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After Circulating the Ki in his body once, Luffy was sweating buckets, his face had gotten pale, as his breathing fasten and he had difficulty talking.

Luffy: "Ha..Ha....haaa..." Wh...wh..yyy i.ttt haaa....rddd ??

Jasmine: Now, don't talk and rest for a bit.

Luffy listened to her, as he rested for a few minutes till his could breath properly.

Jasmine: I guess, you're body isn't strong enough to sustain your ki, and if my calculation is right, with you current capability you only use 1% of that black ki of yours.

Luffy began pondering for a while when he heard that, but then he was woken up by the vice of Jasmine;

Jasmine: What your thinking so hard for?? you know when you think too hard your eyebrows creased into a V shape it's very funny hahahahah.

Luffy touched his eyebrows and noticed that she's right so he coughed a bit and started talking to hid his embarrassment.

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Luffy: Ahemm.. Btw why do I have Black ki??? I've never seen this kind of ki before in dragon ball, this ki feel like death to me and how much is this one percent power?? I do feel slightly stronger than before.

Hearing that Jasmine stopped laughing and got serious

Jasmine: "sigh" I knew you'd ask about that, and to be honest I can not tell you that, at least not yet, all I can say is, it's a very powerful ki, and you using 1% of it in that weak body of ypurs is a miracle, I think you should thank your devil, as it's because of it that your cells is durable enough to withstand that ki.

And after that circulation your physical strength has increased to 150 ME, and if you add the 1% it'll probably add around 1000ME more.

Luffy got excited to hear that he has an even stronger cheat that being a Saiyan and devil fruit, but then the next words of Jasmine, threw cold water all over him.

Jasmine: I know you must be excited, but I suggest you do not use this black ki, unless it is of utmost emergency and also because if people find abut your black ki, you probably wouldn't even know why you died.

Luffy: "gulp" <swallowed a mouthful of air> Whooo aaa...rrree theeyy.

Jasmine: Sorry, you are not strong enough to know them, at least not yet.

Luffy: Now don't be like those cliché novel system!!!.... at least tell me how strong they are??

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Jasmine: "sigh" OKkk... to be able to beat the weakest person of them you'd atleast need to be able to obtain your Super Saiyan God/ super Saiyan RED.

Luffy: whattttt.... that strong!!!!! Are they Gods or something??

<Jasmine POV>

Realising Jasmine spoke too much she kept quite and did not answer.


After getting the shock of his life thing and realising that his black ki is a double edge sword he said.

Luffy: So if I use this black Ki, they'll know about it and come to kill me??

Jasmine still didn't say anything she just nodded at that.

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Luffy: So since I unknowingly used it now, don't they already know about me??

Jasmine: hehehee, you're very lucky to have me!!!

As soon as I realised you possessing this power, I hurriedly cast a barrier around us to prevent this ki from leaking and notifying them of your existance, but before you get overly excited again, my level 1 barrier can't withstand your 1% black ki, so far it can only be used to prevent ki leakage when you meditate.

Luffy: I see....

so at which level would you be able to have a barrier strong enough to prevent any leakage??

Jasmine: I need to be level 3 for that.

Luffy: if I can't use any ki what's the point of having a Saipan bloodline??

Jasmine: well, I could help you learn the normal ki and you could use that for now.

Luffy: what really??? I can use other ki??

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Jasmine: Duhh stupid!!! that black ki is special, and the normal is ki something every mortal posses and since you posses luffy's body and he had his own ki which now belongs to you.

Luffy: wait people of one piece can use ki??

Jasmine: Every being can use ki, however here they focus more on intent and devil fruit so they have forgotten the use of ki, by the ageing of time.

Luffy: So you saying, I can have my crew learn martial arts and ki, thus making then as strong or stronger than characters of Dragon ball as they could utilise ki, intent and devil fruit???

Jasmine: Yes you could, if you want to.

Luffy: Heck yeahhh!!!

Jasmine: But before, you should learn to use your other ki and be cautious not not use Black ki.

Luffy: yes maam!!! said luffy excited

Slowly Luffy began learning ki from Jasmine, as the sun set and the moon rose and then set, and a new sun rose once again in the sky and luffy finally managed to learn Ki.

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