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While Luffy was training with Jasmine, Coby was steering the ship, Nami navigating and Alvida cooking for her beloved in a pot on a small portable stove.

Suddenly a pungent smell close to death, started to flow around the ship, both Nami and Coby noticed this and when they managed to pin point the location of the smell, they had black line over their faces as it was their food, cooked by the one and only Alvida.

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Then Both Nami and Coby backed away, however Alvida noticing this hmphed as she said "The food is not for you, specially you bitch " pointing at Nami" it's for my Husband"

Nami's anger shot through the roof at that comment as few veins started to pop on her forehead, as she took out her 3 section staff, from the crack of her boobs AKA cleavage " AN: Anime logic" while Alvida took out her took out her Baseball bat like Iron spiky mace.

As they started to march toward each other spark began to fly between them.

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Coby, gathered some courage to stop the fight, as he went between them and did a T pose with his both palm facing the girl of the opposing side, but unknown to him that that action could lead him to his death


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Both girls punched Coby to oblivion

Coby flew and almost landed on top of the food alvida cooked, but to some miracle he didn't land on it as he heaved a sigh of relief.

After the Distraction was removed between the girls, they started to fight with each other.

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Nami Swing her staff to the side of Alvida, which was easily dogged buy her as she returned with heavy smash to the other's head with her mace, but unknown to her it was only a bluff as Nami split the staff into 2, in the middle of the swing, and the longer section instead of hitting her side came back quickly to her, as she blocked the heavy smash of Alvida's mace, but Alvida being stronger then her physically, overpowered her easily.

When Nami was about to fall from the pressure, a smirk instead of despair appear on her face which really puzzled Alvida, but then when she realised what happend it was too late, as the hidden hook on the smaller section of Nami's staff stuck on the sleeves of her coat, and as nami fell, and slowly followed by Alvida, who fell right on top of her, and bizarrely ( it is not the author's fault or his desire of any of this happening

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