didn't know why but he was sad that Kakashi asked so distant towards him. "Well let's find him tomorrow again," and Robin decided to go to sleep.

Next day

"Let's check up on the kid hows he doing" Kakashi decided to pay a visit to the orphanage to see what the kids life was like there, of course, he would not be seen since he is in the ANBU force and when he doesn't want to be seen he can just enter without anyone noticing him.

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An hour later and Kakashi was already watching the kid for a long time "I guess he doesn't have any friends the older kids also avoid him and the caretakers seem to hate him."

Well, what Kakashi said wasn't a lie the caretakers just did the bare minimum to help Robin survive why? Because he wasn't truly a part of the "village" and they have seen him as an outsider it also didn't help that the child only showed goodwill towards that one random ANBU member. While Kakashi was watching Robin, Robin was thinking "how can I get out of here I need to find him" when suddenly someone teleported in front of him.

"Why did you find me yesterday?" this is what Kakashi truly wondered about why was the child at Ichiraku yesterday? "boring here" is what Robin answered he still couldn't talk well since he was only a 2-year-old child and didn't want to bring suspicion towards him that he was a so-called "genius" since in this timeline Root still existed.

"Like you" is what Kakashi heard after that and his heart melted since he was observing the little boy and he knew that the eyes full of love were only used towards him there was no hate or love towards the caretakers just a calm gaze nothing more.

"I guess I can let him live with me, for now, I'm also away most of the time, so I don't have to see him a lot." Is what Kakashi told himself but deep down he knew the truth he liked to be looked at which such sincere love and he had developed a little soft spot for the little boy even if he didn't really realize it himself.

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"Is there a caretaker here?" screamed Kakashi after a while he got a response "who dares to enter this orphanage" said an old lady that seemed quite mad but when she entered the room she got the shock of her life It was a member of the ANBU, and immediately her attitude changed "hmm sorry sir what can I help you with?

"I'm taking this child with me" "b b but sir what do you want to do with this child?" the old lady hesitated since with a child gone from the orphanage it would create a bad reputation for the orphanage. "I'm taking this child to my home he will live there," Kakashi said in a quite annoyed tone of voice immediately the women said "yes sure." She didn't dare to go against an ANBU even if it would create a bad reputation for the orphanage the only reason she asked in the first place was that, she didn't think it through, but when she heard the annoyed voice she was terrified.

"Come with me," Kakashi told Robin in a neutral tone there couldn't be heard any love or hate in the voice just neutral.



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"So he finally decided to get me out of here" Robin has never been this happy before even in his past life he never left the orphanage, so this feeling was indeed something he had never experienced before.


Nothing fascinating happened in the past few days Kakashi just took care of Robin and Robin liked such a comfortable life Kakashi didn't interact much with Robin since he didn't want to get too attached to him, but Robin could feel the subtle love that Kakashi had for him, and it made him truly happy. "I will start training when I turn three years old" is what Robin decided what kind of training would he do? Just taijutsu well he could only train in boxing since that's what the learned in his past life but it would help him when entering the academy. A child could sometimes enter the Academy at 3 years old, but Robin decided that he would try to join it when he was 4 years old and had a basic foundation since he doesn't come from a clan and isn't trained since very young he would need to work hard to not be left in the shadow of everyone else or he wouldn't make Kakashi proud.


It was finally Robin's 3rth birthday, and the only thing he could think about was.

"Let's start training."

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