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After finally letting go of Alvida from his embrace, he told her to stand there as he kept looking around the room to find something.

After a while he came back with some pins, a pair of scissors and a big white cloth, which made Alvida very confused as she didn't know what he's up to.

Luffy: Alvida dear could you bring those clothes to me??

Alvida bought them to his but got very embarrassed when she, he's holding her panties, started sniffing and flusterly said

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Alivda: Whhaaattt... a..Rrr..e yyyo..u

Luffy: Mmmm just smelling my beautiful wife "heheheh"

Alvida got even more flustered, but then she noticed he cut the 2 sides of the panties on the waist, then he went to her and slowly slid half of the panties between her legs, while also smoothly touching her damp pussy, then he bought the other half over and tied to 2 sides with a knot.

Luffy: There, it's better.

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Alvida couldn't help but stay there silently as she was in a Delimma at what to do, for 1 he's her husband and for another she's sooo embarrassed as she's been taken advantage of every second, making her more and more flustered by the sec.

Luffy than took the white cloth and turn over to her back as he get near her, so near that he could feel her heavy breathing, however he just smiled at her and slowly wrapped the cloth around her slim waist and tying it tightly with some pins, making it look like a long skirt.

Then he took her once tight fit shirt, which is very loose now and unbutton the ends of the shirt and rolling it up enough to be able to make a knot above her navel, giving her E size breast more volume and a deep cleavage, where any man would love to dive in for, then he walked backward and got a full view of her.

Luffy: Uhhh mmm, somethings still missing.

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Alvida: What??

Luffy, once again looked around and found her pirate coat and her white hat, and put it on her.

Luffy: Though it is not perfect but will have to do for now.

Alvida: Noo... I love it, it's very beautiful "blush"

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Luffy: NO, it's you who's beautiful, now how about you go to your crew and told them about disbanding the crew and come here quickly and also please bring coby with you.

Alvida: Ok A....NA....TA... "kyaaa!!!" -----> (AN: imagine Hancock)

As alvida ran towards her crew to tell them the news, Luffy was thinking that he'll never get tired of her saying "anata" in such a cute way and also about how he should impress Nami.

If it follows the original story, then after the pirates invade the ship she was on, she'd start her job which is looting "hahahahah", then she'd come here to the captain's Cabin in the Alvida Pirate's ship to steal.

The only way to get close to her is, if I can manage to travel to the next island together with her, as her overly sturbborn personality and hate for pirates, then an idea came to him as he give out a evil grin on his face.

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