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"Why would you bless someone after all these millions of years" A red-haired man looking to be around 30-40 years old could be seen standing in something like a big throne room with a blue-haired guy left of him and a brown haired guy to the right of him.

"You know Fire you have some balls to come here in my home demanding an explanation" A man fully clothed in black clothes black hair and eyes that were as black as the night could be seen sitting on a throne while playing with a black cat that layed on his lap the feeling he gave off was scary.

"Don't dodge the question." Said the trio all at once with an annoyed tone of voice.

"Hmm 3 of the highest ranking gods are here the only reason 3 of you are here, and not 1 is because you know I could just kill you easily if you came alone."

the man in black started to get annoyed at these little gods acting all cool in front of him.

The trio calmed down since they finally realized who they were dealing with

"if you killed us our father would kill you," said the blue-haired man, of course, he was Lighting impulsive and fast, but he regretted those words since the atmosphere suddenly turned dark.

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"Your father killing me? You seem to misunderstand you so called high ranking god thinking your better because you have been born in this realm and not killed your way up here huh."

"That bastard called Death doesn't want a war with me, and you think your father would want to kill me just because of killing you? Do you think he would risk his kingdom just for one high ranking god?

The tone that the man in black used was chilling it sends shivers through everyone in the room.

Finally, the brown-haired man decided to speak he is Earth he was calm and collected "Could you just please tell us why you have blessed that child?"

"I have been pretty bored since I'm standing here at the top, and there are no more opponents here I have been killing for millions of years to reach this state and its no fun anymore I only watch anime and sit here waiting for something fun to happen and then that child was born, and I finally have something to watch". He said in a calm, neutral voice

"But why him," asked the trio

"Since he is the same as me seen as a play toy for you guys reincarnated and will have to live with your whims and your enjoyment first I didn't care but his personality is the same as me, and I guess you know what I mean" this time his voice was pure anger and rage

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"yes we are sorry for reincarnating you and playing with you" the trio was sweating since they remembered what they did all those years back.

They had reincarnated this god before them just to play with him fucking up his life.

Letting him lose loved ones and everything for their fun but what they didn't realize is that this guy kept moving forward he kept killing and getting stronger.

Till he eventually became a god and they had long forgotten his identity since they didn't have any fun watching him anymore, but when he had battle strength rivaling them he revealed who he was and the only reason they are still alive till today is that their holy father was stronger than him, but now they were about even they were scared to even slightly annoy this guy because if he wanted to he could kill them and after that still hold his own against their father.

'this will be fun if these 3 are still so stupid to fuck with that boy they would die since his character is even worse than my own if they dare to kill anyone close to him.

Even if it would take 10 million years he would still know it even if their father is stronger than him he would kill them he doesn't care about his own life that's the real reason I chose him its because of that reason he will help me when he reaches this level but even I wouldn't dare to play him for what he can become' these were the thoughts of the man on the throne.

"You all can leave now if you don't want any problems with me leave me alone and let me watch this child," he said icily to them.

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The response from the 3 was filled with respect "Yes lord Darkness". Yes the god that had blessed Robin was the god of assassination the god that lived in the Dark also called God of the Night since even if it was the day if he wanted it to it would be night and dark and in the darkness? he would be able to kill almost any god that stood before him.

'I hope this boy can find out how to use this element in the night and in the dark and shadows he would be unbeatable but in the light its a different story lets hope one of those gods doesn't want to offend me.

And bless him too but even so after years, he would also be able to make the area surrounding him turn to darkness and be unbeatable in there' the man in black was happy for the first time in millions of years he had something to look forward to.

'The boy will most likely become the best assassin in his realm, but when he gets stronger, it is no longer only assassination he would be able to do let's hope he finds the true meaning of this element.'

'huh how much I wished I was blessed with this element from the start' taught the man inwardly yes he wasn't blessed with it like all the other gods.

He didn't have it from birth it was just something he developed after years of being an assassin he started to become one with the darkness till the day came he could make everything dark on his own when that's when he realized he had done something unthinkable he had created an element never seen before even in the realms of the gods.


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"why is the chakra paper turning all dark" Kakashi had just tested Robin's chakra nature after he returned from the academy but he was at an all-time loss this had never happened before the chakra paper turned all dark?

"I guess I got blessed with an element never seen before huh."

Robin realized a lot after the talk with the system so he realized he had just awakened a new element the only thing he hoped was that it would be a strong element.

'Wait it's all dark, so this means I have to become something like an assassin or someone that fights at night' that would be true if he wasn't blessed with other elements because what happened after that shocked Kakashi even more.

The chakra paper became wet, and after that, it split in two "Robin he... he... he... is a person with 3 chakra natures and one that was never seen before."

Robin was also inwardly shocked since he knew a lot of gods didn't like him, so it was weird that he was blessed with 3 chakra natures what he, of course, didn't know. Was that Wind and water didn't have the best relationship with the other 3 high ranking gods and were afraid of offending Lord Darkness with not blessing the boy they both didn't even know they blessed him at the same time.

But Robin realized it even if he had 3 chakra natures that he would learn fast it would still only make him an average genius nothing special he still didn't even exceed 50% of living in the war why? Because he was still only slightly above average in everything else he would still need to work way harder than everyone else to even keep up but if he mastered these elements? He would stand on top of them but how long and how much sweat tears and killing was needed for that? Even the gods wouldn't know.

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