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At any rate, there was a need to do something about the attention we were getting. Honestly, since our good looks were the problem, I even considered wounding myself. But if I did that, people around me would be saddened by it. Not just Finia, but Lyell, Maria, Cortina and even Michelle. Moreover, I did not want to scar Finia and Michelle.

“Hey, Cortina. Do you know how to drive away the opposite sex that’s trying to woo you?”
“Huh what? Wait, are you cheating on me…!”

I asked Cortina how to solve my current predicament during our rendezvous. But she seemed to have interpreted my question far too differently. Unfortunately, when I was using Nicole’s form, there were no women that tried to woo me… Wait, actually, there were quite a few of them, huh? But I was rejecting all of them and that was a different problem, but even Michelle and Finia were being very clingy with me, but that’s not counted as cheating, right?

“You should know that I’m not popular… Or well, I realized that was my misunderstanding, but there’s still no one trying to hit on me. How come?”
“How should I know!”

She became instantly sulky and turned her face away. She was probably embarrassed for thinking I was cheating, but she looked cute even like that. We were currently sitting in a cafe separated from Raum’s main streets. We weren’t inside the store but outside of it, enjoying an open atmosphere. We were away from the main street to avoid the cloud of dust caused by carriages and horses moving about.

“No I mean, someone I know on the other side has that problem.”
“The other side? Now that you mentioned it, you were currently in the United Nations of the North, right?”
“Y-Yeah… You could say that.”

To be accurate, I was in Stollar which was right before it, but there wasn’t much difference in the distance so I didn’t have to correct her. She believed my words blindly, though, which hurt my conscience a bit. She normally never believed another person’s words blindly, but the Six Heroes were exceptions for her. I hated myself for betraying her trust with my lie. That said, I couldn’t just tell her everything.

“There’s Lyell’s daughter, Nicole, nearby there. You haven’t met her yet, right?”

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I mean, I’m meeting her every day. In the mirror.

“The earlier talk reminded me of it, but she’s actually really pretty. She’s probably troubled by it too. Would you mind lending her a hand?”
“I-If the opportunity arises.”
“So… You were asking about how to drive away the opposite sex, right? In my experience, they would be disillusioned and go away if you show them a very slovenly side of you.”

Since she called it an experience, does that mean she did it too? She certainly acted very slovenly at home, but that contrast with her usual tidy appearance made her even more charming.

Besides, if I showed a slovenly side… I feel like they would be overjoyed instead. If I opened up my chest button and displayed my valley, then rolled up my skirt up to my thighs, I could see some Adventurers dying from joy.

“Hmm… Unfortunately, that will have a low effect.”
“Really? I suppose men and women have their differences.”
“No I mean, if I saw you acting slovenly, I’m confident I would push you down then and there.”
“W-wait, stop! Consider where we are…”

She waved her hands in a fluster with a flushed face. I looked around but all the other couples were conversing about similar things, and no one was staring at us. No, well, we were being observed. Cortina was a hero whose name had spread far and wide, after all.

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She was now drinking tea with a shady man, so of course they would. Problem was that the shady man was me. There was a man with a dangerous aura talking with the Strategist Cortina.

Drinking tea with this combination would make people think we were planning something. Hence, no one was approaching us. The only people approaching me were kids who couldn’t read the mood.

“No, wait…”

No one was near us now. Cortina was, needless to say, a beauty. It wasn’t well known publicly that we were going out. In which case, it wouldn’t be weird for a crowd to form around her. In fact, there was often a crowd near her in the academy. And yet, there was no one nearby now. That was due to the dangerous aura I was releasing from next to her.


“In other words, if you look displeased, will people stop approaching?”
“Oh, I may have acted displeased back then too.”
“Looks like there are no problems then. Okay, I’ll go with this.”
“Don’t do that yourself, okay? You’re already threatening enough for the people around.”
“R-Right. I’ll be careful.”

After that, we spent a sweet time that made even me embarrassed, and then I regretfully parted with her and headed to Maxwell. I was limited in time and had to meet Finia with this form too.

“Well then, until later.”
“Yeah, see you in a month.”

I headed to Maxwell’s mansion after we exchanged a light kiss. Inside, Maxwell was already waiting for me with a big grin on his face.

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“What is it?”
“Oh nothing, I was merely thinking that I would rather you not do something so improper at my door when there are witnesses.”
“You saw that?”
“I had my familiar station outside. I did not know when you would come.”
“S̲h̲i̲t̲, you and that damn nature of yours.”
“I was born with it, so please do forgive me.”

It was clear as day that he was just harassing me. But I had no way of winning against him in these situations no matter how I fought back.

“That aside, how’s the situation on your side?”

I had some things to ask him. One of them was about the corrupted nobles, and another about Michelle’s parents.

“Hmm, that will take some more time. I do understand you wanting to return to Raum, but I do not recommend it.”
“I see… What about Michelle’s parents?“
“They are living in good health so far. Cortina is also paying attention to them so no one will carelessly touch them. That and your assassination is also showing effect.”
“So taking Lichtenberg’s head wasn’t for naught, in the end.”
“Yes, it has proven to be threatening enough. Having said that, if their prey returns before their eyes, they will probably still act up.”
“So they’ll just get stimulated if Michelle returns now?”

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“That would be the case. It would be better to take some more time.”

I now understood the situation here, but I felt sad for Michelle at this rate. I consulted Maxwell about it and he responded while brushing his beard.


“I see, so she is lonely, after all. Then there is no helping it.”
“You have a solution?”
“If Michelle cannot come here, we can just bring her parents over, right? I shall take them to Stolla myself.”

True, he should be able to do that easily. But he also offered one more solution.

“Also, it is already a good time for you to learn Teleport yourself. I shall teach you if you wish?”
“Ohh, so I’ve reached that level already?”
“I said ‘good time’ but mastering this spell at the age of 15 is already only something a genius can do, you understand?”

The Teleport spell was the advanced spell of the interference system that interfered with the user’s coordinates and moved them. I suppose it was true that I should be able to use it now after this much experience.

But as Maxwell said, it normally took several decades to learn this spell. I couldn’t help but say this was due to my Gift. I had to thank that white God for this. Like this, I decided to learn a new spell before I returned.

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