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As Alvida berserkly swings her mace as she moves toward Coby, coby was sweating buckets and you could see his shirt sticks to his body with all that sweat.

Just when alvida was about to hit coby, luffy easily stretched his hand and stop her mace from hitting coby, Alvida was bewildered as he wasn't able to mover her mace to this the bastard in front of her anymore, then she slowly moved her head and look at the stretched hand and saw that it leads to the handsome man.

Alvida: Boy!! I forgave you for what you said earlier because you're handsome but now you trying to go against me!! And who are you??

Luffy: Me I am MONKEY D LUFFY, Futu... never mind but Alvida.. what coby said was true you really are ugly and if someone does say the contrary it's out of fear, now why not give up the idea of harming Coby and i'll Give you a present.

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Alvida couldn't take this insult any more and was about to lash at luffy, but stopped she she heard what luffy said next.

Luffy: I have a way to make you beautiful, but the. You'd have to be my wife and join my crew.

When everyone heard that they were frozen from the shock and thought he really mustve lost his mind from pain earlier as he wants to marry that monster and worst he said he could make her beautiful at that moment everyone thought impossible, including coby.

Alvida: what nonsense are you spouting monkey boy!! You can't change someone feauture and what more you want me to marry you and join your banner.

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Well, marrying him is not a issue he really is handsome and looking at those openly exposed abs, I can't help but get wet but I still don't believe he can't change my looks!! Thought Alvida

Luffy: Ohhh so you knew you were ugly, huh!!

Alvida twitched at that comment and was about to say something but didn't say anything

Luffy: so what do you say about the deal?

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Alvida: FINE!!! I'm in "sigh"

Luffy: Now don't t be upset, I noticed the look you gave me when you 1st saw me heheheh, now let's go to the captain's cabin, we need some privacy for that.

Alvida blushed as that comment, however everyone got scared as she looked even uglier when she blushed, when luffy saw that he kept telling himself that don't worry luffy as she'd become a sex bomb later!

On his way to the cabin, luffy asked Jasmine, if he can wish for the devil fruit that turned her into sex bomb however jasmine said she atleast need to be level 4 to be able to wish devil fruits.

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Then luffy suggested can you change her appearance and Jasmine simply smiled and nod, and luffy also smiled at that.

When they reached the cabin, he asked Alvida to stand in front of him and close her eyes, she was skeptical at first but closed them anyway.

Luffy then asked how do I make it happen? Jasmine said just think of how you want her to be, I'll read your mind and do it for you, however as it's a difficult wish I'd be depleted after this one wish since I'm only level 1, so I can not help you anymore until tomorrow.

Then luffy started thinking about the sexy Alvida from the anime but then he thought he should add in some bigger boobs and ass to her as she gave of the MILF feeling and then he heard jasmine said it shall be done, then he looked at Alvida and was speechless at what he saw.

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