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Luffy flew to the Marine ship, and landed on it, making all the soldier surprised, since it's not everyday that you see a man flying, getting out of their shock state, they point their gun at him.

The soldiers: Who are you!!!!!

Luffy: No-one, just someone who's passing by, so I thought I'd meet Garp the Hero .

???: How disrespectful!!!

A huge pressure was emitted, causing everyone to fall on their knees, even Luffy was barely able to stand.

???: Ohhhhh!! it's seem, you have gotten slightly stronger, since the last time I saw you, but you're still just a baby.

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With that, the person came and hit luffy's head hard as he yelled "love punch" almost knocking him out and leaving a huge bump on his head.

Luffy: Ouch!!! Jiji!!! You didn't have to hit me like that.

Garp: HAHAHAHA, Brat that's for disrespecting your grandpa!!

Hearing that everyone in the ship was shocked beyond belief, because the boy that came flying was none other than the Grandson of their Vice-Admiral

As Luffy was complaining, he quickly tried to check on garp and also to measure his power, but for some reason he couldn't measure it.

Garp: Brat what you doing here, Are you finally planing on joining the Marines??!!!

Luffy: Nahh!!! I just want to be free for now, don't want to work under someone.

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Garp: Hahahaha, you're free to do anything except for breaking the law or being a pirate.

With the last word "Pirate" Garp put some pressure on it.

Luffy: Chill JIJI, I still haven't decided yet, just wanna be free for n...

Right then, he noticed Garb freaking out, as he was barely managing to say his words with broken English.

Garp: Luffyyyy.. y..ouu...t.aaii..ll

Luffy: Ahh yes!!! Sometime ago, suddenly my body changed, it even made me taller and I got a lot stronger than before.

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Garp was still in shock, so the information from luffy took a while to process and when it did he started laughing.

Garp: Hhahahahahaahh.....Finallyyyyy!!!!

Luffy was confused with Garp's action, so he tried asking.

Luffy: Jiji, you ok?? or you finally gone senile??

Garp: Hahah, brat you have no idea, here come inside I'll tell you a story.

Luffy followed Garp's lead, since from the canon he knew Garp wouldn't harm him, as they went inside Garp's cabin.

Garp's Cabin was very simple but messy, a table with chairs like a usual office but the table didn't have a single paper but bunch of crackers, and far in the corner their was a simple single bed.

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Luffy: Jiji, being a Vice admiral, you don't seem to live like one.

Garp raised him eyebrows slightly then he said.

Garp: Luffy, you seem to have changed, not only in looks but also personality, you seem more calm and mature, while you face has turned more handsome.

Luffy started sweating bullets, so after enough thinking he blamed on his transformation, which unexpectedly Gard believed.

Garp: Luffy what I'm about to tell you, is highly confidential, and it's our family's secret.

Luffy got very interested at that.

Garp: Luffy, our ancestor also had a tail.

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