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Where am I?? Why is it so dark in here and cramped?? Oh God it's getting harder to breath I'm gonna die soon if this goes on, I have to get out as soon as possible.

He tried to punch and push hard above his head and sides to get out but to no success then he heard a voice coming towards him, hoping that someone would rescue him.

Then finally the top was open and he was a pink haired kid with a stupid hairdo, wearing whit shirt with blue patterns on his shoulder and a Harry Potter glasses.

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When he saw that he rubbed his eyes because he couldn't believe what he just saw, because the kid in front of him is non other than Coby from one piece.

He could hear the boy asking him a question but he couldn't pay attention to, as a voice in his mind suddenly voiced out.

"Welcome to the world of One piece master.."

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Whaaaatttt!!!!! he almost screamed out!! then he calmed himself and asked the voice

Who are you?? and How did I end up coming to the One piece world???

Pardon me for my rudeness master, I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm am the great genie here to full fill your wishes, and how you end up here is I do not know all I know is that I was sent to assist you and full fill any of your wishes.

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What!!!! A Genie, is this a Aladdin, One piece parody??

Oh I forgot master you'll receive a transformation, as you have been granted the Saiyan bloodline, and I must tell you you'll suffer some pain from it.

Before he could voice out he felt a pain running through his body and couldn't help but scream out scaring Coby shitless as he ran upstairs to inform the others.

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He lay on the ground, his face closed in a grimace, his skin pale and clammy. Every few minutes he would scream, not like one of those guys in some Tarantino movie being tortured, but worse. It had a raw quality, the realness of a person consumed by a pain that knew no end or limit, as the pain was travelling to his brain he lost feeling of his surrounding even when there were people surrounding him holding a sword but too afraid to do anything, as just the sight send shivers to their spines...

Slowly the pain started to reduce as he began to gain control of his body and his surrounding, however he didn't feel pain anymore but on the contrary he felt refreshed and his body brim with energy, he was smiling as the voice told him that he had successfully integrated his Saiyan Bloodline with the devil fruit in this body as he was having a time of his life, a voice interrupted him which shock him and it was Coby's and he was indicating his finger behind him and saying " a t..taai..illll....a tai..l you have a tail??"

He notice there was mirror at the corner of the room as he walked toward it everyone infant made way as they were scared of this unknown guy, but then he stopped as he was shocked as what he was seeing, he was actually Luffy the fucking mc of One piece and what more he has a tail of a Saiyan.

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